4 Ways to Keep Your Clients and Prospects Interested In Your Offers

12/22/2013 05:45am
As you start to plan your marketing activities for the new year, one aspect of your strategy you will want to give serious thought in the coming year is developing a higher level of engagement.Engagement simply means your audience's reaction to your marketing. It's when they follow through on whatever call to action you put in front of them, such as clicking on a link, responding to a survey or purchasing a product.No what matter marketing tool or technique you use, you want to make sure that you have a systematic way of tracking your level of engagement.Paying close attention to...

8 Advantages Of Using An Email Marketing Software

12/21/2013 11:01pm
If you decided to use email marketing to promote your business, you've made a very wise decision in growing your business.You have probably heard or read lots of great reasons on the Internet to use Email marketing in your overall marketing plant, and the buzz that can be created by this type of marketing. I'm also sure I will not be the first to tell you that, "The money is in your list" - which is 100% true.Even though email marketing is a very powerful way to transform leads into hungry buyers many people are discouraged to use this technique because...

4 Hot Ways To Market Yourself in 2014

12/20/2013 06:02am
As you sit down to plan your 2014 marketing calendar, you may be wondering where you should be focusing your marketing efforts to get the biggest bang for your buck.Well, let me share with you the (currently) 4 HOT parties you most definitely want to dress up in your sexiest little number and be seen at!(Note -- like a lot of "In" things, these parties could definitely change to "not-so-hot" overnight. However, even if that happens, you'll still be able to reap the benefits now; plus, what you create to take advantage of these platforms could be tweaked and reused for...

Why Does It Feel So Painful to Be a Lawyer Sometimes?

12/15/2013 05:47am
There are certain parts of being a lawyer that are particularly hard... Especially, if you're a lawyer who cares.The traditional business model is broken. If you are trying to make it work, you know it. You're too busy. Not serving your clients in the way you want. Probably not commanding fees you know you could (or should).Even if you are making money, you're struggling... To keep up... Constant worry... Anxiety and fear. You know it's not supposed to be this way. It's true. It's not.And, you can do something about it. Here's how:1. Take 100% responsibility for your experience.Yes, the law...

Importance of Having a Goal

12/14/2013 04:15am
We are almost to the end of the year and as I look back over the past year I start to evaluate my goals I made for 2013 and start to create new goals for 2014.Whatever business you are in it is important to have goals. The reason for this is that you need something to work towards. How do you know if you are successful if you don't have a goal to reach?Having goals also helps you become more motivated. It's like playing sports, I'm Canadian so I'll use hockey as an example. At the beginning of the season you...

3 Steps For Replicating Your Own Success

12/13/2013 06:49am
Entrepreneurs generally have a lot in common. We're passionate about our work. We care deeply about delivering high quality products and services to the people who need us. We have a "never-say-die" spirit.Another thing we have in common is a bad habit of focusing on what went wrong. We often lose sight of the great things that went RIGHT, especially when it comes to reviewing our activity over a period of time.When you focus on the negative, you can make growing your business much more difficult than it needs to be.If you don't appreciate what's working, you can easily find yourself...

Stuck In The "Entrepreneurial Lows?" 3 Truths to Help You Navigate Through It

12/02/2013 11:36am
We all talk about the entrepreneurial journey -- how when you embark, the highs will be some of the best highs of your life but there will be some lows too.The reality is that just as the highs you can reach running your own biz are some of the highest you'll experience, very few things may beat how low the lows can go.And when you hit rock bottom, you can REALLY hit rock bottom. Because the truth of the matter is you can't have the highs without the lows. They're a part of the journey and they also make the...

What Pulls You?

11/30/2013 07:29pm
You can push, shove, flog yourself into success. It's been done before. Or you can be kinder and gentler with yourself and allow yourself to be pulled. Not only is it more nurturing of you, it's sustainable. It doesn't require you to burn the candle at both ends, going up in a torch of burned out flame. It doesn't require you to do what goes against the grain. It doesn't require you to be inauthentic. All of that eventually snuffs out the flame that called you to start your business in the first place.Instead, let yourself be pulled by all that...

The Next Steps to Build Your Network

11/29/2013 05:19am
You've come home from the conference with a stack of business cards from people whom you have met. Now what? Don't let them sit on the corner of your desk until next year. It's time to start developing and building relationships with newly added members to your network. A quick "Nice to have met you" or "It was great to see you again" e-mail gets you started in the right direction with developing a relationship with your contact.The next step involves shifting your focus on giving. What do the people in your network need? Information? Connections? If you give something to...

Why You Aren't Attracting The Right Coaching Clients

11/29/2013 03:13am
Have you ever had that feeling that no matter what you do, you keep attracting dud clients? No matter how many brilliant blog posts you write, tele seminars you deliver, or videos you create people just aren't "getting" what you do?Well there might be a fairly simple reason for that, you know too much.Sometimes we get so caught up in sharing our knowledge of our area of expertise that we forget the bigger picture of why we started our coaching businesses, which was to change lives and possibly change the world. We each have an inner message that we want to...

How to Differentiate Yourself In The Coaching World

11/23/2013 05:08am
Every day the coaching world is getting more and more crowded. It is easier than ever now to start your own coaching business, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to stand out and attract attention.Everywhere you look there are other coaches that are offering the same types of coaching programs, and they may have bigger marketing budgets and more whiz-bang marketing tactics. So how do you compete?The important thing to remember is that while your specialties are similar, there is always something you can do differently or position in a strategic way that makes you unique. You can build a brand around...

What's Your Most Important Commitment in Your Business?

11/22/2013 11:43pm
Clients? Staff? Deadlines? Budgets? Those will both get you pretty far. But none are sustainable without this one commitment. Your most important commitment is to yourself. You are the heart of your business. Without you, nothing would be possible.Keep your commitments to yourself, or you will undermine the most important relationship you have, the one with yourself. If you don't support yourself in health, maintaining your energy, and doing what you say you're going to do, you will eventually have nothing left to offer clients, staff, or even family.One of the basics of business that I teach is, do what you...

Creating Promotional Resources for Affiliates

11/21/2013 03:12am
If you use sites like Clickbank or ShareASale, you are probably familiar with the "affiliates" link found near the bottom of most product pages. Some will take you to a signup page or a opt-in form, but not all of them offer promotional tools for their affiliates once they sign up. I personally prefer sites that offer these tools, as it gives you something to associate with the branding and makes it easier to start creating content around each new product. The most common forms of affiliate resources I've found on product pages are graphical banners, articles to submit to directories,...

12 Tips for Internet Marketing Newbies

11/21/2013 03:05am
So if you've spent any amount of time trolling around places like the Warrior Forum, you'll probably agree that there is a lot of misinformation floating around out there on the web. There are also tons of scams, shady practices and unethical people who are peddling crap and some of them manage to make a good chunk of change by doing so.When I first set out to explore how to make money online (an exciting and new concept that I was overly enthusiastic about), I was pretty much on my own. I knew next to nothing about any one single method...

5 Simple Reasons You MUST Stop Ignoring Email Marketing

11/16/2013 08:51pm
As a small business, your passion for what you do and the quality of your solutions are what separate you from your competitors. When you use email marketing to stay in touch with your audience, you'll be able to reinforce those relationships and connect with your customers in a way no one else can-every single time you hit the 'Send' button.Here are 5 simple reasons why you need to implement email marketing into your profit strategy TODAY:1. It's affordable.Email marketing is an inexpensive way to stretch a tight marketing budget - which is great for you because you don't have a...