Pitchrate | Trends in Social Media Marketing, Present and Future

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John Davidson

My name is John Davidson, I am manager at JD solutions. I have graduated from London Business School and I have more than 10 years of experience in marketing, digital marketing, business solutions and B2B marketing.

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09/09/2014 06:40am
Trends in Social Media Marketing, Present and Future

Trends in Social Media Marketing in 2014 and 2015

What are the most relevant platforms to Marketing through Social Media?

What are the present and future trends in Social Marketing?

Any expert in Online Marketing knows that he has to define and focus his efforts, based on a choice that seemed simple and was apparently trying to choose the most appropriate social media for a company to do marketing.

To this end, I will try to elucidate some Marketing Trends that are very important for this year 2014.

What is clear is that social networks, has become a total revolution, for both social and professional aspect. More and more people who are trapped by the siren song of social media are noticing that this is changing our habits on the Internet.

The spiral growth of social media is unstoppable and makes it a very important curricular issue and we must have a good personal brand. The classic resume is "a role that was lost in a drawer of history", and now the new curriculum or also known as CV 2.0, has its own life (what they say, what they say, what they say about us on the Internet).

The Personal Branding is the best career path

The Branding Company loses steam and gains Personal Brand (Personal Branding), since social media increasingly leaving the B2B format to go to P2P (Person to Person). Imposed by both common sense, since people prefer to talk and communicate with other people, we need to empathize a close personal relationship.

The concept of personal branding emerged in the United States, designed by Tom Peters in 1999.

Since the advent of social networks, the importance of the personal brand has grown in importance, and today most people use social networks as a means to find work.

Branding personal humor

The stage and preparing for the job search has turned 360 degrees and has drawn a completely different scenario and we should all learn how to get used to it. Physical and tangible requirements are reduced and appear new virtual and intangible requirements.

2.0 The new curriculum is being linked to your Personal Brand:

Do people know what you say.

Personal blog.

Facebook, Twitter, Google+, SlideShare and Linkedin.

Influence or social relevance.

Personal Branding Trends is one of the most promising trend of Marketing

The Visual Marketing is imposed in the Social Environment

The visual marketing is a powerful and effective tool that can greatly enhance our objectives.

An example can be found in the millions of visitors each year who visit Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram.

Average time on social networks

We can see how the average time users of Tumblr (1 h., 38 ') and Pinterest (1 h., 17') is greater than the sum of more professional social media such as Twitter (36 '), Linkedin (17 ') and Google+ (6').


Pinterest has tripled its visits in the last year. Do you still have any doubt about the evolution and importance of Visual Marketing?

A couple more tips about Visual Marketing:

It is advisable to add one or more high-quality images for all of our blog entries.

Be sure to include videos within your Visual Marketing strategy, always remember that YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google and therefore will be a great source to attract visitors and raise awareness of your brand.

Google+ is one of the best ways to do SEO

65% of marketers consider Google+ a priority in its strategy, as well as being a very effective way to do SEO.

Google plus SEO

Many people say that Google+ is dead and is a real waste of time, I will try to give you 5 tips to convince you why you should use it:

According to a new report from Forrester, Google + has over 540 million active users, these figures need not be difficult to build a good community of followers.

The authorship of content is essential both to protect us from spammers and to improve our search results and thereby capture the most clicks.

Your Google+ subscribers can follow all your posts with notifications in your email tool gmail tool we use dozens of times a day and hence is a very direct and efficient way to let us know.

It is true that we spend much more time on Facebook than Google+, but ask yourself how long it takes to find quality content on Facebook?. In my opinion Facebook has an end more leisure and fun, and us and therefore an entirely different order of Google+ or Twitter.

The +1 and Social Bookmarking have more impact on SEO, and are essential to reach the top positions.

Particularly, I am a staunch advocate of this network, both its present and future possibilities. No one can deny that it is the social environment that higher correlation is with SEO, but this is only the present, in the future, I am convinced that will completely change the way how we know the SEO currently benefiting largely to all persons or companies who truly believed in their abilities and have worked very thoroughly social influence.

LinkedIn is a very important social environment for users B2B

We all know that the B2B is in free fall even in the case of LinkedIn opposite happens, is growing both in users and visits, all thanks to that has become a top social media to find work and make social networking.Besides Linkedin, highlight other social media such as; Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo and SlideShare.

Content Marketing Trends in Linkedin

It is important to extract all the potential Linkedin aspect is to know what is the content that users are demanding for this network; well founded and developed ideas, professional experiences and opinions that are of great interest.

The Google algorithm is increasingly enamored of the Social Networks

With the arrival of Panda 4.0, Google is committed to quality and consistency of our content. To validate this theory I made a small study in the past 2 weeks, which main goal was to double the number of weekly publications on our Blog and to doublemy business engagement in social environment, and these are the results that were obtained.

Increase in visits

30% increase in Blog visits.

23% Increase in Twitter followers, Facebook and Google+.

20% increased social networks engagement.

This is because Google gives importance not only to the frequency and quality of the content we publish on our blog, but it also does the same in the social environment,analyzing the degree of activity you have in social networks and also the quality of your publications.

Surely you're thinking, where do I get out three hours every day to write a useful and quality article?

It is very difficult to publish content daily and maintain an active frequency of publication, so you need to invite professionals you know and invite them to be contributors to your blog.

Facebook Ads dominate paying ads on social media

Managing Facebook Ads is a simple and inexpensive way to reach thousands of users, in fact, it is the most used way by the experts in Marketing with more than 90% usage, unlike the 20% who prefer Linkedin or 17% choosing Twitter.

It is important that we make a good segmentation of our ads to reach our most desired targets, so that we can get more visits, social bookmarking or sales.

Customer on Social Networks

Social Media is an ideal and very effective way to provide an adequate response and fast answers to your customer needs.

This is one of the marketing trends that will cost more. A company may think you can not take customer service to social networks because they do not want to increase costs in human resources, but the truth is that if they knew the benefits they can try it and all these doubts would be removed and would have sufficient confidence to carry it out.

The customer remains the same as ever, the only difference is the service.

Twitter dominate the business landscape

Mike Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner said this "Twitter dominate the business landscape" adding that the way forward is how we learn to use Twitter to generate leads and close sales.

If we talk in terms of finance and business, Twitter generated 243 million dollars in the 4th quarter of 2013.

Summary of Trends in Social Media Marketing

The Personal Marketing is essential to grow your brand and make it more visible.The paper CV is long dead.Your influence on Social Media is always a plus and will open many employment doors and entry into new projects.

Social Network Google+ is preferred by marketing experts, and a very effective tool to improve our visibility in the search engine. The next year 2015 will be essential.

Visual Marketing is very important and must be included in both our Blog and in our publications in social media.

Paid Ads on Facebook is a quick and inexpensive way to reach thousands of users.

Increase your frequency of publishing content and activity on social networks.

Twitter dominate the business landscape.

Customer service on Social Networks.

If you are a small business and you cannot spend much time on social networks, you can start with Facebook and Twitter.


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