Pitchrate | Stop Being Overwhelmed and Start Marketing

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Sydni Craig-Hart

SYDNI CRAIG-HART, expert marketing coach and consultant, supports service professionals in creating success – in both their businesses and their lives. Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," Sydni uses a results-focused, “how to” approach in implementing simple and customized strategies ...

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04/29/2011 10:53pm
Stop Being Overwhelmed and Start Marketing

Feeling overwhelmed with marketing your business? We've all been there at one time or another. But you don't have to stay there! Being in a constant state of overwhelm is a choice. It's a choice one makes partially as a result of a limiting belief that being successful in business is hard and can't be done with grace and ease. It's also partially a result of poor time management and disorganization. Whatever may be contributing to your overwhelm, let's get you out of there!

You can't possibly tackle every aspect of your marketing plan at once. But doing nothing to create awareness about your business is not an option, either.

Here are five steps to get clear, cut through the overwhelm and start marketing your business consistently.

1.Stop! If you're feeling overwhelmed, step back, take a deep breath and cut out all of the "noise." Take a moment to think about what you really want to accomplish with your business. What does your next step for success look like? Get clear on your goals so you can create a plan to get you there.

2.Establish your goals. After you've crystallized your vision for success, you need to set specific and measurable goals to create that level of success. For example, if you have a goal to find five new clients, don't just say "I want five new clients". Instead, get specific! Try "I will enroll five new clients in the next 90 days." By giving yourself a timeline and getting specific you'll be able to measure your progress.

3.Plan a strategy. Determine which marketing strategies will best support your goals. If you want to attract five new clients to your practice, you'll need to start marketing where your ideal clients hang out. Develop new relationships with your ideal prospects so you can learn their challenges, build rapport and increase your visibility. Leverage your existing network and re-connect with past clients. Your marketing strategies need to reflect your goals - not necessarily what everyone else is doing!

4.Create a simple plan. Outlining a simple plan will help you stay focused on specific strategies so you can achieve your goals. To start with, just focus on the next three months. You can get a lot done in 90 days but it's still a short enough period of time that you won't be overwhelmed with the planning. Map out the exact steps that you need to take in order to put your strategy into action. Once you're done, you've created a roadmap for your success!

5.Schedule time to WORK YOUR PLAN. All the planning in the world won't matter if you don't put your plan into action. You MUST schedule time each day to work your plan. Make marketing your business just as important as working with your favorite VIP client. Your marketing projects have to be completed week in and week out if you want to see results. Schedule marketing time consistently on your calendar - and stick with it!

By following these five steps, you can get clear about what you want and eliminate that overwhelmed feeling that you get when you think about marketing your business. When you're laser focused on your goals, you can block out all of the other ideas and strategies that don't match your vision of success. Staying on this path will lead you to enjoying the successful, profitable business that you deserve!


smart simple marketing, sydni craig-hart, marketing goals, marketing planning, marketing strategy,
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