3 Reasons to Ask Yourself "WHY?"

01/12/2013 06:42pm
Let's be honest! If you look back at the previous 12 months of your life, do you find things that are noteworthy or humdrum?Noteworthy - (adjective) Significant or unusual.Examples of things that are noteworthy: Accomplishing meaningful goals. Building or repairing important relationships. Breaking through a paralyzing limiting belief.Humdrum - (adjective) Lacking excitement or variety; dull; monotonous.Examples of things that are humdrum: Allowing hours, days and months to pass you by without making quality contributions to your life or that of others. Embracing a life that is stuck in a rut. Empowering others to dictate how your life will turn out.Do you...

Managing Our 24-Hours

01/11/2013 03:08pm
We all have the same amount of time to expend each and every day, 24-hours. So why does it seem like some people have mastered their time better than others?I don't think it's about the time at all, I think it's about how we manage ourselves. My friend, and savvy professional speaker on the topic, Pam Vaccaro says it best, "It's about your focus!"I know from my own experience, making a few simple changes have made a HUGE impact on my effectiveness, and stress levels. I tried several different options and settled on the system that worked for me.I find that...

Taking a Fresh Look at Fuel Additives as a Money Saving Strategy

01/09/2013 08:49pm
Gas prices are over 4 a gallon in some markets recently and headedthrough the roof it seems, with some analysts talking about gas heading toward 5 a gallon by thesummer. As unrest across the Middle East roils the oil markets and the price of gas leaps upward,were all scrambling for ways to save. Some strategies weve heard about many times before. Weknow we should drive slower and more conservatively, without the sudden starts and stops. Weknow we should avoid unnecessary trips, inflate our tires, get a tune-up, and carpool or rideshare.And you can bet that just like the last time the...


01/08/2013 06:34pm
By Julia J. Mueller 29-Sep-2011 Julia has developed a comprehensive smoke cessation program called Kick Your Butts Forever that is not only about smoke cessation but teaches a whole new way of learning to live a clean, healthy existence that repels the desire to smoke. This program has proven to have an 85-90% success rate for those that have chosen to take that final step toward quitting once and for all. Since smoking is both physical and mental, success in a stop-smoking effort must change not only the mental attitude, but the physical reaction. Through hypnosis it is possible...

Hypnosis: An Alternative Treatment with a Permanent Result

01/08/2013 06:32pm
Hypnosis has been around for centuries and though often subjected to skepticism, it has been proven to be an effective cure. History is a great testament on how hypnosis was utilized to provide permanent cure to some cases in which medicine failed to accomplish. One of the famous hypnosis treatments in the past was the case handled by Dr. Albert Mason in 1951. He was asked to help a young boy enduring a severe case of ichthyosis, a genetic skin disorder exhibiting scaly, thick layers of dry skin caused by the lack of sebaceous glands that produce sweat. Though the patient...

Foolproof Your Presentations - 10 Tips for Delivering Professional Presentations

01/05/2013 11:40pm
In the workplace, we make presentations all the time, be it to internal or external stakeholders. One of the reasons many people fear making presentations to the boss or clients is they are afraid of being the focal point of everyone's attention and don't want to risk making a fool of themselves.Put your best foot forward every time! There are several things you can do to "fool-proof" your speaking event or business presentation so that you deliver your message well every single time.1. Take the time to prepare well for your presentation. Preparation enhances your confidence and it's also an opportunity...

7 Simple Ways to Beat Procrastination

01/04/2013 09:44pm
You know the feeling. You're sitting at your computer watching the cursor blink. You haven't gotten a single thing done. You've worried about an important client project, all of the phone calls you need to return and made are making mental notes about the errands you need to run. You just can't seem to stay focused long enough to complete any of the critical tasks in front of you.Take a break and try these counterintuitive ways to get back on track and knock tasks off your to do list.1. Get some exercise. Exercise not only does the body good, it helps...

