Pitchrate | How To Know Exactly What Your Audience Wants To Buy From You

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Sydni Craig-Hart

SYDNI CRAIG-HART, expert marketing coach and consultant, supports service professionals in creating success – in both their businesses and their lives. Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," Sydni uses a results-focused, “how to” approach in implementing simple and customized strategies ...

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03/09/2014 04:01am
How To Know Exactly What Your Audience Wants To Buy From You

Have you ever presented a product or service offer to your audience that you were beyond excited about? But then quickly found out you were the only person excited about it because very few (or no one) expressed an interest? (This has happened to us a few times. You live and learn, right!)Not only can this be an expensive waste of time and money, it can deflate your confidence. You can significantly improve your sales by focusing on developing the exact solutions your audience is looking for, instead of a particular idea that happens to be exciting to you. In doing so, you will increase your revenue and your audience will be more inclined to refer you to others.So, how do you know what it is your audience wants to buy from you?You ask them, of course! In most cases they will be happy to share their opinions with you.Here are some ideas to find out what's on the mind of your current clients and prospective customers, and what to do with that information:1. Go poll crazy - The great thing about online polls? They only take a minute to create and take. Focus on one specific question and give a few options for people to choose from. For example, you might post a poll in your email newsletter or on your website to find out what challenges or problems they are currently looking to solve.2. Get content ideas, fast - Are you stuck on what content to talk about in your email newsletter, on your blog, or on your social media profiles? Create a survey and find out what is interesting to your audience. Then quickly address their specific concerns and include a call to action that leads them to the next step.3. Qualify sales leads - Link to a questionnaire in your emails or on your website so your readers can tell you what challenges they're facing and arrange a time to contact you. Also, invite them to tell you what product and services are of interest them.4. Find out where your audience is - Add a survey link to your newsletter or event invite and find out what social network your customers and members spend the most time on. Promote the link on your social networks, too. After a specified period of time, compile the data and consider how you can increase your presence and engagement on the platform where your audience is most active.5. Improve your purchase process - Include a link to an online survey in your confirmation emails and let your customers' feedback tell you how to improve their buying experience.6. Get input on products and programs - Include a link to a survey or poll in an email to get input on your current offerings to boost engagement in the future.7. Easy list segmentation - Your audience can segment themselves by interest, product, program, etc. by taking a quick survey you've presented to them. Once they self-select into various lists and groups you can follow-up with content specific to their needs and wants.Surveying your audience should be a regular component of your overall marketing strategy. Rather than resting on your laurels, staying engaged with your audience will empower you to grab their attention and keep your solutions top of mind.
Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," the tech-savvy Sydni uses a results-focused, "how to" approach in implementing simple, customized strategies so service professionals create profitable businesses in which they enjoy the lifestyle they choose.Visit http://www.SmartSimpleMarketing.com for your FR*EE training course, "5 Simple Steps to More Clients, More Visibility and More Freedom" and apply for a FR*EE "Profit Breakthrough" session with Sydni!


Smart Simple Marketing, Sydni Craig-Hart, Marketing Strategy, Small Business Growth, Small Business Marketing, Connect with Clients, Connecting with Prospective Clients, Audience Opinionshttp://pitchrate.com/user/854/sydni-craig-hart.html, audience, survey, link, newsletter, simple, include, email, create, improve, interest, customers, poll, product, specific
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