Pitchrate | A New Use for the Emotional Scale

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Sherri Carter

Sherri Carter, MS, Supervising Editor for AllThingsHealing.com, believes strongly in the power of Universal Principles. She is the leading expert for the Universal Law of Action. Her best-selling book, Live Your Intentions, The Power of Action, focuses on empowering people to actively create the liv...

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01/10/2012 12:55pm
A New Use for the Emotional Scale

A New Use for The Emotional Scale

The Emotional Scale, introduced in the Esther Hicks book, Ask and It Is Given, is a tool in creating awareness and personal empowerment. Abraham, through Esther, says “the key to regaining your wonderful feeling of personal empowerment and control is to decide, right now, no matter how good or bad you are feeling, that you are going to do your best to make the best of it. Reach for the best-feeling thought that you have access to right now, and as you do that again and again in a short period of time you will find yourself in a very good-feeling place. That’s just the way it works!”

I, as many counselors, have used this scale in my professional practice. I found it to be helpful for clients to have a visual of where they are and where they would like to be. I have come to realize I really short changed both my own personal work and the work of clients by using it the way it was first introduced to me, and in fact, the way Abraham prescribes its use. As with most of the teachings of The Law of Attraction, I find there needs to be adjustments between what they actually say (which I really do like most of what they have to say) and with what people teach/do with these principles. The way this scale was introduced was to first, figure out where you are on the scale, and then by using thoughts, think about experiences or feelings with will move you up the scale until you reach a level which feels better. However, this is very limiting. Never, with the Law of Attraction, is it suggested you look into the deeper issues surrounding the what or the why; why are you feeling this way? What is it you truly need? By utilizing the Law of Action with the emotional scale, these questions are answered, not ignored. This, asking and answering, is more honoring of where you are and helps you to create lasting change.

Let’s first look at the emotional scale.

The Emotional Scale:
Joy- knowledge, empowerment, freedom, love, appreciation
Enthusiasm-eagerness, happiness
Positive Expectation belief
Insecurity-guilt, unworthiness
Fear-Grief, Powerlessness, despair, depression

Next, the different approaches to utilizing this scale.

With the Law of Attraction
Find where you are, think yourself up the scale to better feelings.

With the Law of Action-
1) Find where you are on the scale.
2) Uncover the Truth as to why you are where you are. Go deeper into why you are having those feelings. Ask the questions: “What is it my Spirit needs in this situation? What is my truth, the truth I want to live? Who do I want to be in this situation? Why am I really feeling this- beyond the surface of the situation- what is this touching on within myself?” Spend time with each of those questions, going beyond just the first reaction, really honoring what it is your Spirit needs, to recognize the truth you need, discovering a deeper hurt needing healed.
3) Follow through with that self-care and Spirit nourishment. Develop nurturing and healing strategies.

A present issue causing a strong, negative emotional response and attachment can actually be an emotional reminder of a deeper, past hurtful time. This is where you will find those underlying limiting beliefs, keeping you in the loop of creating the same unwanted desires over and over, time and time again. Instead of ignoring the current or past circumstance, finally say NO MORE! No more ignoring and denying. Be ready to finally be free from the pain/frustration/anger/depression/blame/guilt/etc. Instead of just trying to think yourself better, choose a more empowering stance. It isn’t as easy as wishing it away or wishing yourself better. By doing the deeper work, you reclaim your power. By identifying the root issue, releasing emotional attachment and limiting belief associated with it, you create a new truth to live. This will move you up the emotio


esther hicks, emotional scale, universal law of action, law of attraction
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