Pitchrate | Escape to Happiness Island

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Genny Jones

I am Genny Jones The Confidence Queen and I have helped many children as well as adults with confidence issues as well as bringing a lot of fun and laughter into my workshops. After my divorce seven yeas ago, at around the same time, I was made redundant, my house was due to be repossessed, I had...

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Personal Finance


Confident Queen

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09/24/2011 05:43pm
Escape to Happiness Island

A few weeks ago, I was feeling really down as I was experiencing a major financial challenge and had to raise a certain amount of money within 2 weeks. Initially I cried, got stressed as I could not see anyway this could happen.

After much thought, I decided to be more positive use all the information I had read about the law of attraction, how to manifest things, use of affirmations and visualisation. My friend had also given me a book called “You already have it” – I read the book within a day as I am also a speed reader. As I sat down quietly, somehow I came with the idea of Happy Island

What is Happy Island
To me, happy island is a place I can escape to using my imagination and experience things that I want to in my life. Happy Island allows me to experience a life of limitless possibilities. So I now invite you to take an adventure in your own happy Island.

Step 1
Find somewhere quiet where you can clear your mind.

Step 2
Imagine your own Happy Island, what it would look like etc . Your Island has everything that you need and you need to spend some time on developing this.

Step 3
Focus your mind on God or whoever you see as your source of help. You then have to believe that all you need in all areas of your life has been provided and that you deserve good things to happen to you.

Step 4
Be specific and focus on just one particular goal that you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it. Then , trust, focus and expect your goal to become a reality

Step 5
Imagine now that you have achieved your goal and just spend time enjoying how you would feel, what you are doing etc! Really enjoy yourself.

Step 6
Now spend time being thankful to God or the Universe or whoever you feel has helped you to achieve this particular goal.

Step 7
Imagine you are now leaving happy Island happy, and as you leave you take one of my Gift of Confidence Box for in it you have:

Confidence Pledge – For you to pledge that you will devote time to develop your confidence level

Small mirror – to remind you that you are unique and special, an original and not a copy

Smiley face – to remind you to smile everyday

Affirmations – 7 affirmations that you can read and meditate on each day

Eraser – to remind you that we at times make mistake which we can rob out, learn from it and move on

Minature Trophy – to remind you that you are a champion, and that you will be celebrating your successes.

Happiness certificate – to remind you to spread the Happiness bug around

Step 8
As you get back to the real world, do the things you know you have to do to achieve your goal.

Step 9

Try and get someone who you will be accountable to and will help you to continue to encourage and support you.

Hope you have enjoyed this, please give me feedback.


happiness, laughter fun. meditation
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