05/08/2014 08:13pm
"Life just doesn't hand you things. You have to get out there and make things happen; that's the exciting part!"-
Emeril LagasseA PR strategy is contingent on approaching objectives differently from the norm. A simple press release is not going to catapult you into success. Coupling that press release with a roll-out strategy across five different platforms, with timing contingent on audience reach? Now you are talking! And that is where a true PR professional will truly shine!
You've have written an incredible book, don't you owe it to yourself and the world to give your book the best possible shot to be heard?
Q: Yes! How do I do This?
A: Find PR professionals who share your passion and excitement, and they will stop at nothing to make the world love you, your book, and your brand!
Why be just 'LIKED' when you can be 'LOVED'?:
"You want people,to want others, to be so excited about your book that they don't just 'LIKE' you-- they 'LOVE' you! And they 'LOVE' you so much that they can't wait to share what you have written with the world!"
-Michelle Colon-Johnson Q: How do I turn LIKE into LOVE?
A: Kick it up a notch! Rock the day with Passion and Excitement, throw some
Magical Publicity into the mix and as Emeril Lagasse says,"BAM!".
Your Magical Plan: Show the world your BAM!