Pitchrate | 12 Tips for Internet Marketing Newbies

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Ashly Lorenzana

Ashly Lorenzana (born 1987) is a female sex worker, freelance writer and author of the autobiographical memoir titled Sex, Drugs & Being an Escort. Lorenzana currently resides in Portland, Oregon where she was born.

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11/21/2013 03:05am
12 Tips for Internet Marketing Newbies

So if you've spent any amount of time trolling around places like the Warrior Forum, you'll probably agree that there is a lot of misinformation floating around out there on the web. There are also tons of scams, shady practices and unethical people who are peddling crap and some of them manage to make a good chunk of change by doing so.

When I first set out to explore how to make money online (an exciting and new concept that I was overly enthusiastic about), I was pretty much on my own. I knew next to nothing about any one single method and I had zero experience.

I didn't have any friends in the business or inside connections to let me in on any secrets or give me any mentoring, though that would have been awesome if I had.

My advice is to generally not take anyone else's advice as golden. That is to say, everyone will have a different experience with a certain piece of advice so just bear in mind that nothing is set in stone by any means. Your mileage may vary online, just as it may with anything else.

That being said, here are my own top 12 rules of internet marketing for those just starting out.

Each Success Story is Unique

One person's success is not an indicator of what you can expect your own to turn out like. If your success is similar to someone else's, it is rarely because they let you in on some secret.

Nothing is Easy

Ignore people who try to tell you that making money online is easy and that you don't need any skills, website, products or brains. You need all of these things and a lot more.

If It Sounds Too Good to be True...

If something sounds too good to be true, then it definitely is and you should proceed with extreme caution.

Each Niche Demands Experience

Every niche is hard to break out into because each one demands specific knowledge and requires certain skills in order to succeed. You can't fake this and you can't pick up on all of it overnight either. Prepare to put in some time and get ready to learn a lot.

Alternatively, you can opt for creating your own niche rather than going with one that has already been saturated.

Product Creation is Not Selling

Even if you make really good stuff, selling it will be no less difficult.

Your Stuff Isn't as Good as You Think

Just because you think your stuff is really good does not mean it is. In reality, it probably needs a lot of work still.

Only Claim Success You've Actually Had

Never claim any success until you've actually had any. You'll just look like an ass and it will come back to bite you later when it all comes out.

Niche Selection is Tough

It's normal to be overwhelmed and unsure of which direction you want to go when you start out. It's like picking a major to study in college. You think you know one day, and six months later you are set on something totally different. This is all a normal process and there isn't much you can do about it other than hang on for the ride and do what you are best at, whatever that is and whichever direction it leads you in.

Starting With Nothing is Fine

If you have no money to invest upfront, that's fine. Just be prepared to make up for it in hard work and you should be fine. Eventually it will pay off.

Your Passion is Your Profit

Find something you're passionate about and run with it. Even if it doesn't make you tons of money. You'll be richer than most people you've ever met if you can find a true passion and make even a modest living from it.

The Elite Rarely Troll Forums

Keep in mind that anyone who is making millions online will probably not be found promoting in forums. In fact, if they have any forum presence at all, it's likely handled by someone else on their behalf.

Don't be a Show Off

It is often those who like showing off the most, who actually have the least to show off.


internet marketing, beginner, making money online
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