Buying Organic Foods - Is It Worth The Cost?

05/30/2014 11:22pm
Are you purchasing organic foods today? Do you buy organic but are not really sure which are the best choices to make? Food Dollars Spent On Organics According to the Organic Trade Association's (OTA's) 2013 U.S. Families Organic Attitudes and Beliefs 81% of families report that they purchase organic foods at least some of the time. That is a big number! Organics often cost more and I am sure families are wondering if it is worth the extra cost. Comparing Organic to Conventional To get a better understanding of what the difference between organic and conventionally grown foods, here are a...

The 3 Corner Stones Of An Opt In Offer That Converts

05/30/2014 08:48pm
What to use for an opt in offer is a hot topic whether you are a newbie or seasoned veteran to internet marketing. There are many options out there from a simple checklist to a full blown video training course.Many experts will give you reasons why one is better than the other, and of course all of their advice is conflicting - which makes this question ring even louder.From what I have found there is not a definitive right or wrong when it comes to creating your opt in offer. However, there are definite goals your opt in offer needs to...

Top 5 Tips to Help Your Chances for Creating a Viral Video

05/24/2014 10:23pm
Everyone dreams of creating the next big viral video, but only a proud few have had the opportunity to experience it. Every minute approximately 72 hours of YouTube footage is uploaded onto the streaming site, so if you haven't been discovered, don't give up your dream just yet. With enough persistence and determination, you're bound to come up with something viral-worthy eventually. To assist you in you in reaching your goals, here are the top 5 tips to help your chances for creating a viral video: 1. Capture Their Attention Keep It Human beings have an insanely short attention span...

Could You Be Suffering From Celiac Disease?

05/23/2014 11:58pm
Last weekend I took a trip to the East Village to check out a new gluten-free bakery called Jennifer's Way . This totally adorable bakery was opened by actress Jennifer Esposito, known for her roles in Spin City, Crash, and Summer of Sam, and Blue Bloods . I'm a huge Blue Bloods fan and always wondered why she was written off the show. Now I know - she was diagnosed with a particularly debilitating case of Celiac disease in 2009 and needed time off to take care of herself and get better. That's exactly what she did...

3 Easy Ways To Create Cash With Your Email Newsletter

05/23/2014 01:57am
How many times have you checked your email inbox today? How many times throughout the day do you check for new messages? The answer to these questions is likely more often than you'd like to admit. The good news is, though... you're not alone! Most of the prospective clients and customers you are looking to do business with have similar habits. This means that your staying in touch with prospective clients, existing clients and referral partners via email is a very smart marketing strategy . Their hearing from you on a regular basis (at least once per month) creates a...

Boost Your Business With a Mastermind

05/16/2014 06:55am
Ever wish you had a whole crew of trusted colleagues supporting you in your business? You can have just that, with a business mastermind.The term 'mastermind' was coined by Napoleon Hill, the author of the iconic book, Think and Grow Rich. He called a mastermind a "coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose".The idea behind a business mastermind is pretty simple. A group of entrepreneurs comes together, and everybody gets a chance to talk about their business and get feedback.It sounds simple, but it's incredibly powerful.With...

Grief Expert Edy Nathan Releases “From Helpless to Helpful: 10 Do’s and Don’ts for Grieving Ch

05/12/2014 09:17am
Foremost grief expert and therapist Edy Nathan, MA, LCSW, today announced the release of her new piece, From Helpless to Helpful: 10 Dos and Donts for Grieving Children. The article provides practical guidance for adults as they help children navigate the difficult process of grieving.When grieving the loss of a loved one or even a pet, it can be overwhelming to cope with personal grief while also helping children cope with theirs. Drawing from a wealth of experience, Nathan has compiled her top dos and donts that allow an understanding of the childrens process while providing specifics about what...

