Wiccans and Politics

02/26/2014 12:19pm
Wiccans and Politics by Rev.Terry Riley Wiccans by definition are deeply involved in their environment, their community in which they live. They worship the Earth; they take care of and are concerned about protecting it. Most are involved in environmental issues pertaining to preservation of our Holy Mother Earth, if not nationally then locally, especially in their private practice of the Faith. We profess about our Pagan communities, which include our fellow Pagans; but that also includes, by our faith, the trees, bugs, animals, spirits of the land, and all levels of vibratory existence on multiple levels of consciousness. Yes we...

Feng Shui Predictions for 2014, the Year of the Horse

02/24/2014 03:09pm
My Feng Shui Predictions for2014, the Year of the Horse Happy New Year! As I'm writing these lines we already are in the Year of the Yang Wood Horse. As a Feng Shui Master*,but not by any mean a Chinese Astrologer, I want to give you my own take on what's going to happen in 2014.(*Didn't you know?! I studied three years with Feng Shui Master Denise Liotta-Dennis, who studied in Malaysia with Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai. I have now used Feng Shui to ENHANCE Wealth, Health and Relationships to my private, and VIP clients for a...

We are ONE

02/24/2014 02:13pm
We are ONE All that exists in our known Universe was created from a common source. From a stone, a plant or an animal, going all the way to the human being, absolutely everything that exists has a common origin, a starting point of Cosmic creation. All atoms that make up your body, the chair on which you are sitting and the book youre reading sprang up from the exact same Cosmic singularity. We have a natural instinct of belonging in respect to our relatives, our parents and children, especially. Because these beings, we know, are...


02/21/2014 03:10pm
CONSCIOUS MANIFESTATION EFFECTS Paulo Ferreira As spiritual beings living a material experience, we affect and are affected, collaborate and receive influences and thoughts from our spiritual collective, from the energy field which supports and is the product of the human beings energies set. What scientist Rupert Sheldrake calls morphic fields and Jung denominated as collective unconsciousness. These are names and partial characterizations of a larger set, which Helena Blavatsky described as Humanity Akashic Record, the result of all interactions, of all we do, of all the choices manifested in the world, by acts, words or other intent expression forms....

If You Don't Have to Pay Anything, Why Aren't You Doing This?

02/21/2014 05:01am
When I attend or speak at seminars or talks about marketing, I mingle around and ask the group of marketing executives, SMEs or entrepreneurs the same question. So what brings you here today and what do you hope to walk away with at the end of the session. The responses tend to a variation of these two comments; 'Our marketing budget has been cut, yet I have to exceed the number of leads from last year' or 'I am looking for one or two low cost tactics that I can go back and implement right away that will give me a...

How to Make Friends With the Scale

02/20/2014 09:20pm
It sits there in the corner of your bathroom, collecting dust from time to time or sometimes, when everything is going right, it sees a lot of action. Do you only get on the scale after a "good" day or week? You know what I'm talking about, right? You avoid it after crazy weeks of missed workouts and grab and go meals. And after vacations and during the holiday season? Yeah, right!It's time to stop the love-hate relationship with the scale and come to a truce. Don't let the number on the scale be the end all be all but view...

Remodeling or Building a House- Top 3 Reasons Couples Fight During Their Construction Project

02/18/2014 03:47pm
Most couples argue about money and sex sometime in their relationship. Construction projects can be really tough on a relationship. Whether you're remodeling or building from the ground up, most couple argue. Money, not sex is the hot topic in a home constuction project, as it takes money to do a construction project. I've outlined for you the top three reasons coules fight during their construction adventure. Reason #1 Couples dont know their needs and values. Some people dont know what drives them or motivates them to build or remodel their home. They know they want something new...

Fostering Personal Power Within The Conscious Family

02/18/2014 01:49pm
We humans have an interesting task. Arriving on earth in tiny physical bodies, with brains not yet developed, we rely on those around us for our survival. Simultaneously, we are unimaginably powerful beings, with the capacity to come to live on the earth, create our own lives, love and then raise other human beingsour children. Ask most adults, and theyll tell you they had to find their own personal power, usually in late adolescence or early adulthood. Personal power is not power over something/someone outside of the self, a type of power that tends to go haywire, like that...

