Pitchrate Expert | Brooke Markevicius

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Brooke Markevicius

Category of Expertise:

Authors, Book Writing & Publishing , Business & Finance, Business Performance, Communication, Family, Parenting, Personal/Business Coaching, Public Relations



User Type:

Brooke Markevicius is the Founder & CEO of Allobee, a managed marketplace, that is a one-stop business solution for small business owners and startups. She is a technical founder that took her tech skills and experience as a freelancer and business owner and merged them into her idea for Allobee. When not working, you can find her curled up reading a book, playing outside with her 2 young kids, or writing her book.


Future of Work, Remote Work, Small Business, Entrepreneur, CEO, Tech Founder, Podcast, Grow Your Business, Freelancing, Training, Mompreneur

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