Pitchrate | Monsanto Won! Game Over, Give UP!

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Lorna Levy

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07/01/2013 12:45am
Monsanto Won! Game Over, Give UP!

Angelina Jolie cut off both her breasts so she doesn't get cancer. When I heard the news, my first thought was that the Medical Industrial Complex has won! And that includes Monsanto and GMO foods - a.k.a frankenfoods -and the FDA and Big Pharma. Then I started hearing women interviews say, "She's my hero - she is so strong - she is such a role model." I had to look around for somebody to scream at. Are they F'ing crazy??? We now think it's OK to CUT OFF PARTS OF OUR BODY IN ORDER TO STAY HEALTHY?! Is this sick or what?? This is not OK! Particularly for women who have been discriminated against and subjugated since history began. Can you imagine a man cutting off his favorite part so as not to get ill? Of course not! Such an absurd idea wouldn't even be considered. Let's remember that all these companies named above are run by men. Women have more fat tissue than men - we carry these toxins in our fat and are more susceptible to their poisons than they are. But that's another rant for another time.

Where we used to drug ourselves into illness with physician prescribed meds that slowly erode our organs and kill us while temporarily suppressing our symptoms, now we just cut the part off. I've been saying for years that all these "wars on whatever illness" don't work. You can't put all your attention on a thing and expect it to go away. It defies the laws of nature. It defies the laws of nature, folks!

When I teach law of attraction, I counsel my clients to be careful about the messages they accept into their consciousness. One of my clients wanted to do a Walk for the Cure. My advice to her was that she will be surrounded by folks focusing on disease, telling their sad stories, and in constant discussion about being a person with a disease. Did she really want to be immersed in that environment? Those "walks" come with all kinds of unconscious messages. There is also the implication that you can walk to be healthy but you are going to end up sick anyway. There is the confusing message of fun being tied with tragic illness. There is the mixed message that to be a strong and capable woman, you have to have overcome some big adversity - like cancer. And there is the despairing "hope" for a cure that never comes. I told her there are many, many ways to help in more positive, more energetically supportive ways.

Have we eradicated ANY illnesses lately with all our expensive, sophisticated, 'controlled - by - the - self-proclaimed - experts' medicine? Other than vaccines, which bring their own problems later, and other than bacterial borne illnesses, which, we all know, if you kill too many they come back with a vengeance as unkillable super bacteria; have we really eradicated any disease lately? Think about that for a minute. The vast amounts of dollars raised by the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association haven't cured ANYTHING yet! Isn't there something wrong with this picture? And let's all realize that neither those charities or any other are focused on putting themselves, with their high salaries, out of business. They talk about "Breast Cancer Awareness;" they don't talk about a breast cancer cure. Their aim is always to "treat," "manage," or "control" the disease. Yo, folks, what happened to finding a CURE???

Yet there is a vast body of literature that discusses cures for cancer. And because these cures are mostly natural, herbal and based on real foods, no one is motivated to run expensive, government-approved studies. The literature is mostly anecdotal - which only means that no one has had the multiple millions of dollars to do double blind tests on natural plants and foods. And also implies that the stories cannot be trusted. Which is patently untrue. Those who know they work just quietly keep taking care of themselves. They don't need government approval.

To name just a few cures that have worked for many people for many years in cultures other than ours: O. Carl Simonton got remarkable results using visualization in curing cancer. The literature on Essiac is voluminous, as well as


law of attraction gps, lorna sophia levy, law of attraction, illnesses
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