Pitchrate Expert | Dekesha Williams

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Dekesha Williams

Category of Expertise:

Business & Finance, Business Performance, Personal/Business Coaching



User Type:

Dee Williams manages more than fabulous footwear, as owner and Business Strategist of Vizions Enterprises. Armed with a mission to “edify others by way of inspiration, motivation and education”, Dee’s commitment to leading her clients towards success stems from an ability to persevere towards business ownership.

Dee began her entrepreneurial journey during her college days at Old Dominion University, where she learned skills necessary to become a retail store buyer. Dee’s trust in God gave her the courage to use her talent for purchasing in order to become her own boss as owner of Sassy Shoe Gallery, a division of Vizions. Dee feels shoes are a “sole” source of self-esteem and she has decided to expand on this through business consulting, another company formed under the Vizions umbrella.

Today, Dee leverages over 15 years of experience to provide an expert’s point-of-view when it comes to the strategic leveraging of entrepreneurs. This includes spearheading solutions which increase profitability. implementing S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) goals, brand development and more. Dee has written articles geared towards the small business community, including, “Dreamers Can Be Achievers” and 5 steps to help launch a business and/or accomplish goals.


dee, business, towards, vizions

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