Pitchrate | Does Hypnosis Work?

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Julia Mueller

Press Release Contact: Julia J. Mueller A Mind & Body Connection 941-730-3965 info@AMindandBodyConnection.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Julia J. Mueller, FEATURED AS ONE OF TODAY’S LEADING EXPERTS IN “THE ART & SCIENCE OF SUCCESS” HAS JUST BECOME A THREE-TIME #1 BEST-SELLING AUTHOR ...

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01/08/2013 06:29pm
Does Hypnosis Work?

The obesity epidemic continues to rage in modern society, so people are trying many different methods to lose weight. Some people are searching for unconventional weight loss methods, and hypnotism falls under that category. The premise of hypnotherapy centers on the idea that a person or an expert can manipulate their thoughts and actions via self-hypnosis. The idea has been met by experts with skepticism, but some people believe that the answer to the question, "Does hypnosis work?" is a resounding "Yes."

Most experts agree that the best way to lose weight is to eat a healthier diet and to exercise more often, but that does not mean that other weight loss methods cannot be effective. Some of these methods are less orthodox than others; weight loss hypnosis definitely falls under that category. While some experts do not believe in hypnotherapy for weight loss, other experts cite multiple studies that show that some people have found satisfactory answers to the question of, "does hypnosis work?" Some experts have concluded from their studies that people can influence at least some of their behaviors and routines via hypnosis audios.

One aspect of weight loss hypnosis that many people find appealing is the lack of drugs involved in the weight loss itself. People who are wary of pills in general or who are already taking multiple medicines may find the lack of yet more pills to be refreshing and desirable. People who wonder, "how does hypnosis work?" and who want to use hypnotherapy for weight loss need to be cautious to only buy audios from reputable sources that will properly instruct the customers on how to properly use the products if they want to experience success,

The best way to ensure that hypnosis does work in terms of weight loss via hypnotherapy is to improve diet and exercise habits. Hypnosis can assist you in improving your diet and exercise habits by programming behavioral change. Since much of hypnotherapy involves attempting to change bad habits, people should endeavor to develop good habits to replace the bad ones. Hypnotherapy can be extremely helpful, but simply asking, "does hypnosis work?" and trying out the audios or sessions works because the program will assist you to reprogram poor habits and learn to experience healthier living.

Amindandbodyconnection.com offers 12 life-changing lessons and audios that will help people lose weight using hypnotherapy. These audios include an introduction that explains how hypnosis works as well as how it can effectively help people to live better, healthier lives. These lessons also come with one hypnotic and subliminal audio session per lesson for a total of 12 audio tracks that are designed to help alter people's habits and beliefs via hypnosis. Each lesson also comes with helpful tips and tricks to successful weight loss; customers may also want to take advantage of a blog that lists recipes and tips for healthier living. http://AMindandBodyConnection.com offers 12 lessons made to implement lasting change.

Julia J. Mueller
A Mind & Body Connection
Now Available!


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