I Bought Some Ads And They Didn't Work

12/26/2012 10:31pm
I bought some ads and they didn't work... this is a common phrase from small business owners. The ads were costly, but looked like a great deal. When there are very few positive results it can be a discouraging experience.First off - don't beat up on yourself. Maybe it wasn't the best business decision you ever made, but it's done. The best thing you can do now is learn from it and move on. To make better decisions in the future consider the following.My number one rule... be proactive rather than reactive. Did you search out that advertising deal? In many...

Get the Facts: How Multitasking Is Hurting Your Business

12/25/2012 09:56pm
Skype is open. Instant message programs are pinging. Your unread email count is rising. Your browser has 8 tabs open. There are 5 documents open on your desktop. Your calendar alerts are popping up and you stop to send a quick text. Sound familiar? You probably think you're being efficient, but you're not. Multitasking is a big mistake and it's hurting your productivity. Which in turn is hurting your profits.Consider these startling statistics that highlight the negative effects of multitasking: Multitasking leads to as much as a 40% drop in productivity. (Bergman, P. (2010, May 20). How (and why) to stop...

Breaking Through To Balance

12/21/2012 10:23pm
Being in balance in all areas of our lives is a perennial topic for discussion and contemplation. Often we may find ourselves over-committed, under-rested, over-fed yet under nourished, generally or very specifically unhealthy in some way and the key to clarity and wellness turns out to be that magic word - Balance.Finding balance in a world where we are either pushed or pushing to be performing at our peak 24/7 365 can be a major challenge for many of us. It's important to Take Back Control of your own life. To remember that you and you alone are responsible for creating...

A Bounty of Blessings

12/21/2012 05:40pm
Blessings like butterflies come to us and often catch us unawares. How many times have we heard the words "Count your blessings!"? When we take the time to become consciously aware, to slow down, to breathe, we are able to make the space in our lives to truly acknowledge all the many ways that we have been blessed. As we count our blessings we automatically create an energetic link to Spirit which activates an infinite feedback loop that garners us greater and greater blessings to count.The Universe is filled with raw un-manifest energy, where our attention flows that is where the...

Stress-Free Weight Loss

12/21/2012 12:07pm
Life is stressful. No matter what you do, there will always be deadlines, inconveniences, time crunches, and negative interactions with others. This is especially true during the holiday season. This is the time of year when stress can be overwhelming. And it can easily lead to overeating and weight gain. There's no way to completely avoid it, however there are some things you can do to reduce it. Here are a few stress-reducing tips to help you get through the holidays - or any time of year - without turning to food for comfort.1. Plan. Allow enough time to do the...

Drinking the Kool-Aid - What Really Happens When You Decide to Invest at a Whole New Level

12/16/2012 11:02pm
I have been having lots of interesting conversations lately with people - people who have made some powerful choices for themselves - people who have invested highly in their businesses and their dreams and desires - people who have sought the advice, guidance and wisdom of a variety of "experts" to help them in learning new skills, bringing in new technologies or otherwise expanding and growing their businesses.I've discovered that there are two different "camps" out there - those who are making the recommended changes and those who aren't. Let me tell you about what I've learned.The one's that didn't make...

What Is Your Value?

12/16/2012 06:46pm
Value is a funny thing. We look for it everywhere we go - if it's not a good value, or doesn't provide us with benefits, we keep moving. I wonder why it is we don't feel WE have a value?Several months ago I spoke to a prospect with a small home-based business. They use a 15/hour person (4-6 per year, by the way) to handle their database and eNewsletter. They had high turnover because once they got to the 1099 threshold (650), they would find someone new. Different concept! The first thing that crossed my mind is that this person had...

Identifying The Seven Monsters That EAT Your Self Worth!

12/14/2012 12:38am
When we are born, we come to the world with a soul that is carrying lifetimes of experiences. We choose to incarnate in order to fulfill some purpose - everyone and everything in creation has a purpose! Sometimes we find ourselves feeling like we've been "born into the wrong family" (or culture, or social system) and we feel at odds with everything around us. We may experience lots of hardships, traumas, dramas or just all around hellish experiences that leave imprints on our soul. These imprints can cause us later on in our life time to suffer greatly, to question our...