Horse In Pain?

04/29/2013 08:17am
A Horse is a Horse - Except of Course, When in Pain ,byLorrie BracaloniOccasionally you'll come across a horse in pain that just seems unexplainable. Caring owners have come to me feeling frustrated that their horse is still "off," after trying every traditional and holistic health option they could think of.There is always a reason that a horse is sore. Mainly it has to do with how his muscles support his skeletal system. Muscles contract and release. When muscles tighten and cannot achieve a full release, they will remain tense and will shorten over time. This puts strain on the surrounding...

The Fast Diet

04/28/2013 02:28am
You know people ask me about all kinds of diets. The Grapefruit Diet, the Atkins Diet, the Palm Beach Diet, the Mediterranean Diet, and the list goes on. These days the questions are about the fast diet currently the diet of the day that is popular in Britain. The diet like many of the country's exports is growing in popularity here in the United States. I don't endorse a particular diet, but I do try to give you the skinny on what a particular diet is all about.The Fast Diet is an eating plan that allows you to eat the foods...

What Are You Doing to Prevent Sarcopenia? Use It or Lose It!

04/28/2013 12:21am
Have you ever had major surgery? If you have, you will know that once the anesthesia has worn off, the first thing the doctors and nurses require of you is to "get out of bed" and move! But, "wait a minute," you cry, "I just had major surgery--let me rest." Thankfully, however, for you, that request is denied. Otherwise, severe complications in all body systems can occur, as well as death.Prolonged bedrest effects all body systems, but it especially effects the cardiorespiratory system (heart and lungs are major muscles) and the musculoskeletal system (such as decreased muscle mass and strength, and...

Hire Yourself, Fire Your Boss

04/27/2013 09:27pm
I have no doubt that you are an amazing administrative professional. The skills that you currently possess may be enough for you to get starting in your new career as a Virtual Assistant. Although you will need to acquire new skills (as normal), the base knowledge and skillset that you possess could put you on the road to becoming an entrepreneur. What do I mean by that?You Have The Needed SkillsThe work that you are doing right now as an Executive or Administrative Assistant is currently paying your bills, correct? Great! It doesn't matter if your in a law firm, an...

How Can You Eat An Elephant

04/27/2013 08:11pm
Running a business has been compared to eating an elephant! That is a weighty thought when you consider that an elephant may not be able to fit into your home, let alone on your dinner plate. Similarly, thinking about starting a business (or keeping up with the one you have) may seem daunting.Is the goal of running a successful Virtual Assistance business elephantine in your mind? Believe me, it's totally okay if that is how you feel at this time. Many people want to become a Virtual Assistant because they have been laid off from their job. Many others feel that...

How to Make Exponential Progress in Business

04/19/2013 04:57pm
Sometimes, the most difficult part about being in business for yourself is holding yourself accountable to accomplish your purpose. When you're the boss there's no one looking over your shoulder to see if things are getting done. Also, it can be challenging to think through your ideas and figure out what direction to take next.Growing your business and achieving your goals is often the biggest challenge small business owners face.As an entrepreneur, you know all (or almost all) of the things you need to do to make your business successful and prosperous. For example, you know you should: Keep your website...

5 Things You Can Do In Those Quiet Moments

04/19/2013 03:27pm
Your day in a shop can consist of a lot of quiet time. Do not think of this as boring time, twiddling your thumbs or scanning on FaceBook, Twitter, or other social networks. I know I have days when I have had a few hours in the shop where no-one has walked in. You can use this time to get productive.Here are 5 productive things you can do in those quiet moments:1) Start to analyze what is selling and what is not in your store. If you have some staff, sit them down and ask them, "Why is this selling? Why...

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed And Not Getting Things Done? - 7 Ways To Get More Done

04/18/2013 08:59pm
Time is the great equalizer. Everyone gets the same number of hours to work and play each day. No matter who you are, where you live and what you do you get a 24-hour cycle just like everyone else. One person may be wealthier than another, but that doesn't earn her a minute more in a 24 hour period than the poorest among us all. Discovering how to manage your time is part mental reorganization and part creating a system. It can be tempting to use interruptions as an excuse to postpone a project or task. Secretly we sometimes welcome the...

