Tip Sheet: 10 secrets to making true Neapolitan Pizza

06/24/2013 06:04pm
June marks the birthday of the Margherita Pizza, one of the worlds most beloved dishes. In celebration of this delicious invention, Restaurateur/Chef Nick Accardi, dishes up distinguishing tips on how to make Vera Napoletana (true Neapolitan) Margherita Pizza from his Hells Kitchen Trattoria, Tavola.The Story:In June of 1889 a Neapolitan tavern owner, Raffaele Esposito served the Queen of Italy, Margherita of Savoy a special dish named in her honor. The wood-fired Flatbread was topped with Melted Mozzarella, Tomato Sauce and Basil leaves, symbolizing the colors of the Italian Flag. The Queen was so pleased with the meal that she...

Independent Thinking: Client Development in Nonfiction - Tell the Story of Your Small Law Firm

06/23/2013 11:18pm
I talk to a lot of lawyers, and the one thing I am continuously struck by that holds most lawyers back (including myself for many years) is the idea that we are in a competitive marketplace and there's not enough business to go around.It's simply not true.Not only is there enough work to go around, but when you differentiate yourself from the other lawyers in your community and speak directly to your target market of clients, you might even find you have too much work to keep up with!So where do you start in this process of identifying what's unique about...

Should People With Diabetes Avoid Potatoes?

06/20/2013 11:13pm
Myths about foods people with diabetes should eat or not eat are numerous. Potatoes are one of these foods that have gotten a very bad wrap, and because potatoes are known to be a "starchy" vegetable (and break down into sugar), it is believed by many misinformed people that they should be completely avoided in those with diabetes. This couldn't be further from the truth!Facts:The Potato The potato is fat-free, cholesterol-free, high in vitamin C, and high in potassium, and a good source of vitamin B6 and dietary fiber. An average 5.3 oz potato with the skin contains 45% of the...

4 Steps to Create Your Future

06/09/2013 12:36am
The success or failure of your business is not left up to chance. It is not a huge mystery as to whether you will accomplish your goals or not. This leads to an important question that you need to personally address: 'What type of person are you?'At the time you are reading this article, you are one of two types. You are either a dreamer or a doer. A dreamer is a person who says, "I would like to have my own VA business." The doer, on the other hand says, "I am going to succeed as a Virtual Assistant!" The...

How Are You Bathing Your Cells? The Key to Appetite Control

06/07/2013 08:27pm
I wish I had a dollar for every time a client stated, If only I had more willpower I would not have a weight problem or for when they asked me for a medication to decrease their appetite. First of all, realize that there is NO such thing as willpower. Willpower is nonexistent, and the belief that willpower is necessary for weight loss will always lead to failure. Instead of willpower, what is needed is a willingness to consider new ideas and methods.For the purposes of weight loss and weight management, the food we eat has two distinct...

All-Or-Nothing? No Way.

06/01/2013 08:22pm
Are you finally ready to lose weight; for good? Well then, it's time to ditch the diet mentality once and for all, and make a genuine lifestyle shift. In other words, lose weight in a way that is sustainable rather than extreme and unrealistic like most diets. The key is to find a balance in eating and exercise that you can keep up for the rest of your life.Powerful Weight Loss Tip...Ditch the diet and strive for balance.Use these tips to achieve your personal best weight and stay there for good. If you eat it, you own it. Whether you write...

Your Next Client Might Be In Your Back Yard

05/27/2013 01:29am
You say that you want more clients. Is that really true? Examine your marketing efforts over the past six weeks. What have you done to actually enroll new clients? Perhaps you sent a few emails out. Maybe you made a few new connections on LinkedIn. What have you really done? I want to challenge you to take a different look at getting new clients.Peruse your contact files of the people you have known for quite some time. Is there anyone in your personal network that does not fully understand what you do in your business? Notice that I didn't say 'Is...

