Pitchrate | Spiritual Malpractice

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Sherri Carter

Sherri Carter, MS, Supervising Editor for AllThingsHealing.com, believes strongly in the power of Universal Principles. She is the leading expert for the Universal Law of Action. Her best-selling book, Live Your Intentions, The Power of Action, focuses on empowering people to actively create the liv...

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07/12/2011 12:59pm
Spiritual Malpractice

Spiritual malpractice is a concept I heard one morning in church. I can’t even remember exactly what Rev. Sue Baggett Spears said about it, but the idea left a lasting impression, and many hours of pondering. It refers to the idea of something sounding spiritual, offering spiritual advice that in fact, doesn’t uplift but rather diminishes a person. While I do love many aspects of The Law of Attraction, this beautiful universal truth has been misused in ways which do not inspire, uplift, comfort or nurture and rather, comes across as blaming the victim (not that I support the idea of victim, but the phrase conveys the idea of not supporting someone who is in pain). It is one of those things that just absolutely sets me off when I hear someone tell another who is in deep pain and grief “well, you must have wanted that experience, you created this, you attracted this to you”. I feel it is the highest form of spiritual malpractice there is. A person in pain needs compassion, empathy, support and nurturing and those statements are absolutely none of those things.

Here are other forms of spiritual malpractice.

Attracting bad things

If you think bad thoughts, then you will attract bad things and if bad things happened then you must have thought bad thoughts. Now, yes, absolutely there are times when we make bad choices and we get to deal with the results. But does that mean that every bad thing which happens is a result of thinking a bad thought? NO! Life happens. Even Jesus cried, got angry and felt forsaken. I am not responsible for what others do or how they show up. I am responsible for what I do and how I show up. Being spiritual doesn’t make me immune to life, but rather, it gives me a foundation from which to stand when less than desirable circumstances, people, and situations arise.

I’m waiting to attract what I need to live my life

I do not support the idea of waiting for someone or something outside of myself, or yourself, being your Source. What I do support is you connecting to the Divine within, becoming your own Source, connected to the Greater Source of all, to live an empowered life. Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith says, “Do you press the “pause” button – the “until” button in life by saying “I can’t be happy until…”? All this accomplishes is a delay in your entry into your innate state of happiness, which is independent of outer circumstances. So press the “play” button and rejoice in the nowness of the moment!” You don’t have to wait until some magical moment to begin living your dreams, every moment is magical and you can live what you desire right now!

Ignoring “bad/negative” things/emotions

First, you need to decide it’s either all God, or it isn’t. If it’s all God, all good, then how can there be negative things which need to be ignored? Are we always in the space of Godness and goodness? No. I like to think of it as God showing up to match us where we are, to remind us of the truth of who we are. If we ignore what we have determined to be “bad” or “negative”, then we are missing an opportunity to discover the truth of ourselves, the truth of God. Instead of ignoring pieces of self, or situations, ask yourself “what is my Spirit needing right now?” Breath into that question and honor what comes up for you. Don’t stop at just the first thing which comes up. Spend time with that question, going deeper with every breath. Listen to what your Spirit needs and then follow through with that self nourishment.

Spiritual lives include instant manifestation

Spiritual lives DO include instant manifestation, however, we are in physical bodies! Part of this human experience is receiving the “ego”. While many lament this condition of the human spirit, I celebrate it! It gives me great joy, excitement, fun, wonder; it’s my “let’s party” inner voice! That doesn’t mean I give into every whim, and that is also part of the human experience, balancing out what our ego wants with practical life. I’


spirituality, the law of attraction, the law of action, unviversal laws
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