Grief Expert, Edy Nathan, Releases 5 Symptoms of PTSD and 5 Tools to Calm Them

05/12/2014 08:54am
In light of the recent ferry tragedy in South Korea, Edy Nathan, MA, LCSW, has released 5 symptoms of PTSD along with 5 usable tools to help calm them. Nathan is a top NYC-based therapist specializing in grief of all forms.Many South Korean parents are currently mourning the loss of their children, whether already confirmed or sadly assumed. The death toll continues to rise as rescue workers search for the scores who are still missing. Unlike the recent Malaysian plane that has yet to be found, the families in this catastrophe have someone to blame. Whether guilty...

Are You An Expert Or A Thought Leader?

05/10/2014 02:44am
I remember when I first started my coaching business and the idea of saying I was an expert gave me a queasy feeling in my stomach. After all, who was I to say I was an expert? Wouldn't that be bragging or worse - wouldn't I be laughed at if I didn't know the answer to a question?These thoughts and feelings come up for many people when they begin their businesses. Yet it's a necessary evil because having expert status has always been a cornerstone of your brand.After all you don't typically see commercials for "we kind of know what we're...

Make Wise Choices at Food Celebrations

05/10/2014 01:40am
There are a lot of food-related events and activities slated for May-National Hamburger Month, and National Barbecue Month and more. In addition to the dedicated food event calendar, count Mother's Day, graduations, and bridal showers. There are plenty of occasions for good eating and fellowship, creating the circumstances for you to easily venture off the path to the healthy lifestyle. No worries, I have suggestions for you. You'll be able to enjoy, indulge, and stay on track with your healthy lifestyle goals. Mother's Day 2014 is the 100th anniversary of Mother's Day and Moms most enjoy...

Planting a Family Garden - Increasing Fruit And Vegetable Eating For Healthier Kids

05/09/2014 11:23pm
Do you and your kids reach for fruits and vegetables? Growing a garden can help to make that happen! Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake According to the WHO, both children and adults consume inadequate fruits and vegetables to promote good health. The consumption of fruits and vegetables is protective against many disease conditions as well as helps to promote a healthy weight. One way to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables is to improve attitudes towards healthy foods. The National Gardening Association has highlighted studies showing that gardening is one of the best ways to influence kid's acceptance of fresh...


05/08/2014 08:13pm
BAM!!"Life just doesn't hand you things. You have to get out there and make things happen; that's the exciting part!"- Emeril Lagasse A PR strategy is contingent on approaching objectives differently from the norm. A simple press release is not going to catapult you into success. Coupling that press release with a roll-out strategy across five different platforms, with timing contingent on audience reach? Now you are talking! And that is where a true PR professional will truly shine!You've have written an incredible book, don't you owe it to yourself and the world to give your book the best possible...

The Creativity Conundrum: Why Structure Unlocks Your Creativity

05/04/2014 09:57pm
I used to think I wasn't creative . Any time I would try to come up with an "original idea" either it would have already been done, or more often - I would draw a complete blank. This was pretty frustrating because everyone knows that in order to stand out you have to be completely original. But do you? More on that in a moment.My way of compensating for my apparent lack of creativity was to take something that already existed and use that as a basis for something new. Sure, it wasn't completely original but at least I wasn't copying...

How to Make Your Business Travel Easier

05/03/2014 12:53am
"Wow, that sounds really cool. Have a great time!" That's the kind of thing people who don't travel for business say to those who do.If you've ever traveled for business, you know that it's a lot of work. Fun? Not so much. You're often 'on' for many hours in a day, at meetings, and at meals with clients and colleagues. The travel itself, especially by air, can be exhausting. Plus, you don't have the comforting presence of home and loved ones when you finally stop at the end of the day.Still, it's a great way to expand your business and take...

5 Ways to Work Through the Afternoon Slump

05/02/2014 11:05pm
The three o' clock hour hits. Just two hours left of work to meet a pressing deadline and meet with an unsatisfied client. Or maybe you've been running errands all days, picking up the house, and preparing for a family weekend getaway and didn't make time for lunch. You can make it, if you have a little pick me up of sugar and caffeine. A short walk to the vending machine or drive through Starbuck's will cure that!The afternoon slump can be a hard thing to get past and for many people a frequent cause for slipping up with healthy eating....