Pitchrate | “Biblical Principles On Banking” The Choice Belongs To You lives? We must develop a mastermind

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Willa Boykin

Hello World: My name is Willa Boykin and I am the co-author and founder of my new business venture, Epiphany-Love, LLC. Epiphany is more than just a mere light bulb moment. Epiphany will illuminate under microscopic behaviors as a radian beauty. It’s a self improve home study course on livin...

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02/22/2011 03:01pm
“Biblical Principles On Banking” The Choice Belongs To You lives? We must develop a mastermind

Have you ever thought about your decisions and how those decisions might affect your family lives? We must develop a mastermind thought process for temporary and permanent decisions and benefits before procedures are implemented. I would like to refer to the Bible as a set of instructions for living a balance lifestyle. We receive super natural assistance from the Bible based on important decisions and how the inheritance influences are established.

We must learn how to ask and not to confuse questioning with doubt. Ninety percent of my income belongs to me. Ten percent of my income or the tithe belongs to GOD. Will a man rob GOD? The tithe being a Biblical principle on banking will include your inheritance. Your seed throughout second, third and fourth generations may receive the blessed harvest anointing. An inheritance covers many items oppose to the idea of only money.

We receive money as good stewards, but we must allow the money to flow through us. We are commanded to give, love and share with the poor and those who are less fortunate. A balance lifestyle supports Biblical principles on banking. First time you must obey, and the next time you begin to form a habit for assisting which leads to a desire to assist. The blessed store house anointing will chase and over take you to provide and fulfill your needs.

Biblical principles on banking also represents “The First Fruit Offering,” or the substance of a first offering from additional increase. It should not be confuse with the tithe. Will a man rob GOD? You will know the fruit by the tree and when He says, “Try me and I will prove it to you.” It’s time to lend your support by banking base on His words.

An improved balance lifestyle requires you to study, learn, practice and familiarize yourself with His words. After all is said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Your next level is depended on wisdom and understanding. A wise temporary decision will never hinder a final decision. There are many incorrect permanent decisions made base on temporary results. It becomes vital to our stability to think and rethink. Examine all the pieces to the puzzle and don’t force a wrong placement.

It’s a big difference between vision the dream and living the dream. You must choose sooner rather than later. When you vision the dream you view potential accomplishment and a reason to hold on to faith. When you are living the dream you realize that obedience played into the equation and favor was received. When you walk in favor from GOD you will always prosper. Why not try banking on GOD words? It’s a secure and sound system that will replenish it self super naturally.


balance lifestyle, the tithe, the first fruit offering, biblical principles
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