01/08/2013 06:33pm
Hypnosis to Help You Quit Smoking This 2013
Another year is about to end and as always, most people will have their New Year’s resolution list to ditch some bad habits. One of the most popular bad habits wherein people struggle to get rid of is smoking. Quitting smoking is easier said than done. People who have come to develop the habit find it extremely difficult to stop. Smoking remains to be a dangerous habit that can lead to fatal diseases such as cancer. It can also increase your chances of getting heart attacks, lung disorders and strokes. If you have been struggling with this habit then maybe you can stop smoking with hypnosis.
The most common suggestions from experts include resorting to patches, chewing gum, nicotine lozenges or counseling. These approaches are guaranteed to work only if you have that strong motivation to back it up. For most people sticking to the objective---which is to completely quit---is easy, but for some this can only be done if they are given that crucial helpful push. Applying hypnosis to stop smoking may seem new to some but this alternative is proven to benefit many people and improve their lives.
Clinical hypnosis is said to provide relief for people who are suffering from certain psychological or physical problems. Hypnosis as treatment to cure wide range of conditions such as speech disorders, weight issues and addiction is still very much debated on. However, practitioners argue that hypnosis allows the person to relax and become more open to suggestions. For instance, a person may become more receptive to the idea of getting healthier by giving up smoking.
Hypnosis to stop smoking establishes a certain mindset a person can go back to every time he feels the urge to smoke. Hypnosis cannot force you to do something that is against your will, so you don’t have to worry about people taking advantage of you during this process. During hypnosis to stop smoking, the patients are asked to visualize unpleasant scenarios that can happen to them if they don’t stop smoking. Smoking cessation hypnosis focuses on three important things:
a) Smoking pollutes the body and destroys its natural state
b) You have to take care of your body in order to live well
c) You should always protect your body and aim for better lifestyle
Hypnosis for smoking allows you to then visualize the healthy body and healthy lifestyle that you desire and when the desire is strong you will accomplish your goal. When emotion and hypnosis combine the results are astonishing. Many people stop smoking successfully and never even have cravings.
Using hypnosis to stop smoking may seem like an unpopular option, but if it can help you get the life that you want and the remarkable change that you are aspiring for, then give it a try. In fact, it has been proven that it is safe and presents a more permanent result compared to other treatments. So if you’re still struggling with the habit of smoking, try a more reliable way to ditch it for good and welcome the new you in 2013.