Pitchrate | How to Find Great Partners for Webinars and Teleseminars

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Sydni Craig-Hart

SYDNI CRAIG-HART, expert marketing coach and consultant, supports service professionals in creating success – in both their businesses and their lives. Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," Sydni uses a results-focused, “how to” approach in implementing simple and customized strategies ...

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10/21/2012 05:40pm
How to Find Great Partners for Webinars and Teleseminars

Webinars are a great way to build your audience - they give you an opportunity to "show and tell", which builds trust and credibility for your business. With webinars, you also have the opportunity to partner with another business offering complementary products and services, which can build your following even faster by getting exposure to their audience.

Whether you're just starting out or have been in business for a number of years, additional profits for your business await you when you partner with another professional. Follow these simple tips to make it happen:

Connect with Related - but Non-Competing Providers

You have a lot of options in choosing a partner for your presentation. Think about products and services that clients use before and after yours. Who do you already know that is offering something complementary to your business? Reach out to the business owner and present an opportunity with clear value for them. (KEY: Make your pitch all about them - they'll be much more likely to say yes!)

For example if you are a web designer, your clients contract web hosts before you and copywriters after you. Each of these companies would be a great partner for you! You want to choose a business that has a similar audience but not a competing service.

Another way to think about it is: who serves your audience in another way? If you're a bookkeeper serving female small business owners, think about whom else serves female owned small businesses. You could partner with a CPA specializing in women's small business or a coach for small business owners.

Finding the Right Partners with Social Media

Use social media to find other providers in your niche. Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups and forums are great places to start. Tweetchat in your niche will introduce you to new people in your field. You can also use Quora. See who answers the same kinds of questions you answer, and then look at their profile. Before long, you'll find someone who approaches the same problems from a different angle. That's a great person to get to know.

Once you've identified service providers who are a good fit and have complementary expertise, connect with them. Use social media to introduce yourself and start a conversation. See who their friends are on Facebook. If you have mutual friends, ask for an introduction. Do the same with Twitter followers or LinkedIn connections. Sign up for the email newsletter or blog to learn about their work style and offers. Use your research to craft an opportunity for the two of you to collaborate and then reach out to pitch your idea.

Making a Connection

When you get the conversation going on social media, reach out in a more personal way with an email or chat by phone or Skype. Use the time to learn more about their audience and their needs. The more you learn the better you'll be able to tailor your content to provide value to their audience.

Use what you learn on the call or email conversation to build content that will be beneficial to both of your lists. You're not asking for a favor from this other person, you're providing value to new prospective clients. Be sure you can clearly communicate the value you are offering their audience. Ideally, you'll be solving a problem that both groups have.

The value doesn't stop with the information you provide. You'll also want to craft an offer that benefits both your list and your partner's. A discounted product or service or complementary session is a great way to introduce yourself to a new audience. (Be sure to offer them a commission on any sales that are generated!)

When the webinar is over, reciprocate! Let your partner host a webinar for your audience in their own area of expertise. Your audience gets a chance to learn from them and take advantage of what they have to offer.

Webinars are a terrific way to build trust and expand your list. You don't have to go it alone. Look in your niche for the right partner and get exposure to a new pool of potential clients.

Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," the tech-


business connections, business partners, smart simple marketing, specific marketing strategies, sydni craig-hart, webinars
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