Pitchrate | Tap Into Your Unstoppable Potential (Yes, You Do Have It!)

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Sydni Craig-Hart

SYDNI CRAIG-HART, expert marketing coach and consultant, supports service professionals in creating success – in both their businesses and their lives. Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," Sydni uses a results-focused, “how to” approach in implementing simple and customized strategies ...

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04/06/2013 11:31pm
Tap Into Your Unstoppable Potential (Yes, You Do Have It!)

So often, it isn't a lack of knowledge that prevents service professionals from achieving their business and marketing goals.

Instead, a lack of focus and motivation are more often the culprits. You may be a person who knows exactly what you need to be doing. You possess the knowledge, but not enough confidence in your ability to make it happen and succeed as an entrepreneur.

Throughout the many small business communities that I belong to (both online and offline), I often see a LOT of untapped potential. I see service professionals who have the potential to command top dollar for their work, to create businesses that truly give them the flexible schedule they crave and work only with clients who respect them and value their contributions. I see this in them, but many times, they just can't see it for themselves.

"WHY is that," you may ask?

It's because they don't believe in themselves. Perhaps they doubt their worth or don't believe they can truly succeed. Perhaps they are accustomed to bosses, HR departments, and companies that look down on them. Perhaps they have limiting beliefs (i.e. "I can't charge that much" or "I can never be as good as... ") and, as a result, just can't see the abundance of opportunity available.

This is understandable, considering many service professionals have a corporate background where they may not have been allowed to fully express themselves, use their talents or even be taken seriously by their colleagues and superiors. When I was a corporate employee I certainly did not have the opportunity to define my future, create my own path, and make my career what I wanted it to be.

That's the beauty of creating your own business, particularly in the professional services industry. You need ONLY offer the services you want to offer. You can charge whatever you want to charge. You can choose to work two days a week - or five days a week. It's up to you what you do, when you do it, and for whom!

But to do this, one needs to COMPLETELY abandon the "employee" mentality. Whether you've been in business for 5 months or 25 years, if you find that you are still approaching your business with an employee mindset, it's time to ditch that perspective.

Begin today to makeover your mindset and boost your confidence about what is really possible for you and your business.

Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," the tech-savvy Sydni uses a results-focused, "how to" approach in implementing simple, customized strategies so service professionals create profitable businesses in which they enjoy the lifestyle they choose.

Visit http://www.SmartSimpleMarketing.com for your FR*EE training course, "5 Simple Steps to More Clients, More Visibility and More Freedom" and apply for a FR*EE "Profit Breakthrough" session with Sydni!


marketing goals, mindset, small business goals, small business owner, smart simple marketing, sydni criag-hart
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