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Julia Mueller

Press Release Contact: Julia J. Mueller A Mind & Body Connection 941-730-3965 info@AMindandBodyConnection.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Julia J. Mueller, FEATURED AS ONE OF TODAY’S LEADING EXPERTS IN “THE ART & SCIENCE OF SUCCESS” HAS JUST BECOME A THREE-TIME #1 BEST-SELLING AUTHOR ...

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A Mind & Body Connection

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01/08/2013 06:34pm

By Julia J. Mueller
Julia has developed a comprehensive smoke cessation program called “Kick Your Butts Forever” that is not only about smoke cessation but teaches a whole new way of learning to live a clean, healthy existence that “repels” the desire to smoke. This program has proven to have an 85-90% success rate for those that have chosen to take that final step toward quitting once and for all. Since smoking is both physical and mental, success in a stop-smoking effort must change not only the mental attitude, but the physical reaction. Through hypnosis it is possible to change the taste of a cigarette from pleasurable to unpleasant. At A Mind & Body Connection we believe that the most effective way to achieve behavioral change is to turn a negative habit into a new, healthy and exciting lifestyle change. In some cases, effective cessation of smoking can be achieved through a single session. In other cases a series of sessions may be required. A series of sessions have the advantage of being customized to fit the individual needs and characteristics of the client and his lifestyle. Individual sessions also address the unique triggers which prompt the client to smoke which consequently increases their success rate. VISUALIZATION AND ACHIEVEMENT One of the most powerful attributes of the human psyche is the ability to visualize. Many hypnotists, working with many types of challenges, program clients to accept the belief that, “What the mind can conceive, you can achieve!” This concept is common in fields of meditation, positive thinking, spiritual faith and others. Hypnosis can help develop and focus the powers of visualization. Since visualization is frequently undeveloped in clients, and since it can be learned, hypnosis can serve as a teaching modality. In stop-smoking programs the ability to visualize one’s self as a non-smoker, free from past effects of the habit, filled with new health, energy and vitality, is a major asset. Visualization enables the client to picture, in the mind, all the positive attributes to being a healthy, happy non-smoker. Hypnosis is designed to eliminate the desire. Instead of giving up something the person enjoys (a sacrifice), the individual’s goal is to be rid of something that isn’t wanted. A much more agreeable position psychologically. Unhealthy habits are acquired over a long period of time. Your hypnotist will take measures to reinforce the programming during the period required (perhaps a couple of months) depending on the individuals needs. THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IS NOW! REMEMBER... THE POWER IS YOURS.

Julia J. Mueller

Master Trainer of Hypnosis for the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapists Association.
Accredited Instructor for the American Holistic Nurses Credential Center
Julia is also the creator of the www.HypnosisForEasyWeightLoss.com
and has 95% success rate with www.KickYourButtsForever.com smoke cessation program.


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