Pitchrate | 7 Digital Marketing Trends in 2015

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John Davidson

My name is John Davidson, I am manager at JD solutions. I have graduated from London Business School and I have more than 10 years of experience in marketing, digital marketing, business solutions and B2B marketing.

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11/27/2014 08:56am
7 Digital Marketing Trends in 2015

# 1 Content is necessarily suitable for mobile

The use of smartphones and tablets is becoming widespread. In 2017 according to Forbes, 87% of the sales of connected devices will be tablets or smartphones. Already, 56% of the consulted emails in the morning between 7 and 9 pm, are from a cell phone. And about 35% of traffic from search engines is from a mobile device. The transition from the traditional to the mobile computer is already running, and companies that do not follow up this trend risk losing customers and to exceed their competitors. It is crucial to offer a user experience tailored to mobility, either by creating a mobile version of its site, or through the responsive design.

# 2 Content marketing is becoming more professional

Content marketing - and thereby the Inbound marketing since it is the Trojan horse - is already the subject of all the digital strategies in 2014. What does it consist of? To establish credibility, gain the trust of their clients and establish a commitment to their brand, companies regularly create value-added content, they broadcast through various channels. This content can take many forms: blogs, white papers, graphics, videos, webinars, podcasts, interactive magazines, etc. Also you can view this interesting channel of Albert Palacci for more content marketing news.
Through Content Marketing, companies develop a positive reputation within their industry. Instead of using mass techniques such as television or radio, they now prefer to focus on quality content, engaging, for a targeted audience. 2015 will be the year of the professionalization of Content Marketing. Exit the low-cost content production firm paid the word, which tend to provide poor quality items without added value for consumers. Faced with the flood of content produced by the brands, consumers will be more selective. If they want to continue to stand out, companies will have to redouble their efforts and learn to tell compelling stories, unusual, well staged, centered around the customer, not the product.

# 3 Investments in social media are diversifying

Marketing directors say 92% that social media are important to their brand. They continue to reallocate budgets initially dedicated to traditional advertising to social media and inbound marketing. If companies are convinced that social networks help to develop brand awareness, brand visibility and trust it, they are confronted with the choice of social networks in which to invest. Every day we hear about new: Snapchat, Tango, Ello ... Some are booming, others are in decline. These are networks based on the image or micro-video will likely experience a success in 2015.
The fate of Google+ is uncertain however. It is both essential for reasons of SEO but the recent removal of Authorship and photo raises questions about the future of this network ... The platforms have different maturity levels, specificities and targets distinct. Brands will increase interest in the networks on which position to reach the maximum number of consumers and to ensure the best visibility.

# 4 "Natural Marketing" emerges

Content, social networking and SEO will entangle even more to form what I call the "natural Marketing". In recent years, the sad tendency was to produce content, not for consumers, but for the search engines in order to improve its position in result pages. Writing an article was dictated by a minimum number of words, a density of keywords or even a precise hierarchy to be "Google friendly". With the inclusion of social signals in the engine algorithms, it is hoped that this kind of items tend to disappear. The companies will again be able to produce relevant and quality content to their customers, and will have a double impact: commitment to the brand and SEO. More content is relevant and quality, the more it will get backlinks and be shared. And it will be shared, the better positioning in search engines (although the weight of shares is not the same as traditional backlinks). A virtuous spiral "Quality Content> Shares> Best position" is on!

# 5 YouTube will supplant TV

The progression of YouTube is meteoric. Every day more than 100 million Internet users watch an online video (40% from their mobile). Every minute, more than 100 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube. According to Nielsen, among Americans aged 18 to 34 adults, YouTube reach rate is higher than any other cable channel.How to explain this phenomenon? For Generation Y, YouTube is their television. They prefer this platform to another digital network. Brands are beginning to understand the power of YouTube. A study by eMarketer showed, that they will probably spend up to 15% of their advertising budget on this media in 2017. Eric Schmidt, Google's executive chairman, sums it up: "I thought YouTube was like on TV, but this is not true. I was wrong. TV is uni-directional. YouTube responds. With TV, we get the reach. With YouTube, you get the commitment."

# 6 The e-marketing is local

The irony of the web is that the global network is used (world wide web) for now interest locally. With the spread of smartphones, location-based content, contextualized, real-time become indispensable elements in any digital marketing strategy.The major players will also start in offline mode. The Snapchat platform and widespread geographic filter (available only at the beginning in New York and Los Angeles). Facebook has launched a new advertising formats - "local awareness" - intended for companies that seek local clients. The behemoth Google is also activated. For in local search, Google is a victim of its own success. To the extent that the engine index pages so globally, address specific issues at a local level, is very complicated. Already this year, Google has released My Business, which replaces Google+ Local. This platform aims to help businesses increase their visibility at the local level. Now it is the turn of Google Shopping (Product Listing Ads or PLA) to become local. (This option is currently only available in the US.) The principle is: Below the products offered in these ads, Google will display the quantities available nearby.There is a safe bet that in 2015, Google and majors continue their efforts locally.

# 7 Big Data evolves from concept to operation

This year was hackneyed our ears with big data, everyone from its definition but without seeing even really use or its possible applications. 2015 will be the year when companies will talk less about big data and seriously begin to use it to draw users profits.A big data remarkable operating example is the YouTube page of Unilever. At present, more than 11 billion searches are performed each year on the motion "Hair". Unilever has partnered with Google to use the data in order to anticipate trends around the hair before they actually occur. Google then sent to influential bloggers queries related to these future trends so that they realize the associated tutorials. The Unilever team / Google states to anticipate a trend three months before it starts. Unilever created a YouTube channel called "All Things Hair", bringing together all these tutorials in video. Launched in 2013, "All Things Hair" became the first chain haircare, with over 17 million views.


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