Clean Eating - 3 Tips To Clean Up Your Diet

05/21/2015 07:23pm
"Clean eating" is one of the latest buzz phrases in our quest to find the "right" diet. There has been an increase in consumer demand for clean food products. Consumers are asking for products lower in sodium, without high fructose corn syrup and trans-fats, products with short ingredient lists, recognizable and "natural" ingredients. And the food industry is responding. Ingredients are being removed which are not easily understood. You will find more options without artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. In 2013, 25% of new product launches globally were considered "label-friendly."Is this the answer? More food "products" with fewer ingredients? It can...

Reduce the Risk of Stroke, Make Changes for Better Health

05/15/2015 08:53pm
May is National Stroke Awareness Month and the goal of the month's activities is to reduce the impact and the incidence of strokes. According to the National Institutes of Health, each year more than 700,000 Americans have strokes. The incidence of this health risk affects finances, relationships, mental health and community support resources. Focus on avoiding strokes should be ongoing and not simply the target of activities one month of the year. In counseling clients to set goals for a healthier lifestyle, my recommendations to improve well-being will help in reducing the risk of stroke.You can take easy steps to reduce...

Your BUGS May Be the Cause of Your Diabetes and Obesity!

05/13/2015 11:56pm
Michele G. Sullivan of "Clinical Endocrinology News" reported in its April 2015 issue, something that the "functional medicine" world has been talking about for years----"How Your Microbiome (the genetic material of your gut bacteria) may be driving the course of diabetes and obesity." It's great to now see the American Diabetes Association take notice.Did you know that we host up to SIX POUNDS of microbes in our gut alone? In our whole body we are comprised of about 10 trillion human cells, and these human cells comprise about 100 trillion bacterial cells, making us only 10% human and 90% microbial. What...

Managing Change

05/06/2015 08:20pm
"Change is the only constant." ProverbYour ego really likes it the way it is. It's biggest "want" is to protect you from change. Reverse psychology is where we "want" one thing, but do another. In other words, our struggling consciousness is trying to make change and so easily pacifies the weak minded with dogma.It is like having your battery put in backwards. (I used to ignore my stress issues which led to stomach issues and an autoimmune disorder). When you move towards what you do "want," your ego wants you to move away from what you actually "want." I was unconscious...

A Non-Diet Approach to a Healthy Breakfast

04/30/2015 01:40pm
Many chronic dieters start each day with a renewed sense of hope that today is the day I am going to stick to my diet. Breakfast then becomes the natural starting point for any diet, meal plan, healthy eating vow, etc. Now, Im all for starting each day with a positive outlook, but sometimes, in regards to our diet, we aim for perfection and it backfires. For example, when someone starts a new diet they often times put a ton of energy into prepping and planning their meals. They may even wake up early to make sure...

Leadership: Respect, Trust and Humor

04/30/2015 01:14am
Simon Sinek, author of "Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't" says leadership lies in placing others first. He believes it isn't about being the boss, or having all the answers, or even being the most qualified. True leaders accept the responsibility of how well their staff is doing, place their own needs second and help their employees, instead of throwing them under the bus, when performance isn't where it should be. I agree, and feel, especially when the chips are down, it's important for the leader to rise to the top and truly show support.Everywhere we...

Bitter Is Better

04/29/2015 10:12pm
When asked about flavor profiles it is rare for folks to respond enthusiastically that they "love bitter." Bitter is one of the basic tastes that our taste buds identify along with sweet, salty, and sour. An affinity for bitter is influenced by several factors including taste experiences, culture, and environment. Bitter plays two roles-it can signal toxins and something that is dangerous to consume and it can also serve as a stimulant for the appetite and as an aid in digestion. Bitter foods can protect against illness, and contribute to good health.Vegetables that you'll find on the bitter list include Arugula,...

