Pitchrate | 3 Marketing Projects You Can Complete THIS WEEK to Increase Your Income

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Sydni Craig-Hart

SYDNI CRAIG-HART, expert marketing coach and consultant, supports service professionals in creating success – in both their businesses and their lives. Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," Sydni uses a results-focused, “how to” approach in implementing simple and customized strategies ...

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01/25/2013 02:36pm
3 Marketing Projects You Can Complete THIS WEEK to Increase Your Income

Unfortunately being a fabulous interior designer, virtual assistant, financial planner or whatever profession you happen to be doesn't make you an automatic marketing expert. (Wouldn't it be great if it did?)

So as you strive to be of service to those who need you and generate an income to meet your personal goals, you often find yourself struggling with which marketing strategy, tactic, etc. will best suit your needs.

The great thing about the basic principles of (smart simple) marketing is that they are easily customizable and transcend all barriers. No matter how long you have been an entrepreneur, how tech savvy you are (or not) or what type of business you have, certain strategies ALWAYS work.

If you're feeling skeptical about how confident I am about this, consider these three ideas for how you can increase your income, create more visibility for your work and monetize your expertise THIS WEEK. (Yes, as in the next 7 days!)

1. Reconnect with those you've worked with in the past - Studies show that it is at least 5x easier (and less expensive) to re-engage a past client, as it is to enroll a new one. Most businesses are so busy "drumming up" business with new clients that they forget to take good care of their past clients. Don't be one of those businesses! Pick up the phone, reach out to your past clients, check in and see how they're doing. Find out what they've been up to since you last spoke, what's new with them and what they're working on now. Create an irresistible offer (just for them) to honor the relationship and to pick up with you where they left off.

2. Launch your own event - Hosting your own event, live or virtual, is incredibly easy. It's a GREAT way to create visibility for your work while adding value to the lives of your ideal prospects. The steps are simple: Choose a topic, choose a date, promote it EVERY where you can, deliver great content and present an irresistible opportunity for those in the audience to continue the work they've just started with you. You can host a teleseminar (which is just a conference call), a webinar or a live workshop. You can charge a nominal fee for the event or host it for free. Either way, it's a win-win as you get to meet and connect with the folks who need you, and they get to sample how working with you will help solve their problems for next to nothing.

3. Package what you know - Publishing a book or teaching a class used to require a tremendous amount of effort and resources. Fortunately for us, the Internet has made it possible to do both with speed and ease. Each and every day thousands of people are searching high and low online for the information that lives in your brain. So, don't keep it there... give it to them! You can create an eBook (which could be sold in PDF format on your website) or an ePub (which can be sold on Amazon.com). Alternatively, you can offer a series of webinars or teleseminars to teach your audience a specific technique, strategy or concept. All you have to do is:

A. Choose a specific topic for your presentation

B. Make it easy for the participant to say YES (Keep registration simple and affordable)

C. Offer a recording and notes on how to implement

D. Promote the program in every network you're a part of

E. Use a strong call to action at the end and provide an irresistible offer to the next paid step

(Did you notice how "irresistible" is a critical element for your success? The solutions you offer must be irresistible to your audience - not just what you want to sell or talk about.)

I've personally implemented each of these strategies in a week or less with GREAT results. So I know it can be done. Which idea feels most comfortable to you? Or do you have another idea you'd like to tackle?

Whatever the strategy looks like, commit to it, plan it out and work your plan.

Known as "The Smart Simple Marketing Coach," the tech-savvy Sydni uses a results-focused, "how to" approach in implementing simple, customized strategies so service professionals create profitable businesses in which the


marketing ideas, marketing strategy, small business marketing, smart simple marketing, sydni craig-hart
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