Pitchrate | 5 Powerful Strategies for Creating a Powerful Mindset

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Sydni Craig-Hart

SYDNI CRAIG-HART, expert marketing coach and consultant, supports service professionals in creating success – in both their businesses and their lives. Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," Sydni uses a results-focused, “how to” approach in implementing simple and customized strategies ...

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03/28/2013 01:06am
5 Powerful Strategies for Creating a Powerful Mindset

Building a business is a fantastic and challenging experience. You can wake up exhilarated to begin your day and go to bed feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. The key to success is to maintain a positive "yes, I can do it" mindset.

Easier said than done, right? Here are 5 keys to help you create and sustain a positive mindset so you attain the success you desire:

1. Surround yourself with successful and positive people. The influence people have over our own personal energy is amazing. Moods and attitudes are so imitated - think about how much of a difference a simple smile from a stranger can make for your day and then magnify it 1,000 times to demonstrate the power of positive and successful friends, family and associates. When you have people around you who inspire you, believe in you and want you to succeed, there's no room for doubts and even when they creep up, they're quickly swept away.

2. Create a mantra or an affirmation. Repeating positive affirmations has been shown to get people through tough times and to actually help them truly believe what they're saying. For example, "I am building a powerful and profitable business." Many of the most esteemed business professionals have used the same affirmation strategy to attain their success. To find the right affirmations for you, consider writing a quick list of your doubts, insecurities and complaints. These can then be quickly turned into affirmations.

For example, if you write that you're always feeling disorganized then your affirmation could be, "I am organized and in control." Repeat your affirmations several times a day, take action in harmony with your thoughts and feel the power of positive thinking.

3. Capture and eliminate negative thoughts. We all have negative thoughts from time to time, however, left unaddressed negative thoughts and emotions can derail us and prevent us from achieving all we desire. Of course catching those negative thoughts takes practice and persistence. When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts or having negative emotions, find a trigger to turn them around. The affirmations mentioned above are a great way to turn the negative into the positive. You can also find quick pick me ups like a favorite song, a walk outside in the fresh air, or some exercise to help improve your mood. Also, keep track of all of the good things you do to help you remember how far you've come.

4. Set goals/intentions and then be willing to let it go. The law of attraction says that we attract what we focus on the most. However, desperation clutters your mind and creates negative energy around you. Set your goals, create a plan of action and work that plan. It's likely to NOT go exactly according to plan, but making steady progress will keep your momentum strong and your mind focused. Give it a try.

5. Be grateful and generous. Gratitude is perhaps the single most powerful and positive tool for success. When you're grateful for all of the wonderful things and people in your life the challenges you face seem significantly less important and are more easily dealt with. Be generous in your support of others. Offer referrals, support your industry, give of your expertise. You'll build goodwill and continually open doors of opportunity for yourself.

Consider keeping a gratitude journal and make a practice of writing in it daily. That way, when you're facing challenges a quick peek at all the amazing things in your life will make you feel as if you can tackle anything. Additionally, an attitude of gratitude helps you maintain a positive perspective and to face challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles.

Success is within your reach and with the right attitude you can accomplish anything you set your sights on. Embrace these five powerful mind success strategies and you'll build a better business and live a happier, more satisfying life.

Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," the tech-savvy Sydni uses a results-focused, "how to" approach in implementing simple, customized strategies so service professiona


goals, mindset, positive mindset, positive thinking, small business growth, small business success, smart simple marketing, sydni craig-hart
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