Safe Fun in the Summertime

06/26/2014 09:25pm
As summer kicks into high gear with fun and games, remember it is important to be aware of safety and the dos and don'ts to stay safe. In focusing on well-being, consider food safety, water safety and personal safety. Now keep in mind these three are not an all-inclusive list, but a starting point to share essential safety tips for the season. FOOD SAFETY: The mantra on this one is to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Keep a cooler in the car---it doesn't have to be the chic model with all the bells and whistles-the value-priced...

How to Create a Clickable Title That Gets Attention

06/22/2014 01:51am
If you have written a blog post that you are sure has quality content and looks appealing, but it's not receiving the attention you think it deserves, the simple reason could be that you didn't create a clickable title.Creating a title is one of the most important pieces of writing your blog post. It needs to be catchy and interesting enough if you want your readers to get enticed and read through the entire article.If you have a boring title, potential readers may think the blog post content isn't going to be any more interesting and just move along without clicking...

Having a Responsive Website - What Does That Mean For Your Business Today

06/21/2014 02:48am
If you can remember way back to the beginning, you'd probably agree that websites have come a long way since their inception, and so has the technology being used to access them. Developing a website is an important marketing asset for your business, but you should know that customers have certain expectations that your site should meet. One such expectation is having a responsive website. What Is A Responsive Website? Whenever a customer attempts to access your website from a laptop, phone, tablet or alternative route, your site attempts to display the files onto the screen. The problem is that when...

Why Stereotypes Can Be An Asset To Your Brand

06/21/2014 01:26am
The idea of stereotypes generally holds a negative connotation. As individuals we don't like the idea of being put into a box. We are highly unique and don't want people to make assumptions about who we are based on what we look like, how we talk, or what activities we choose to engage in.But these assumptions may not be such a bad thing. When you see breaking news about a scientific discovery you typically (or stereotypically?) see a geeky scientist giving his expert opinion, the more geeky the more you trust him because you assume that "people like him" are devoted...

How to Become a Consultant

06/21/2014 12:23am
One of the options available in your business is to take your valuable expertise and step into the role of a consultant.Being a consultant is essentially taking what you know and appropriately applying it to the client's situation to give informed advice.When I work with a client to build revenue in their business, or even to determine what business they want to start, I always turn the process at some point to leverage.The idea of leverage is pretty simple: how do you make use of what and who you already know? In the context of skills and experience, what is it...

Your Energy Could be Affecting Your Child

06/19/2014 10:05am
Energy makes up all things. If you are vibrating negative energy, it may be impacting your child without you even realizing it. Individuals are overworked, stressed and spread too thin at times. Everyone has heard stress is not good for your health, but did you know your stress could be affecting your childs health too? The link between child and parents energy field does not stop with stress levels. They may take on physical, emotional, and/or even spiritual disharmonies all as a result of the energy you may not even know you are vibrating. For...

Pour Me a Mocktail

06/13/2014 06:24pm
One of the most enjoyable aspects of summer is the opportunity to "play" with friends and family. Yes, I said play---you may not be in a sandbox, but even as grown-ups, we like to play. For the summer enthusiast, this can include outdoor sports, picnics, reunions, camping, star-gazing or lounging by the pool. Though this list of activities is fueled by varying levels of energy, you have to remember to consume plenty of liquids, making sure that you're staying hydrated. It is recommended that adults consume 9 to 13 cups of water a day, and in the summer, your hydration needs...

7 Deadly Sins Of Designing Your Own Website

06/13/2014 12:32am
Over the last couple of years we've built over a hundred websites for online entrepreneurs and reviewed hundreds more. We've seen it all, and here is a list of 7 of the most common mistakes we see being made when a business owner goes it alone when creating their website. 1. No Clear Call To Action This one you've probably heard before but it bears repeating. The call to action for each of your pages needs to be font and center - and on it's own. Too often online entrepreneurs bury their main call to action with wishy washy copy, or...

Are You Putting Yourself at Risk for Diabetes?

06/12/2014 11:33pm
Do you know what your fasting blood sugar is? Did you know that "normal" blood sugar levels recommended today are significantly higher than those recommended 50 years ago? And why should you care? Statistics Diabetes is an epidemic in this country. It is estimated that about 26 million people in the United States are diabetic. An even bigger number - about 79 million people have Pre-Diabetes. I am concerned that we aren't taking Pre-Diabetes serious enough.A recent study presented at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists showed that 36% of patients with impaired fasting glucose had coronary artery...

How to Create Engaging Facebook Contests

06/06/2014 08:27pm
Contests can be one of the most lucrative marketing payoffs if done right. The idea of winning prizes has a tendency to draws crowd, and Facebook is the only true way to reach so many diverse demographics with such a limited budget. Make the most out of your online marketing by creating engaging Facebook contests that will pay off for you. Setting Up A Contest Setting up an engaging Facebook Contest requires some initial planning much like you would do if you were hosting any other contest. The great thing about Facebook is that Facebook is a high traffic...

Getting More Clients Can Be Easy

06/06/2014 06:51pm
Many small business owners I work with believe that it's difficult to get more clients. Surveys indicate that 85% of success in life relates to your communication, human relations skills, and "emotional intelligence". So how can you improve your communication, and skills in a way that will attract more business?Joe Batten, an American motivational speaker said: "Before you tell, ask; before you talk, listen; after you listen, relate; and always show that you care. When you can translate care, people will want to do business with you and details will not get in the way."From a business standpoint, you also have...

A.B.C. STOP This Anxiety

06/06/2014 03:48pm
Ever have one of those days when you are feeling great one minute and then all of a sudden a wave of anxiety washes over you? I want to share with you a simple and successful process that I call A.B.C. Stop This Anxiety Technique . A - AWARENESS . The key to any change is awareness. In this powerful state, all things are possible because it puts you back in the driver's seat and able to make choice changes. In this state you can decide to shift from your sudden negative condition to a more positive one. Once you...

My life, as lived by Kutcher's Law

06/04/2014 11:54pm
I awake every morning and repeat Audrey Hepburn's quote as a quiet mantra: Nothing is impossible: the word itself says I'm possible!, otherwise my day isn't quite the same. I created my magazine, This Freelancer Life (Shameless plug www.thisfreelancerlife.com), because it is a life full of possibilities and, to my surprise, expressing these possibilities has become very popular with other freelancers! I can't say I'm surprised at the success due to the lack of content in the marketplace relating to the everyday freelancer, but I remain humbled by it nonetheless. I never, ever take anything for granted.The path of successful...

Ordinary people cannot make a difference and save the world! Or can they?

06/03/2014 01:39pm
Most people today do not believe that a single person can make a difference in the world. Writer, translator, and blogger Maria K. says otherwise. Something (actually, almost everything) in our society has taught us that lie, she says. Weve learned from school, at work, on the news, and from the people around us that only the wealthy or famous can really make a big difference in the world, and the rest of us just have to deal with our own lives.The problem, Maria believes, is most people are convinced that in order to propagate truly meaningful, fundamental changes...

Chia Seeds... Fit for Your Little Warriors!

05/31/2014 01:48am
I've got a question for you. Have you and your kids tried Chia Seeds yet? If not, you guys are missing out on one of the world's true wonder foods!I can remember a few years back when chia seeds were an anomaly to me. I'd pass by them in Earth Fare, breeze by them when shopping and then decided to find out what all the rage was about. Now, I'm a raving fan!Consider This: In ancient times, Aztec warriors were said to have sustained themselves on a 1/4 cup of chia seeds daily during battle! That's literally all they had to...