Pitchrate | 3 Keys to Getting Your Message Out into the World So You Can Make a Difference

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Michele Pariza Wacek (PW)

Considered one of the hottest direct response copywriters and marketing consultants in the industry today, Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) Your $Ka-Ching!$ Marketing Strategist, has a reputation for crafting copy and creating online and offline marketing campaigns that get results. Michele sta...

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03/16/2011 08:26pm
3 Keys to Getting Your Message Out into the World So You Can Make a Difference

If you're one of the thousands of heart-centered and conscious entrepreneurs, getting your message out into the world in a big way is important to you. In fact, it might even be the reason why you started your business in the first place.

The problem, of course, is how. How do you get your message out into an already crowded marketplace? How do you make sure you're getting your message in front of the people who so desperately need to hear it?

That's what I'm going to walk you through today -- the 3 main keys to getting your message out into the world in a REALLY big way so you can make the difference you were put on this Earth to make.

1. Make sure your message is crystal clear. In fact, the clearer and more specific the better. The more general it is, the less impact you're going to make.

Consider this -- "I am a healer" versus "I provide spiritual healing to entrepreneurs as they step into their own power as an entrepreneur." Do you see the difference? The first one could be for nearly anyone and because it could be for nearly anyone it has no meaning. The second one is far more juicy and it gets much of that juiciness from being specific.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself "I don’t want to be too specific because I may turn some people off from my message." First off, if someone is turned off from your message, they probably aren't open to it in the first place. And second of all, even though it sounds counter-intuitive, the more specific you are, the more you'll stand out. (Don't believe me? Go back and read those two statements again.)

2. Make sure you're crystal clear about who you're trying to reach. Again, the more specific you are, the more likely you'll cut through all the clutter and reach the people who really need to hear your message.

You don’t have to reach everyone -- just the ones who need your message. In fact, trying to reach everyone is a determent. All you'll end up doing is NOT cutting through the clutter and not making the difference you're meant to make.

Believe me, there's more then enough of your ideal clients to keep you very busy for years to come, so just focus on them and don't worry about the rest.

3. Make sure you're consistent with your message and you repeat it frequently. You're an entrepreneur. Which probably means you're a little (or a lot) ADD. Which also probably means you're going to get tired of your message long before you've made an impact in the marketplace.

Look, your ideal clients, the ones who need to hear your message, are not going to get tired of hearing it because:

A: They aren't living in your business so even you're most rabid fan is only going to hear your message a fraction as much as you are

B: Your ideal clients are busy people and won't hear your message unless you repeat it often.

So you need to do two things -- resist the urge to "tweak" your message as you get bored with it (and especially resist the urge to redefine or remake yourself every six months or so, that's the fastest way to cause serious confusion in the marketplace). And make getting your message out there one of your top priorities. You should be marketing yourself and your message as often as you can and in as many different media as you can. That includes social networking, articles public relations, direct mail, speaking, etc.

Above all, don't give up. It may take awhile to penetrate crowded marketplaces and make the difference you're meant to make, but it IS possible -- just as long as you follow these 3 keys and stay persistent.

Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) is your Ka-Ching! Marketing strategist and owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC, a copywriting and marketing agency. She helps entrepreneurs become more successful at attracting more clients, selling more products and services and boosting their business. To find out how she can help you take your business to the next level, visit her site at http://www.MichelePW.com Copyright 2009 Michele Pariza Wacek.


marketing, visibility, small business marketing strategy, online marketing strategies, strategic internet marketing
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