401(k) Loans: Quick Cash with Dire Consequences

04/17/2013 12:19pm
A 401(k) loan can be tempting in today's economy, but before you tap into your 401(k) for an easy loan, you should understand the disadvantages of these transactions and the long-term effect it has on your Paychecks for Life.PROSBorrowing from 401(k) accounts is extremely easy these days, and an increasing number of participants are taking out 401(k) loans. These loans offer some attractive benefits for those in need of quick cash:Loan Terms: Participants can borrow 50 percent of their vested retirement account balance, up to 50,000.Interest: Their interest rate is typically a low rate of prime plus one or two percent.Convenience:...

National Financial Literacy Month: If Not Now, When? Calculate Your Retirement Readiness

04/17/2013 12:15pm
Holyoke, MA, April 16, 2013 Charlie Epstein, CLU, ChFC, AIF, founder and creator of The 401k Coach Program and Paychecks for Life urges American workers to use National Financial Literacy Month this April as a springboard to evaluate their savings and investing goals. Healthy financial habits are important in many of lifes events but planning for retirement, specifically, is a daunting process affecting the morale, motivation and momentum of this country, says Mr. Epstein.The Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS), sponsored by Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) found that worker confidence in having enough money to live comfortably throughout retirement declined again...

What's the Story on Diabetes?

04/15/2013 01:01am
As a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), that is one question I am asked regularly. Folks need to know the 411 on diabetes and pre-diabetes. People should also know what the difference is between the two. When you hear any version of the word diabetes it can make you feel like you've intentionally brought this on yourself. Diabetes isn't anyone's fault. Eating and activity play a role in your blood sugar control, but that is just one chapter in the diabetes story.DiabetesNormally when you eat, some of your food is broken down into sugar (glucose). Sugar travels in your blood to all...

Oh No, There's a Dress Code!

04/14/2013 09:33pm
You are invited to a party, wedding or function and you see or your partner sees on the invite "dress code". I know my wife will go into panic and the six hour shopping marathon will be scheduled in (I no longer attend these torturous events).Don't fret. It really doesn't have to be that difficult. Below I have listed a few helpful tips for what a male should wear.Formal dress This means get out the tux/dinner suit. If yours is a little dated, and looks old and tattered, go shopping and get yourself a new one. You are invited to a...

Develop Rock Solid Confidence In Your Ability To Succeed

04/14/2013 06:11pm
Feeling hesitant about what you're trying to accomplish affects all of us at one time or another. If you're ready to own your value and create more success in your business, it's time to move away from "I don't know if I can do this... " to "This is what I'm going to accomplish!"Shifting your mindset starts with making a decision to do things differently. For example, if you are used to focusing on all of the things you "can't do," "don't deserve" or feel unsure about, you'll want to make a conscious decision to re-train how to talk to and...

Tap Into Your Unstoppable Potential (Yes, You Do Have It!)

04/06/2013 11:31pm
So often, it isn't a lack of knowledge that prevents service professionals from achieving their business and marketing goals.Instead, a lack of focus and motivation are more often the culprits. You may be a person who knows exactly what you need to be doing. You possess the knowledge, but not enough confidence in your ability to make it happen and succeed as an entrepreneur.Throughout the many small business communities that I belong to (both online and offline), I often see a LOT of untapped potential. I see service professionals who have the potential to command top dollar for their work, to...

3 Ways to Use Evernote For Your Business

04/06/2013 10:29pm
If you would like a tool that gives you instant access to data that you have collected, you have no need to look any further than Evernote. Why can this be an effective tool for your Virtual Assistance business?Keep Track of EverythingEvernote has so many cool features that you just cannot get enough of using this awesome app! You can track absolutely everything that comes to your mind. One of the first things that you may want to do with Evernote is to start saving data so that you can see how easy it is to collect information.If you have photos...