Pitchrate | Not Just Jesus: Other Virgin Births

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Lorna Levy

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12/28/2013 07:01am
Not Just Jesus: Other Virgin Births

A lot of us like to think that the Bible is the original, absolute, inviolate word of God. But that comes into question when we realize that many of the biblical stories occur in other, older religions.

According to academia, there are at least 32 stories of other virgin births in ancient cultures of bygone eras. The legends of the surrounding pagan cultures were so influential in the first century that the Early Church was forced to imitate and incorporate them to have their 'new' Christian religion accepted.

What does this have to do with law of attraction? Any time we can stretch our minds about what we think is the 'truth', we expand our allowing and our beliefs in possibilities. It makes using law of attraction easier when we know how malleable our beliefs are; how flexible our rituals, and even how ancient and diverse are our gods.

Here are just a few of the parallels between Horus, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus and 27 more (and this is a long article)


The Legend of Horus is one of the most ancient myths in Egypt, and it was central to the ancient Egyptian state religion. He was worshipped three thousand years before Jesus and his worship lasted into the common era. The followers of Horus invaded Egypt in pre-dynastic history (before 3000 B.C.E.).

He is often shown as an infant cradled by his mother Isis. He avenged his father's murder, and became recognized as the God of civil order and justice.

Both were conceived of a virgin.

1. Both were the "only begotten son" of a god (either Osiris or Yahweh)

2. Horus's mother was Meri, Jesus's mother was Mary.

3. Horus's foster father was called Jo-Seph, and Jesus's foster father was Joseph.

4. Both foster fathers were of royal descent.

5. Both were born in a cave (although sometimes Jesus is said to have been born in a stable).

6. Both had their coming announced to their mother by an angel.

7. Horus; birth was heralded by the star Sirius (the morning star). Jesus had his birth heralded by a star in the East (the sun rises in the East).

8. Ancient Egyptians celebrated the birth of Horus on December 21 (the Winter Solstice). Modern Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25.

9. Both births were announced by angels (this is not the same as number 7).

10. Both had shepherds witnessing the birth.

11. Horus was visited at birth by "three solar deities" and Jesus was visited by "three wise men".

12. After the birth of Horus, Herut tried to have Horus murdered. After the birth of Jesus, Herod tried to have Jesus murdered.

13. To hide from Herut, the god That tells Isis, "Come, thou goddess Isis, hide thyself with thy child." To hide from Herod, an angel tells Joseph to "arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt."

14. When Horus came of age, he had a special ritual where hsi eye was restored. When Jesus (and other Jews) come of age, they have a special ritual called a Bar Mitzvah.

15. Both Horus and Jesus were 12 at this coming-of-age ritual.

16. Neither have any official recorded life histories between the ages of 12 and 30.

17. Horus was baptized in the river Eridanus. Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan.

18. Both were baptized at age 30.

19. Horus was baptized by Anup the Baptizer. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

20. Both Anup and John were later beheaded.

21. Horus was taken from the desert of Amenta up a high mountain to be tempted by his arch-rival Set. Jesus was taken from the desert in Palestine up a high mountain to be tempted by his arch-rival Satan.

22. Both Horus and Jesus successfully resist this temptation.

23. Both have 12 disciples.

24. Both walked on water, cast out demons, healed the sick, and restored sight to the blind.

25. Horus "stilled the sea by his power." Jesus commanded the sea to be still by saying, "Peace, be still."

26. Horus raised his dead father (Osiris) from the grave. Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave. (Note the similarity in names when you say them out loud. Further, Osiris was also known as Asar, wh


lorna sophia levy, law of attraction gps, law of attraction, spirituality, virgin births
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