#1 Weight Management Tool I Give ALL My Clients - Part 2

04/22/2015 11:36pm
If you remember last month I posted the #1 Weight Loss Tool I Give ALL My Clients . I recommend you read that article before venturing into this article which discusses how to implement that weight loss tool, AKA the hunger scale. The concept of the hunger scale is pretty easy to understand but implementing it can be difficult for many. Even I used to struggle with stopping my food intake when I was satisfied and comfortable. Sometimes food just tastes too good to stop and other times it is just too easy to use food to deal with emotions...

Foodie Friday

04/22/2015 10:37pm
RESTAURANT REVIEW: Lemonade Recently, in need of a fast-yet-fun eatery for a casual meeting, I recalled that a new restaurant called Lemonade had opened up in Studio City , CA. We popped in after 8 pm, delighted to find the bright and welcoming space comfortably busy, smelling wonderful and the cafeteria-style line still brimming with fresh food. My guest and I were amazed by the array of fresh salads, delicious appetizers, stews, breads and desserts, complemented by the fresh lemonade of your choosing (my fave: cucumber mint!). Lemonade is restaurateurs/entrepreneurs Alan Jackson...

How to Turn Your Good Restaurant Business

04/22/2015 07:52am
The slow season may seem to be relaxing for you. However, it is the best time for you to rebuild your marketing strategies. You can also do the cleaning of your restaurant and add new entrees to your menu. This is perhaps the best time to fine-tune your business skills. It is difficult to accomplish during the busy schedule of your business. The slow season in fact provides you a chance to renovate your restaurant and try some new techniques to boost your business. For more information visit here - http://www.headwayfinance.com/blog/how-slow-season-can-be-beneficial-for-your-restaurant-business/

3 Things You Can Do To Prevent Weekend Weight Gain

04/16/2015 12:18am
Do you find that you eat really well all week long, and then get completely off track from Friday through Sunday? If so, you're not alone. Weight gain from Friday through Sunday is a real thing. A recent study from Cornell University found that most of us gain weight on Saturday and Sunday, thanks to weekend socializing and indulgences. Weight fluctuations are normal, a pound or two up or down, here or there, is absolutely normal. But for many, the shock and horror of what the scale says on Monday morning is likely due to what was eaten since...

America Ranks Third in the World for the Epidemic of Malnutrition: Aka Diabetes

04/15/2015 11:02pm
When we think of malnutrition, we think of starving children in third-world countries, not something that occurs here in the United States of America. However, America ranks third behind China and India for this epidemiological form of malnutrition, called diabetes. You might be confused by this reference to diabetes as a malnourished state, when the majority of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese, and in no-way resembling the gauntly thin pictures of starving children from third-world countries. But the truth is that the children in America, as well as the adults, are severely malnourished and will succumb to...

Two Common Links to the Deadliest Cancers

04/09/2015 09:53pm
In the United States alone, cancer is the second deadliest cause of death. Heart is disease is the first. You might know someone who has succumbed to one or both of theses diseases.Cancer can be prevented by making a few lifestyle changes. You would think of quitting smoking, limited exposure to the sun, or a myriad of factors related to environmental factors would decrease chances of getting cancer. That would be true as an educated guess. As more scientists learn more about cancer, the results are much clearer; obesity and poor diets under our control are the biggest culprits with the...

Why Weight Management Isn't About How GOOD You Eat

04/09/2015 08:04pm
People often sit across from me in my office and describe to me how they eat when they are "being good". Many times they are eating better than I do on my healthiest days. Yet they are still in my office asking advice on how to lose weight and keep it off. You see, it isn't about how good you eat, it's about how bad you eat when you aren't "being good".I can relate to this first hand because I used to be the queen of eating perfect for "x" number of days then turning around and polishing off a pint...

4 Quick Tips On How To Sell Authentically

04/04/2015 03:58am
"Sales-y." Just the sound of the word is irritating. Yet if you don't get out and meet people to share what your business is all about, how will you generate customers and keep doing what you love? It all starts with YOUR beliefs and perspective. Are you selling or serving?What comes to mind when you hear the word "sales?" For many, it conjures up all those negative thoughts of someone whose main goal is to make that sale even if it isn't right for the customer. Though that's not necessarily true, most people share that perspective and it's difficult to change.Unfortunately,...