Pitchrate | Baby Boomers in Business - Why Start a Business

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Linda Hampton

I'm a business coach who mentors women over 50 on how to build their businesses - I think of myself as a partner in their success. I don't hold back information - and deliver additional surprise value to my clients. I share the exact knowledge you need to market your business online and offline. ...

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Business & Finance


Attract Clients Out of Thin Air

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09/09/2011 11:37pm
Baby Boomers in Business - Why Start a Business

It's no secret that as a baby boomer starting a business can be an exciting and overwhelming endeavor but if you make the right choices, and if you do, you'll never look back and you'll never regret it. In order to make the right choices it is important to evaluate your goals and motives each step of the way. So ask yourself why are you starting a business in the first place. There are a lot of reasons to start a business. Boomers are in an especially important transitional phase in their life.

You may start a business to get ready to transition for retirement, supplement your retirement income, to keep your mind and body occupied. Maybe starting a business is a long-term dream of yours, it may be a way of giving back or even boredom meaning a way of doing something meaningful.

Knowing your "why" will go far in keeping you going when the going even during the difficult times.

What are your personal goals?

But you can't grab an objective out of thin air. So it's important to take a look at your personal goals so that you can ensure that your choice of business aligns with your personal beliefs, ideals, and maintains your integrity.

If a business doesn't align with your personal values and morals then you won't be happy doing it, and most likely won't be successful either. Most entrepreneurs and small business owners begin their businesses doing something they love. One word of caution however, most entrepreneurs don't love running a business as much as they do in the business itself. So write own your personal goals and match them with the business choices you have, to determine whether or not the business will get you closer or detract from your ultimate goal.

What are your professional goals?

As a baby boomer you've likely already chosen a career path, and developed your interests -- consider how starting a business matches your professional goals. Even if the business you are thinking of starting is different from what you have been doing until now, how can you use your lifelong skills you've developed over the years? How does it match up with your professional goals? Write down your professional goals, and match those to your business choice -- do they fit together? What do you have to do to ensure that they fit together?

What are your wealth goals?

Does the choice of business match up with your financial goals? Mathematically is it possible to achieve your financial goals with the business you are choosing to start? Analyze what it will take for you to achieve your financial goals with the business you've chosen. Even if all goes well, how many years will you operate your business and reap the rewards of a successful venture. Is your financial goal realistic? Write down your short term and long term financial goals. Now look at your personal and professional goals: Do your financial goals match with your other goals? Is what you seek possible to achieve considering the choices you've made?

With any goal that you make you must write them down. Goals that are not written down are often overlooked or forgotten about. In addition to writing the goals down, it is important that you also check back in with your goals periodically to make sure that you are in alignment personally, professionally and financially. In addition, ensure that you are following your path and the steps you've created for yourself to reach those goals.

No goal is achieved randomly. While sometimes, it feels as if we make one step forward, and two steps back -- the truth is, goals are achieved by acting with intention and direction, which can only be realized with a plan of action that you follow.

Small business expert and author Linda Hampton founder of "Attract Clients Out of Thin Air." Linda teaches smart, simple ways boomer women can use their skills, knowledge and experience how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. To learn more about how to Attract Your Ideal Clients sign up for more FREE tips like these, v


attract clients out of thin air, baby boomers, business start up, entrepreneur, goals, linda hampton
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