3 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW To Be More Attractive to Prospects

02/16/2014 05:34am
Finding new prospects for your business is similar to dating. At the first encounter there is a level of attraction that causes a person to want to get know more about the individual who has caught their attention. After learning more about this attention grabbing person, a decision is made as to whether or not it is even worth pursuing a deeper relationship.Your prospective clients are looking for solutions to their problems. Are you making sure that you are presenting your solutions in a way that not only attracts them to your offerings, but also lets them know that you are...

Words Are Tools

02/16/2014 03:08am
Words are the tools that speakers use to craft their message. Just as an artist chooses a brush, color, and medium to create a picture filled with meaning on a canvas, effective speakers deliberately choose words to paint mental images, stir emotions, and convey meaning in their spoken message. The words we use have power to unify, inspire, and persuade as well as disenfranchise, destruct and damage. How carefully do you choose your words when delivering a presentation?Words that are clear, simple, and shortwill trump jargon, abstract words and language filled with clutter when you want to get your message across....

Are You Missing Critical Nutrients During Your Pregnancy?

02/15/2014 05:54am
Five key areas to consider for the best pregnancy possible.1. The Importance of a Whole Foods DietWhat is a whole foods diet? Whole foods are those that are unprocessed and unrefined. I like to think that they are those foods you can picture growing in nature. For example, I can imagine and trace the steps back to where my oatmeal came from, or any grain for that matter. Or fruit, beans, meats, etc. Why does this matter? First of all, whole foods are loaded with vitamins and minerals. We wouldn't need prenatal vitamins if we simply ate a whole foods diet....

Think About It!

02/15/2014 02:07am
Everyone needs some space in their business for thinking.If you're always on the move, completing one task after another, strategy suffers and you can lose your direction.Take some time out to just think.Use this time to review projects and reflect on what went well and what didn't. Or think about opportunities that are available to you right now.Consider the choices you've made recently. What worked out well, and what would you change about them? Are there aspects of your behavior you want to look at? Are you doing anything habitually or automatically that you'd like to shift?You don't have a sit...

Visually Engage Your Prospects With Content Rich Infographics

02/08/2014 10:24pm
This is nothing new. You've heard it before. A picture is worth a thousand words. When you think about, humans have been communicating with pictures for thousands of years in the form of pictograms on cave walls to Egyptian hieroglyphics to temple carvings. As marketers, we should be using visual information in our business on a regular basis.People remember pictures better than words, especially over long periods of time. This phenomenon is referred to as the Picture Superiority Effect. Based on research into the Picture Superiority Effect, when we read text along, we are likely to remember only 10% of the...

Spiritual Practice: Read, Write, Listen, Sit

02/08/2014 05:43am
Mystics from all ages have talked about spiritual practice as a doorway to greater experience; a doorway that leads us to a deeper understanding of the unseen. Yet, for most of us, the idea of spiritual practice just feels like adding another burden to our already busy lives. We don't have a culture of spiritual practice, and often, we aren't even sure what that means.Read - Upon first awakening, take five minutes to read some spiritual writing. You might chose Scripture, or a magazine like Science of Mind, Creative Thought, or Daily Word. Each of these has a daily message. You...

How To Market Consistently When You Have NO Time

02/07/2014 04:53am
Companies with active blogs receive 97% more leads (Content+ 2013) 74% of consumers prefer to receive commercial communications via email (Merkle) and email marketing has an ROI of 4,300% (Direct Marketing Association). Social media sites and blogs reach 8 out of 10 of all U.S. Internet users. (Content Marketing Institute)You know you need to market consistently. You have the best intentions of doing so, But you find yourself constantly distracted by the phone ringing, email piling up, invoices to send, clients to help, voicemails to return and the paper that is growing out of your desk.What's a busy guy or gal...