Pitchrate Expert | Willa Boykin

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Willa Boykin

Category of Expertise:

Lifestyles, Love & Relationships, Parenting, Religion/Spirituality


epiphany-love, llc

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Hello World:

My name is Willa Boykin and I am the co-author and founder of my new business venture, Epiphany-Love, LLC. Epiphany is more than just a mere light bulb moment. Epiphany will illuminate under microscopic behaviors as a radian beauty. It’s a self improve home study course on living a balance lifestyle. The book, Wisdom for Intrinsic Fulfillment, is your gateway to improvement and for future opportunities.

Having served thirty-five years, and after retiring from a telecommunication corporation, those empty spaces began to form and circled my lifestyle. With what’s next, the who, what, why, where and how became an urgent issue. I wanted to give something back to society and my family by leaving a legacy of self help topics that could stand the test of time in your home library.

I am the mother of three children, six grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Two of our children were born with special needs. Nothing just happens. There is a time and purpose in our life when we shall be call over-comers. We learn how to improve circumstance and not necessarily reinvent yourself. Little did I know, the awakening of my real life with purpose was unfolding, and it would change my view points forever.

Education is a lifelong process and we are constantly learning and trying out new techniques daily. My interior content for “Wisdom” is a non traditional approach to educating, teaching, learning and applying the application of knowledge. This method does not replace current teaching procedures.

Beauty is a gift and its your choice how you use it. We can be seen through the eyes or through our heart. We grasp hold of a smaller view through our eyesight. We grasp hold of the larger view points through our heart. If we choose to occupy our heart for viewing, we examine the importance of our ambitions, secrets, talents and dreams.

College student stress, better known as Student Loan’s, can interfere and postpone progress. Those who enrolled became educated students with Wisdom. We teach the student that my staff and I are also learning and we leave our pass behind. We will discuss our past occasionally, but for the sole purpose to learn and for illustration.

Wisdom will open doors that no one can shut. If you want to travel it will take you places you never dreamed possible. It will give you an opportunity to get wealth. It will teach you to leave an inheritance for your children and grandchildren. We do things because it’s the right thing to do. We learn to walk in forgiveness. We teach the students how to recognize that there are many ways to say, I’m sorry. If you believe, and it’s worth your effort, you can accomplish what so ever!

Willa Boykin


wisdom, college student stress, student loans, those who enrolled became educated students with wisdom

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