How Your Business Can Benefit From Photo Sharing Sites

07/20/2014 10:45pm
Is it even achievable to use all the photo sharing sites on the internet for your marketing needs? They all have rules and regulations. Companies such as Flickr do not allow users to engage in commercial endeavors. Picasa Web Albums frowns on businesses profiting directly from their services. Even Pinterest requests that you do not use their site for self promotion of your business. But we all know that these photo distribution sites are beneficial to any business. People are visual. Looking at a photo or watching a video about a product or service will often be more effective and...

Is Your Food Making You Sick? Discovering Food Sensitivities to Feel Your Best

07/17/2014 08:59pm
Are you sick of feeling sick and tired? Are you taking medication that at best works to cover up symptoms but never solves the problem?Do you regularly experience any of these symptoms? bloating diarrhea heartburn migraines joint pain arthritis fatigue brain fog sinusitis skin eruptionsDid you ever consider that what appears to be healthy food options may be making you sick? Sensitivities to food and food chemicals can cause a wide range of symptoms and chronic health problems just some of which are listed above. You may have considered that red#40 and MSG could cause symptoms in any individual. But did...

Are You A Purpose-Driven Leader?

07/17/2014 03:08am
If you can't say "Yes" to this question with whole-hearted congruence there is still a way to go. Alignment with the mind, body, spirit is often under-rated when leaders assess themselves but this simple as it is, still remains the most important trait that every leader needs to have.Over the years of developing people in companies I have had many senior leaders attend my programs. I ask them why they have come. They say "we have done everything in our lives and wonder what's next?" These are people who have achieved a lot in their lives and are at a dead...

Help! My Building’s on Fire!

07/16/2014 10:44am
Wed love to use your firm but have no immediate need at this time. These are the words most echoed when approaching potential clients. It could be a blow off or part of a much bigger problem; addressing the need when its too late.Too often, companies wait until the very last minute to bring on the expertise of an executive search firm to assist them in finding an individual that will be the right fit for the open position. Why do so many companies seem ill-prepared to address executive exits? 52% of executives considered leaving their jobs in 2012 (ExecuNet, 2013...

As a Dietitian, What Do MY Kids Eat For Breakfast?

07/11/2014 04:04am
As I Dietitian, I know people are constantly scrutinizing what I and my family eat. I'm not complaining; I get it. It's no different than when I examine the outfit of a personal stylist or the teeth of a dentist. We all have to represent our brand. In my case, however, it's not always easy to categorize food as "healthy" and "unhealthy." Certain foods have certain meanings or connotations to different people and can easily be judged as "bad" by one group and yet "good" by another. It can be so confusing!I try not to judge people's foods choices (for the...

Why Does Big Data Matters to Marketing?

07/11/2014 02:51am
You must hear Big Data this term over and over again. But wait, how does it related to Marketing? Why do marketers need to care when our hands are already full?The research from Smart Insights states Big Data is the third biggest commercial potential businesses should invest in Marketing in 2014. Although the trend slightly declined from last year, 13% of voters still think Big Data is a important tool Marketers should pursue. If you dont have any clue about Big Data, An introduction to using Big Data for Marketing will be a good start. ...

What's the Dish on Ice Cream?

07/11/2014 01:59am
One sure sign of summer is ice cream. And in the U.S. folks manage to consume plenty of it -approximately 12 lbs. per capita/person. If you're an enthusiast for the flavored frozen treat you know that indulging in rocky road can create a few lumps and bumps on the bod faster than ice cream melts in hot weather. For those of you who are with me on the "I love ice cream" bus, knowing the scoop on the available choices in the freezer case can help you make wise decisions on what to choose.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) established...

Creating A Podcast - Will My Business Benefit?

07/10/2014 08:46pm
Podcasts are a challenging form of marketing as they rely upon building a fan base through content that is both informative and interesting. These are sound recordings, so you don't have the benefit of showing pictures or allowing customers to read something at their leisurely pace. Instead, you and your company must develop an idea within the imagination of your listeners.Your business can benefit from the use of podcasts if developed properly. You should plan out your scripts and invest the time and energy to develop podcasts just as you would put together any other type of ad campaign. Unlike radio...

