Pitchrate | 10 Small Steps That Make a Big Difference

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Ursula Jorch

Ursula Jorch is a speaker, business coach and consultant who helps entrepreneurs grow a successful business that makes a difference in the world. A 21-year successful entrepreneur herself, Ursula helps you define the difference you want to make in the world and develop strategy and marketing so you ...

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03/16/2018 12:14pm
10 Small Steps That Make a Big Difference

In your business, it can seem like big decisions are all-important. In truth, it’s the small things that can trip you up. And it’s the small things that add up to create big change and enormous benefits.

Like money invested over time, small steps have a compound effect. Your choice to take small steps that benefit you, your business, and your impact really do shape your destiny.

Here are 10 small things you can do that will make a big difference in your business:

1. Thank people. Your team, clients, suppliers, family, friends. When they do something you’re grateful for, let them know it. Who can you speak with, call, or email today with a thank you?

2. Like your own social media posts. Add to the likelihood your post will be seen by adding your own thumbs up to every post. It all adds up (that compound effect!). Like your next post and make it a habit.

3. Pay attention to your money. Track what happens to your money in your business, coming in and going out. Even if it feels like the knowledge might scare you, that ongoing awareness has a calming effect. You’ll make better decisions.

4. Caption your videos. Over 80% of videos on Facebook are viewed with the sound off! Reach your audience with written words on the screen – add captions. This is a DIY you can do in Facebook or YouTube, or you can pay a service (Rev.com is a good one). Do you have a video important for your business online right now? Spend 15 minutes adding captions.

5. Learn something new. Read a book or an article, watch a video, or take a class. Spend a few minutes every day learning, so you expand your perspective and recognize new possibilities.

6. Release excuses, take responsibility. When you give someone or something else the blame, you’re also handing over your power. You can’t change what’s not yours. Where are you according blame? Take fully responsibility and see how the situation shifts.

7. Go above and beyond. What’s one way you can do a little extra today to benefit someone important to you – a client, a family member? When you exceed your own expectations, do that extra bit for someone you value, you’ll enhance that relationship, as well as the one you have with yourself.

8. Choose connections that truly support you. Who in your circle of connection inspires you to be your best self? Who has a negative effect on you? Decide to spend more time with those who really benefit you. Schedule a time with one of those people today.

9. Start a new habit. So much of what we do is automatic. We don’t even realize it. When you consciously choose to cultivate a habit that benefits you and your business, you’re taking a small step to create positive behavior. What new habit do you want to create?

10. Remember your intended impact. One beneficial habit is to remember your intended impact. Before a meeting, a phone call, before you begin your day, remind yourself of the impact you want to have. What do you want to contribute?

With these small, smart things done consistently over time, you can make a big difference in your business. The effect of what you choose to do, how you choose to show up, ripples out. You’ll multiply your success, one small step at a time.

With small things, you can have impact.

Ursula Jorch is a speaker, business coach and consultant who helps entrepreneurs grow a successful business that makes a difference in the world. A 21-year successful entrepreneur herself, Ursula helps you define the difference you want to make in the world and develop strategy and marketing so you have ever-expanding impact.

Find Ursula on her podcast, Work Alchemy: The Impact Interviews where she interviews impactful entrepreneurs and leaders like Seth Godin and Marianne Williamson, and at WorkAlchemy.com for free resources for you and your business.

This article was originally published at https://www.workalchemy.com/compound-effectand has been syndicated with permission.


Consistent action, compound effect , business, effect, impact, habit, things, difference, compound, workalchemy, new, spend, ursula, someone, own, money, benefit, important, create, post
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