Would Love To Review Your Product

02/04/2014 07:21pm
I am an established blogger looking for products to review/giveaway, and am available for sponsored posts. I am looking for items in the following categories; pets, tech, computer, toys, video games, makeup, beauty products, movies, TV, entertainment, food, gluten-free, etc.

Analyzing Your Audience

01/31/2014 03:53am
No matter how great your content, it won't get heard unless you are tweaking your speaking to address your audience's unspoken question, "What's in it for me?" Oftentimes we spend a great deal of time developing our topic, key points, great openings and conclusions, and we don't consider or spend much time evaluating who is in the audience and what they came to hear. Analyzing your audience goes beyond considering just demographics: age, gender, ethnicity, etc... Knowing your audience involves understanding their values and beliefs.About a year ago, a marketing manager who worked for a well-known sports beverage company came to...

Are You on a Mission?

01/31/2014 02:37am
Being an entrepreneur is bigger than just owning a business. It allows real transformation to happen. Transformation in you as a person, and as a business person. And it goes even further than that. That opportunity to transform goes hand in hand with your ability to have impact.You impact every aspect of your business. All the aspects of the 'what' and the 'how' of your business are determined by you and your vision. Through that, you affect everyone who works with you. The valuable service or product that you offer impacts everyone who is touched by it. You influence your family...

How to Create A Tribe Of Raving Fans That Grow Your Business For You

01/26/2014 05:31am
Don't you love it when you receive a compliment?You likely feel validated, intelligent, successful and helpful.Don't you also feel more confident? Especially when the compliment has to do with your work and your business?Of course you do!Even better, don't you LOVE it when you receive a phone call or an email from a prospective client and they say, "I'm reaching out to you because my friend Jim said you were the best person to help me with _____"?If you want the people who already know you, like you and trust you to build your business for you, they have to be...

Baby It's Cold Outside!

01/25/2014 10:07pm
All of North America has been hit by an extreme cold snap this week. Many people that don't usually get cold snowy weather are getting a taste of old man winter. With it came extreme cold temperatures and lots of snow. Where I live snow and cold are not a new thing. We do still get some extreme weather as seen this year. We are only half way through winter and have already received at least 3 ft of snow and many days of below -30 Celsius temperatures.This got me thinking about some addition winter costs we may not think of....

Internet Marketing Strategies That Won't Empty Your Bank Account

01/25/2014 02:22am
Any business will benefit a lot from various Internet marketing methods. But you don't have to spend thousands of dollars just to get some decent exposure for your company. There are ways to make your business be seen and felt without doing overkill with your marketing dollars.Make use of your online power - through Internet marketing. Here are simple methods that you may consider to boost the visibility of your business without shelling out more than what you can afford. However, these techniques need patience and some footwork to produce the best results. Firstly, you need a website before you can...

3 Keys to Writing Copy that Attracts and Invites (and Doesn't Feel Sales-y and Slime-y)

01/24/2014 09:07am
If you're like so many conscious/heart-centered entrepreneurs, a lot of traditional copywriting probably makes you pretty uncomfortable. (Copywriting is writing promotional materials, nothing to do with protecting your intellectual property.)But everyone tells you that you need that "type of copy" if you want to make money.So what do you do? Make money and feel slime-y and sales-y with the copy you're using -- or don't make money, but feel like your copy is at least aligned with your core values?Well, I'm here today to say it IS possible to do both -- write copy that attracts, inspires and invites so you...

New Year, New Start

01/19/2014 09:36pm
I hope you all had a great New Year's celebration. I like to think of the New Year as a fresh start, a clean slate if you will. It is time to put aside the past, and start looking towards a happy and prosperous 2014. Have you got your goals for 2014 figured out yet?This week I want to help you to make sure you are on the right track to achieving your goals. The first thing is to put aside the past. We all make mistakes and dwelling on them does not help us in the future. If you spend...

Manifesting A Mercedes Benz!

01/19/2014 05:34am
When I wanted a Benz and had no idea how to get one nor money, I would get in my rusty, beat up, bent up Hyundai and say to myself, "I love driving my Benz!" "I'm so lucky to have this beautiful car!" I just pretended - in every way I could think of - whenever I thought of it - that I was driving a Benz.When I parked in a lot and they hid my car in the back behind the others, but the nice cars are parked up front for everybody to see - I'd pretend one of them...

Never Forget That Your Customers Have a Choice

01/19/2014 04:23am
People don't like to be taken for granted, irrespective of whether they are giving freely of their time and resources or whether they are paying for them. Customers may also leave if they feel they are being taken advantage of by not getting consistent high levels of service and some sort of communication periodically. Make a customer feel taken for granted or taken advantage of and just expect his or her business to keep coming your way, and you will lose him or her forever.Customers have always had choices, but in today's global markets they have more choices than ever before...

How to Become Everyone's Favorite Guest Expert

01/13/2014 03:08am
One of the best ways to create awareness of your coaching business and brand yourself as an expert is to have another coach "vouch" for you by inviting you to speak or write for their audience.What an honor!Obviously this is a great opportunity to strut your stuff, get in front of a new audience and win them over. But another important piece is winning over your fellow coach. If you make this a great experience for THEM and show them what a cool person you are to work with, then they will be more inclined to refer clients your way and/or...

7 Memorable Steps To Accomplish Your 2014 Goals

01/03/2014 11:34pm
Let me be honest with you. I HAVE A HARD TIME STAYING FOCUSED. Whew, it feels good to get that out (more on this later). Just last week, my husband, Wil, and I finished putting onto paper our major business goals for 2014.We have some projects scheduled and prospects in the pipeline already that it only made sense to focus on the first half of the year. In a few short months, we will measure our activity and recalibrate what needs to be done for the remainder of the year.Let me take a step back to focus on why I mentioned...

You Are Not Alone

01/03/2014 04:07am
As we move through this holiday season, there's a lot to do. Juggling family expectations, events with friends, and keeping your business shipshape can start to feel overwhelming.And it's not only this time of year. Any business that is growing is also changing. That can start to feel like a lot for one entrepreneur to handle.The good news is, you don't have to do it alone.One of the best assets you can have in your business is a great team.Adding the expertise and energy of new people to your business allows you to expand your scope, and frees you up to...

Chart Of Accounts

12/29/2013 06:37am
As we get close to the end of the year there is a lot of projects needing to be completed to finish off this year and ones to help us start off the year right. One important project we need to get done is to make sure our chart of accounts is set up for success.In case you're not sure what a chart of accounts is, it's the list of accounts you use to allocate your expenses to throughout the year.One note for everyone, if you are still doing your books manually you need to stop! It is very inefficient and...

Tapping the Power of 2014: 5 Big Manifestation Mistakes To Avoid in the New Year

12/28/2013 06:58pm
New Year after New Year people set all kinds of goals and resolutions. Most of them turn out to be empty promises. More than 90% of people fail to keep their New Years resolutions. There are a number of New Years customs we engage in that can dilute our power of manifestation and make it more difficult for us to reach our goals. I want to tip you off to some of the biggest manifestation mistakes we make at New Years to help you avoid becoming a statistic in 2014.New Years Manifestation Mistake #1:Setting a New Years Resolution without a New...