With Entrepreneurship, Losing is Winning

08/10/2014 01:21am
Statistics on startups and entrepreneurship does not look very favourable. A lot of startups fail in their first year of operation, many more are forced to close down by their second and third year. By the fifth year 95% or 8 out of 10 businesses have failed. That is the major reason why a lot more people will stick to the traditional corporate sector and have a regular income. But for the few who go into entrepreneurship it is one heck of a journey. For all the time i have been reading and studying entrepreneurship i have come to realise that...

How Business Videos Can Impact Your Company

07/03/2014 08:53pm
U.S. weekly reported that approximately 78% of all American Super Bowl viewers only watch the game for the advertisements; this data was compiled on a study done in 2014 from 1,000 research participants. The fact of the matter is that people enjoy watching videos. It doesn't matter if it's an advertisement or an infomercial; as long it's entertaining and has a purpose, people are willing to spend their time watching it.This data suggests that quality produced business videos can have a substantial impact on the marketing campaign of your company. If you can develop something that an audience can enjoy, you...

Advancing Nutritional Care for Older Adults

07/03/2014 07:29pm
In the older adult population, the consequences of malnutrition can have a major impact on health, such as unintended weight loss, sarcopenia, frailty, and delayed healing of pressure ulcers. Serving healthful, nourishing meals is not always an easy task in long-term care settings, where staff are contending with food-medication interactions, anorexia, gastrointestinal issues, depression, chronic diseases, poor dentition, difficulty chewing and swallowing, and other issues affecting proper nutritional absorption. Overcoming these barriers is becoming increasingly important, as the literature continues to strengthen the association between good nutrition and overall health in older adults.There is major potential in the year 2014 for...

4 Crucial Things You Need To Do To Build Your List

07/03/2014 05:15pm
Online marketing has caused a sudden surge in successful marketing these past few years, but many in the know have felt its rise for much longer. As more internet-based businesses are popping up, the need to develop new marketing skills and knowledge based on this new medium have risen significantly. More and more marketing strategies are being discovered and developed to cope with the changing face of business and the business world.The demand for online marketing tips and strategies have drastically grown and a new opportunity for this type of business has been born. While there are companies that are all...

‘Understanding the Benefits of Mankind’ Promises to Inspire and Transform Lives

07/03/2014 12:53am
ATLANTA, GA Christian author Jimi Akanbi has released Understanding the Benefits of Mankind. Hailed by critics and readers alike, the book is an in-depth step-by-step on how to transform your life to be better aligned with God. Readers can purchase the book through Amazon at http://amzn.to/1jrDGpI . In Understanding the Benefits of Mankind, Jimi Akanbi discusses seven crucial principles from Gods perspective: money, marriage, time, sex, power, materials and life. These seven principles given to man by God can become curses if misapplied. Jimi...

Top SEO Trends In 2014

06/27/2014 07:38pm
In the interest of retaining relevant results and discouraging unethical techniques, search engines are continuously re-formulating their SEO formulas. Google has updated their SEO standards as recently as the end of March making it harder for online marketing consultants and business owners to keep up with the latest and greater SEO standards. Here's a look at some of the top SEO trends in 2014 as reported by some of the experts in the industry to help you to optimize your online resources and highlight your business. Mobile Optimization Matter Increased importance is being placed on mobile devices and websites that are...

12 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise

06/27/2014 12:21am
Everyone knows why we should be exercising: to improve health, to look good, to feel good, to fit into nice clothes, to burn fat, to lose weight - all that good stuff. And yet, we're just not doing it. In fact, many of us hardly move at all. We drive everywhere we need to go and then look for the closest parking space; we take the elevator instead of the stairs; we work in front of our computers for hours and then go home and plop on the couch; we watch way too much TV; and then we go to bed.Our...