Step On The Accelerator

08/15/2014 11:34pm
The Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix will be upon us soon. I was never a fan of this race. I could not understand how enthusiasts sat in the heat of the day watching cars go around a circuit, with danger looming at every corner.I see, hear and feel the adrenalin rush and understand what they are excited about but I would rather lie in bed, reading a book. Until the day I went into the city... and heard the engines roar.I immediately put my hands to my ears while my heart pounded. Good grief! Was this what all the fuss was...

How to Create Systems to Simplify Your Email Marketing

08/15/2014 08:05pm
You need to have strong email marketing systems in place in order to effectively monetize your email list. Why? Because sending out email marketing without having systems in place is like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see if it sticks.Without systems, your email: Might get opened, it might not.Might get sent on a Wednesday, or maybe a Friday. That is, if you remember to do it in the first place.May do more harm than good in terms of creating strong relationships with your list members. Let's take a look at how to create strong email systems that will ensure a...

Creating An Authority Movement Using Social Media

08/13/2014 05:09am
Some of the most effective campaigns begin as a grass roots movement regardless of the sector. Take the Ross Perot Presidential Campaign of 1992 which relied heavily on grassroots support. In the market today, Authority Marketing is built from the bottom up and that means it is important to think about where your grsss root support comes from-namely social media. How to Use Social Media To Build Authority Social networks provide connections to millions of people through contacts, sharing tools, and groups. They are the perfect place to begin building your authority profile and image and...

Why Blogging Alone Does NOT Work

08/09/2014 12:28am
You have started fulfilling your dream by starting a small business. It's up and running, some people are visiting your website and sales are happening. But, something seems to be missing. Sales aren't increasing like you thought they would. You are not generating new clients or customers and are even losing some. If you don't turn this trend around soon, you may need to think about closing your door.Then you get an idea!"What if I put my expertise out on the information super highway and start a blog. If people know about me and trust my advice, surely they will come...

6 Ways to Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

08/10/2014 11:40pm
For a lot of people public speaking or anything that has to do with expressing a thought or opinion to a group of people is a big no-no for them. But truth is people who have strong communication skills and 'charisma' are naturally thought to be leaders even if they are incompetent. Therefore being an above average speaker is key to getting ahead. These are four ways i believe can help you conquer your fear of public speaking. Keep your presentation as simple as possible. By simple i mean keep only the relevant facts on your slide. Try and memorize...

Silence in Noise

08/07/2014 11:48pm
The bell rang as I was awakened from my slumber. It was 4am and time to get ready for my first meditation of the day. I was in the Blue Mountains of Sydney at theVipassana Centre.In slow and conscious moves I got dressed and gathered my things to make it to the Meditation Hall behind my sleeping quarters. There would be time for freshening up later.I learnt the art of meditation from this ten-day program. Joining one hundred othermeditators, the hall smelt of eucalyptus. Dry bark still fresh in my senses, now trigger me into a clean meditative state. I slide...

Search Engine Optimization And Why It's So Important

08/07/2014 05:51pm
E-commerce can be a cut throat business. You have to arm yourself with the proper know-how and the tools to make your site a cut above the rest. Every day, more and more sites are clamoring to optimize their website rankings and if you let your guard down, you may just get trampled on and be left behind.Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a term widely used today by many business and e-commerce sites. For the past few years and the next ten years or so, search engines would be the most widely used internet tool people will use to find...

How Are You Spending Your Precious Energy?

08/01/2014 12:34am
He kept low, barely visible, seeming to almost slide forward. His feet seemed to be the only things he was actively moving. The rest of his body was in complete concert, following along.When an opportunity arose to move forward undetected, he did. When his quarry, a small herd of impala, got nervous, he sunk down into the grass and lay still, waiting, surprisingly relaxed.That was the progress of the leopard we were observing from our Land Rover on my recent trip to South Africa. What struck me so much about watching this beautiful being seeking his lunch is the brilliant use...

Will Protein Intake Help You Lose Weight? Protein Needs for a Healthy Weight and a Healthy Body.

07/31/2014 10:48pm
Protein to feel satisfied Protein is the component in our food that digests the most slowly. It helps us to feel full and satisfied. In a recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition Education, researchers said that a relatively high proportion of women in the U.S. who reported eating more protein to prevent weight gain were linked to reported weight loss. How much protein do you need? There are two ways to look at protein consumption in your diet. First is based on your body weight. Aim for about 0.4 grams of protein for every pound of body weight. For...

The Bare Minimum You Need For A Brand

07/31/2014 05:16pm
When I say the word "brand" people often cringe. It's such an ambiguous word and can mean so many different things. Brands are also perceived to be very complex. After all, doesn't one major soft drink company spends millions per year on building their brand? How can a coach or solopreneur expect to build a brand on their shoe string budgets.The answer is that, you don't need to spend money at all. One major soft drink company is spending millions per year on building brand recognition on an international scale. They are targeting everyone in America (and the world for that...

Fostering Gifted Compassionate Children

07/29/2014 08:27pm
Helping children activate their inner compass when dealing with life problems takes practice. Especially when the default choice for this guidance is their ego. Unknowingly, parents and culture overlook the mutual benefit that gifted compassionates have to observe without judgment, feel without fear and find direction in the dark. Encouraging these abilities provides a wonderful model for emotional, psychological and spiritual health.Encourage children to feel more, emote less and know the difference The most important step in understanding how compassion is formed in children is helping them examine the difference between their feelings and emotions. This distinction is elusive to most...

Asleep or Conscious?

07/25/2014 06:43pm
My mobile buzzed on silent mode at 11.30pm on the 17th July. I had already tucked in for the night. Curiosity got the better of me. I reached out to have a peek at the message. My friend a trader who obviously watches the markets like a hawk, said "Malaysian Airlines plane shot down. Tune in to BBC immediately"Shock horror! What had the world come to? So many people killed for no reason. Innocent lives taken by mistake. In subsequent days we read of how bodies fell out of the sky. Some with fear on their faces as their bodies were...

Diet Diaries Go High Tech

07/25/2014 03:57pm
You can ditch the pen and paper. Keeping track of what you eat has never been easier. First there were online diet diaries where you could easily log in from anywhere and record every morsel that passed your lips. Now these programs are available as apps on your phone, making diet tracking literally at the tip of your fingers whenever and wherever.Wait, what was that? You don't keep a diet diary? Well if weight loss is your goal, which it is for a large portion of our population, a diet diary may just be that kick you need to get things...

How to Diagnose Causes Of Poor Website Performance

07/25/2014 01:22am
When you're pouring your heart and soul into your business and not seeing results it can be very frustrating. You start to doubt your abilities, you may even start to doubt whether you should be in business at all.Where most coaches focus the majority of their marketing time is in their website. Creating sales pages, writing blog posts, implementing opt in offers and the list goes on. Your website is the backbone of your marketing and speaks to your audience on your behalf on a 24/7 basis. So if it's not working for you, your business is in trouble.And you may...

Are you a Real Estate Specialist?

07/22/2014 09:27pm
In years past when you got sick your mom sought out the old general practitioner who focused on a broad range of illnesses rather than specializing in one area. Today the reverse is often the case most of the time youll find the doctor that specializes in your particular illness. It makes a lot of sense because of the advancements in medicine that have made specialization almost a necessity. Medicine, however, is not the only profession that has experienced this change.Sometimes it makes good sense to stop and put ourselves in our customers shoes and consider how...