Pitchrate | The Lost Book of the Seventy-two Commandments

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Marie Bethel

Fashion Designer Marie Bethel was born in Trinidad, educated in Trinidad, Canada, USA, and United Kingdom. She has obtained a buisness-account diploma, while attending Alberta Vocational College graduating as a Nurse. She went on to having a successful nursing career. Aside from working as a Nu...

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11/08/2014 01:07pm
The Lost Book of the Seventy-two Commandments

The Ten Commandments have shaped and guided our civilzation for centuries. No other canon or law has exerted similar influence and power on western mind. But these Commandments, as discussed in this introduction, were not the only ones that Moses received from God. There were others too, 72 in total. Why only Ten Commandments came into currency while the rest of them were lost in the Testament is a mystery. Now, since the times are more troubled and things are more complicated, God has revealed all the Commandments in dreams and visions to respond to present crisis.

My first knowledge about the 72 Commandments began in March 1985; I was sitting in my living room, and a big black book appeared on the wall. The cover of the book had a display of a very unusal design, and the book entitled " The Lost Book of the Seventy-two Commandments written in large gold letters. In September 1985 I had a dream that I was walking down a dirt road, and saw a bright light coming from a pond of mossy water. I went to the pond and took a stick and pushed it down in the water, and felt something hard. I put my hands into the water and pulled out an iron chest with a gold key in the lock. I took the chest and sat under a tree, opened it, and found another gold chest with a gold key in the lock, then opened it, and found another smaller gold chest, and opened it and pulled out a small green book, about 6 inches long, the top of the book was round and it entitled the Lost Book of the Seventy- two Commandments written in gold letters. I read the book,and shouted out! " all my life they told me that there are ten Commandments." When I woke up, I did not remember the Commandments.

In October 1990 God revealed the Commandments in dreams and visions, and I wrote them down in my dream book. God said write these Commandments from one to seventy-two, cover one book with goat skin. Think about this! And study psalm seventy-eight, from childhood we were told there were only Ten Commandments. Where are the rest of the Commandments? If you read your Bible, you will realize that most of the Seventy-two Commandments have been established from Jesus, psalmist David and all the prophets through out the Bible. Even term " Commandment" has been used at some places. As mentioned in the beginning of this introduction, it is a mystery why only ten were chosen and the rest were not. Many religious leaders and the people may wonder! Did God really spoke to me? Yes, God not only spoke to me, but also revealed to me the Commandments in dreams and visions, and also inspired me to write them down.

As I mentioned earlier that revelations are either to believe or not to believe, they are hard to prove. However, my claim is strengthened by the mention of the 'word Commandment' in the Bible for some prescription other than the accepted Ten Commandments. Jesus said unto the high priest and Scribes,'have ye never heard out of the mouth of babes and suckling thou hast perfected praise.'

Moses received the Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. And the Lord said unto Moses,"Write thou these words' Moses wrote upon the tablets the words of the covenant the Seventy-two Commandments. In the time of Ezra and Nehemiah it was called "The Law of Moses." A book of the law of Jehovah by the hand of Moses, 'was substantially, it would seems the same volume, though it may afterward have under gone some revision by Ezra and Nehemiah. The present Jews called the whole by the name of Torah, " The law of Moses." Ezra and Nehemiah wrote the revision of the Seventy-two Commandments. The book was made from parchment paper and the cover was made from goat skin. (Nehemiah 1:5-7 ).

The book was now more intelligible to the people. Nehemiah mourned, fasted and prayed to God, and he said, " I beseech thee, O Lord God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love Him and observe His Commandments. We have dealt very corruptly against thee, and have not kept the Commandments, nor the statues, nor judgements, which thou commandest thy servant Moses." Nehemiah 1:5-7 and chapter 8: 1-16.

Commandment 1

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment 11

Thou shalt love your neighbour as thyself. Love one another, and do unto others as you may like them to do unto you. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment 111

Thou shalt obey the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.

Commandment 1V

Thou shalt serve the Lord thy God in spirit and truth. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment V

Thou shalt have none other gods before me. I am the first and the last, and the only true and living God. for I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment V1

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment V11

Thou shalt not bow thyself to any idols nor serve them, they are the hands of the workman. Wood and stone, which neither see, nor eat, nor smell. For I am the Lord thy God am a jealious God, visiting the inquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment V111

And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment 1X

Thou shalt not take my name in vain, nor provoke me to anger. For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment X

Thou shalt not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane my name. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment X1

Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart, neither thou shalt rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment X11

Thou shalt not kill. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment X111

Thou shalt not steal, neither lie one to another. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment X1V

Thou shalt do good and good shall come unto thee. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XV

Six days thou shalt labour and do all thy work. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XV1

But the Seveneth day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man servant, nor thy maid servant, nor thine ass, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy man servant and thy maid servant may rest as well as thou. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XV11

Thou shalt keep my sabbath day holy. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XV11

Neither shalt thou sin by taught, words, and deeds. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment X1X

Thou shalt repent for thy sins, and ye shall be forgiven. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XX

Thou shalt know that I am mighty and merciful God. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XX1

Thou shalt trust in me, and everything thou ask, shall be given unto thee. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XX11

Thou shalt keep all my Commandments and walk in all thy laws. For I am the Lord thy God.


