Pitchrate | How Does Transformational Coaching (Tcm) Differ From Traditional Therapy

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Debra Bartz

Debra A. Bartz, M.S., AADP Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Master Transformational Life Coach and Hormone Trained Specialist. Transforming lives from nutritionally deprived into a body bursting with energy and believing that there is a purpose for each one of us to make a differ...

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02/15/2015 08:03pm
How Does Transformational Coaching (Tcm) Differ From Traditional Therapy

Traditional therapy is about working with a patient to overcome the past. Transformational Coaching Method (TCM) Life Coaching is about co-creating a working plan with a client in their present state to look towards a greater and more desirable future. While traditional therapy asks the question why, TCM asks the question HOW, WHAT AND WHAT IF.
In Therapy, WHY questions gets reasons and is not results driven. Therapy discussions talk about content rather than the process to improve on their present situations. While in therapy, the therapist works with a person's PAST and traumatic events therein, and seeks healing of those events. Therapists also diagnose mental ILLNESSES and attempts to deal with identifiable conditions. With the Doctor-Patient relationship where the DOCTOR has the solution and the conversation encourages the patient to TALK about things to resolve old pain and symptoms to get rid of them by fixing the patient by fixing the past. Therapists rely on studies and manuals to DIAGNOSE pathology. The progress is often SLOW where the therapist WON'T TALK about him/herself during the session where there is a diagnosis and then PRESCRIBES a path to healing.
On the other hand, Transformational Coaching is interested in a person's PRESENT and works to help them in creating a compelling FUTURE. There is an assumption that the client is HEALTHY (not broken) and presupposes that people work perfectly to produce the results they are getting, even if the results are not desirable. If a person does not like the results they are getting, TCM provides tools to help them get the results they desire. This partnership of equals where the coach encourages the client to find his/her OWN solutions which are already in their life or on their map (but perhaps unnoticed).
Assisting the client to discover the PROCESS by which s/he prevents the achievement of goals and objects and learn new ways of thinking. Whereas traditional therapy focuses on fixing the past, TCM coaching teaches that understanding the past as a framework for the present and creating a more compelling FUTURE. Coaching this way is a model of LEARNING and potentially which focuses on the future and its achievable goals and outcomes. When appropriate, the coach SHARES her experience which is vital to learning and changes are FAST and FUN. TCM Coaching aligns mentally with the client and they CO-CREATE the solution. The client is responsible for the outcomes and always has control over his/her results.

Debra A. Bartz, M.S., AADP Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Master Transformational Life Coach and Hormone Trained Specialist. Transforming lives from nutritionally deprived into a body bursting with energy and believing that there is a purpose for each one of us to make a difference in our lives and others. Transform your stressed, tired and worn out body parts to those of a twenty year old. Please go towww.learnconquersoarcoaching.com and sign up for more blogs and newsletters. After signing up, you will receive a free gift towards your better life!


Patient, Client, How, what, what if, present, future, Learn Conquer Soar Coaching, Debra Bartz, coaching, client, therapy, trans, tcm, past, future, present, patient, life, fixing, coach, person, traditional, ational, creating
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