The Solution To A Lack of Leads, Clients or Consistent Income

05/26/2013 05:21pm
Many businesses have characteristics that are similar to any stock market in the world; there are ups and downs. When you experience a downturn, the culprit may be a slow drip of revenue, which means a slow drip of closed business from very few leads. Your goal, then, is to get in front of more leads, convert leads to clients and create systems around making this your business habit. Here's how you do it:Not enough leads - This is an issue with visibility. Quite frankly, not enough people know about what you offer and your ideal prospects don't see you as...

Dining Without Reservations: 7 Simple Strategies

05/26/2013 02:09am
Eating out in a restaurant can be challenging when you are trying to eat healthy and make weight-conscious choices. Things can get out of hand quickly when you are faced with too many options. It's easy to consume more calories, fat and sodium in one restaurant meal than you need for the entire day. With a little planning however, you can make your dining-out experience tasty, enjoyable, and weight-conscious. Consider the following powerful weight loss tip.Weight Loss Tip: Before you go out to eat, come up with a 'dining-out strategy'.Use these tips to help you dine out without pigging out. Be...

Pumping Iron to Improve Your Diabetes Control

05/25/2013 08:59pm
To maintain a healthy body and to promote good diabetes control, our body needs iron! You may remember from your high school chemistry that iron is a strong, hard, magnetic, silver-gray metal that is atomic number 26 in the chemical element list. Iron is found naturally in the foods we eat, and iron is a component of tools that we use in everyday life, including our cast iron skillets and our iron dumbbells and exercise machines. Our body and muscles need to be pumped with both the iron found in food, as well as with the iron in...

Will My Child Be Safe at Camp? The One Question Every Parent Should Ask Before Sending a Child to a Sports Camp

05/21/2013 02:33pm
To set up an interview, please contact:Julie B. Kriss614.282.0232JulieKrissEnterprises.comWill My Child Be Safe at Camp? The One Question Every Parent Should AskBefore Sending a Child to a Sports CampNew Albany, OH - As spring advances, many parents will make final decisions about summer sports camps for their children. Evaluating camp options can be challenging. Among the many factors to consider when comparing camps are price, hours of operation, location and camp activities. While these factors help in comparing camps, they do not address the single most important question: Will My Child Be Safe at Camp?Since one could...

Are You Ready to Downsize?

05/15/2013 08:37pm
Are you really ready to downsize? One Woman's Story; The other side of downsizing is ...the reality. Be careful when you downsize if you are married to a keeper. How much space do 2 people need?How it was for us:My husband is a keeper. A keeper of everything. Old clothes, shoes....stuff.Guess who got rid if all nearly all HER stuff?............, I will admit, I just wasn't ready to part with my bell collection, and guess who couldn't part with anything else?............Not one shirt or pair of pants, even if they were 3 sizes too small. "You never...

Uncovering "Hidden" Profits In Your Business

05/12/2013 11:59pm
Every (and I do mean EVERY) business - including yours - has the potential to be immediately more profitable. Unfortunately, many times we are unable to see the opportunities in front of us because we buried in the minutia of our daily task list.So how do you dig out the hidden treasure in your business? How do you tap into those "well... duh!" opportunities that are right in front of you?Here are a few areas of business to investigate:1. What prospective clients didn't convert to paid clients? - It's easy to get emotional and take it personally when a lead doesn't...

Attract More Ideal Clients by Talking About What You Believe

05/11/2013 07:39pm
When most entrepreneurs talk about their businesses, they typically focus on what they do and how they do it. But the great leaders in the business world go a step further - they not only talk about the "what" and "how," but, more importantly, why they do what they do. What you believe - and how your work reflects this - should be at the core of your business and your marketing.What is that important message you want to share with the world? What do you want to make sure gets passed on for generations to come? When you get clear...

Solving Problems Ethically

05/10/2013 09:50pm
I belonged to a local networking group that touts allowing only "one person per profession". Over the four years I was a part of the group, there had been several times when someone's competitor had visited and the group worked with the competitor to find ways for them to be a part of the chapter by offering services outside what the established member of the group was already offering. Sometimes we were able to work it out, sometimes we were not. But overall, the entire group understood the process and importance of protecting the "one person per profession"...