Thou shalt know that I am the Lord thy God which bring every work into judgement, every secret, whether it be good or bad. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XX1V

Thou shalt fear me, but not man; for I am able to destroy the body and the soul. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXV

Thou shalt not ask me for riches, but for the words of God. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXV1

Thou shalt ask me, and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be open, seek and he shall find. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXV11

Thou shalt have faith, and ye shall be made whole. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXV111

Thou shalt praise me; for the dead praise not me, neither anyone that go down into silence. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XX1X

Thou shalt not walk in darkness but the light of God, for darkness is created for a purpose. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXX

Thou shalt not judge, for ye shall be judged. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXX1

Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXX11

Thou shalt judge honesty, wisely, for my name sake. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXX111

Thou shalt not condem, nor speak evil of my works. I created Satan and all. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXX1V

Thou shalt give freely, and ye shall receive freely. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXXV

Thou shalt keep my Commandments, and do them; for I am the Lord thy God that brought thee out of the house of bondage.

Commandment XXXV1

Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil, neither shalt thou raise a false report, nor put not thine hand with the wicked to be unrighteous witness. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXXV11

Thou shalt respect the Physician for I have made ye. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXXV111

Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear grudge, nor hate one another. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XXXLX

Thou shalt not sermon Satan, nor Wizards, to render evil unto others. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XL

Thou shalt not dwell with unclean spirits, only the spirit of the true and living God. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XL1

Thou shall know ye are not alone, I am with thee at all times. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandments XL11

Thou shalt have clean hands and a pure heart. For I am holy, and thou shalt be holy. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XL111

Thou shalt not curse. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XL1V

Thou shalt not lie, for in the days of thy visitation every tongue shall confess; and every knees shall bend before me. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XLV

Thou shalt praise my name from the rising of the sun unto the going down of the sun. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XLV1

Thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife to defile thyself with her. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XV11

Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbours, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, or his ass, or anything that is thy neighbours. For I am the Lord thy GOd.

Commandment XLV111

Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob thee the wages of thee that is hired, it shall not abide with thee. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment XLLX

Thou shalt not commit adultery; nor taken what is not thee. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment L

Thou shalt be honest, and loyal to thy wife, or to thy husband. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment L1

Thou shalt not make thy wife a prisoner. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment L11

Thou shalt not provoke thy mother and father to anger. Honour, love and obey, for thy days will be long in the land which the Lord giveth thee. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment L111

Thou shalt not suffer little children, for such will enter the Kingdom of God. For I am the Lord thy God.
Commandment L1V
Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LV

Thou shalt be peace-maker, for such will enter the Kindom of God. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LV1

Thou shalt not be cruel to the blind, nor to the dumb, nor to the deaf. For it is abomination. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LV11

Thou shalt not be cruel to the beast. For it is abomination. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LV11

Thou shalt not cut down a tree with thy fruits on it. For it is abomination. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment L1X

Thou shalt not spill food unto thy floor, nor wasteth it. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandments LX

Tho shalt not drink blood; for blood is life. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LX1

Thou shalt not eat swine; nor any beast which divideth the hoof, and it not cloven footed, nor cheweth the cud, are unclean unto ye. Everyone that toucheth them shall be unclean. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LX11

Thou shalt not eateth any creeping things upon the earth. It is abomination. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LX111

Thou shalt not eateth all that hath no fins nor scales in the waters. it is abomination. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LX1V

Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with woman kind, it is abomination. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LXV

Thou shalt not lie with womankind as with mankind, it is abomination. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LXV1

Thou shalt not lie with any beast to defile thyself; neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down there to, it is confusion and abomination. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LXV11

Thou shalt not go into any dead body, nor defile himself for his father, or for his mother; it is abomination. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LXV111

Thou shalt not have oral sex, it is forbidden to speak to me with unclean mouth, it is abomination. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LX1X

Thou shalt give thanks unto the Lord thy God; and ye shall offer it at your own will. Even the very grains of hairs on thy head have been numbered. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LXX

Thou shalt know I make a covenant unto thy fathers that I will not destroy every living things. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LXX1

Thou shalt know whosoever betrayed the spirit of the true and living God, shall not abide with thee day or night. For I am the Lord thy God.

Commandment LXX11

Thou shalt keep thy statues and thy judgements, and shall not commit one of these abominable customs, which were committed before thee, and that ye defile not yourselves there it. For I am the Lord thy God.

Marie Bethel


Religion, Spirituality, Commandments, Laws of God, The Bible., thy, god, lord, thou, shalt, commandment, commandments, unto, thee, book, abomination, moses, seventy, name, lie, love, gold, nehemiah, living, servant, neighbour, words, beast, law, defile, thyself, made, chest, unclean, praise, hate, earth, days, holy, evil, wife, xv11, man, true, work, day, thine, ezra, dreams, visions, cover, revealed, things, others, lost, water, hands, covenant, heart, house, bible, write, opened, read, spirit
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