Is Your Law Practice Website a Lead Generating Machine or a Pretty Brochure With No ROI?

08/10/2013 01:10am
Are you currently generating leads online? Would you like to be? (Of course you would.)Back in 2006, when I began first hearing about the idea of marketing on auto-pilot, I spent loads of time and money to figure out what it actually meant and how I could do it in my own practice.While I loved to get out there and speak to educate my community, I really loved the idea that I could be building my law practice while I slept. So, I decided to learn how it was done.What I discovered is that it all comes down to generating a...

Guidelines for Vacation Well-Being

08/09/2013 05:51pm
Whether you travel by train, boat, plane, auto or bus, a vacation is something to look forward to. You want to experience and enjoy all that a vacation can offer. So here are a few tips to help guarantee that stress and drama are not your travel companions.PlanningOne of the first things to do in planning the vacation is research. Determine where you are going and the typical weather of the vacation spot. You want to make sure that the weather will not cast a cloud over your enjoyment. A little research will also aid you in choosing what to pack,...

How to Choose Fonts For Your Website - 4 Common Mistakes To Avoid

08/09/2013 03:01pm
Before I got into the business of creating websites for solopreneurs I had no idea that fonts were such a big deal. Having the right font can make your website look polished and put together, and the font you choose also gives your text a particular personality. Who knew?Unless you're a self proclaimed "font snob" (something else I hadn't heard of) chances are you are choosing your fonts willy nilly depending on what appeals to you at the time.So here are some common mistakes that solopreneurs make when choosing fonts for their websites, and what you can do to avoid them.1....

Lessons from Gmail -- 3 Tips to Improve Your Email Best Practices

07/31/2013 09:20am
If you haven't heard by now, Gmail is rolling out a major change to how its users receive emails. Basically Gmail will be sorting emails for their users and putting them in folders for them. Why would Gmail be doing this? I suspect at least part of the reason is because a common complaint from people who have an email address is "too much email."So, as an entrepreneur who uses email in your marketing, rather than worrying about which folder you end up in, I think a better use of your time is to take a look at how you use...

Stay Hydrated, Stay Healthy

07/26/2013 09:42pm
You know I am a huge advocate for folks to get a body moving-stretch, shimmy, shake, walk, and run or jump; just do something. A new exercise program requires commitment and acknowledging that a slow start is better than no start as you gradually build up your stamina and your body adjusts to exercising more vigorously.One of the most important things to remember when launching an exercise activity is to feed and water your body adequately. Though both food and water are important, water and staying hydrated is the more important of the two. Water is an essential nutrient that makes...

Use Automated Email Messages to Keep the Money Rolling In

07/25/2013 03:54pm
Did you know that it takes approximately 7 interactions with a prospective client before they buy from you?Because of this, it's important that you capture every name and email address that you can from visitors to your website and follow up with them quickly to start getting to know them and developing a relationship with them. In order to capture this information you need to have something enticing (a free report, eBook, etc.) they want. Whichever option you choose, the focus should be on a specific problem the reader is facing and your providing them with a solution that they can...

5 Easy Content Options That Generate Sales For Your Business

07/19/2013 08:14pm
Right now, at this very minute, there is an ideal prospect perusing the Internet, intently looking for the answer to a question that you could answer in 30 seconds flat. If you were able to connect with that individual and chat with them about their needs and their goals, it's quite likely that at some point in the conversation they would inquire about the products and services you offer, which would provide you with an opportunity to make a sale.So how do you go about connecting with that individual? But, you don't want to find just one or two. How can...

From Start to Finish..

07/15/2013 02:37pm
Building a home from the ground up is one of the most exciting projects that a homeowner can undertake. Raleigh interior designer, Eddie Rider, of Eddie Rider Designs, understands that the sheer number of decisions that must be made during this process can be very overwhelming. We spoke with Eddie to learn more about how a designers input during the design/build phase helps homeowners achieve a beautiful and cohesive design.As a designer, Eddie takes ownership of the project from start to finish. Im extremely hands-on, he concedes. Im involved with everything. Im on the job getting dirty. Im hanging light fixtures,...

How To Embrace Your Power

07/13/2013 03:05pm
You had the power all along my dear is what Glinda, the Good Witch told Dorothy. All Dorothy had to do was believe, and act. In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy embraced her power by closing her eyes, clicking her heels together and saying theres no place like home. We all know the scene well. So, how do we, outside of a Hollywood movie set, embrace our power? Here are a few suggestions:Believe in what is possible. Walt Disney said if you can dream it, then you can do it. Do you truly believe that what you want is possible?...

Posting Irrelevant, Unnecessary Content on Social Media

07/12/2013 08:43pm
One of the things I enjoy about social media is that it allows you and your audience to be a little more personal. However, unless your presence is intended to be just personal, you still don't want to be posting only things about what you're eating (unless your niche is food related), what's bugging you today, etc. I actually don't prescribe to using what you're eating as a viable post at all. While you want to be personal, you don't want to be too personal. You need to keep things as relevant and as on topic (to your product or service)...

Essential Networking Etiquette That Builds Profitable Relationships

07/09/2013 02:08pm
Let start with what networking is not. Networking is not handing out a bunch of business cards, and hoping someone calls.Business networking as described by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, as: a socioeconomic activity by which groups of like-minded businesspeople recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities. (Wikipedia, 2011)(Business networking is a marketing method by which business opportunities are created through networks of like-minded business people. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of networking activity that, when followed, allow the businessperson to build new business relationship and generate business opportunities at the same time. (former definition, prior...

Getting the Best for Your Business With Online Slide Presentations

07/05/2013 11:49pm
You most likely have head the clich that a "picture is worth a thousand words". When it comes to slide presentations you have the advantage of combining pictures and words as a marketing tool for your business. It all begins by putting together a good slide presentation that gets the message out that you want to share with your potential clients. There are many excellent free programs to help you compile your slide presentation. Once you have completed this task then you need to begin to market your presentation in order to get it seen.You will find that you have lots...

Everyday Fast Food

07/05/2013 10:10pm
If you're like most people, you've eaten at McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell and other fast-food restaurants plenty of times. And you've probably spent a fair amount of time waiting in line to order, pay for, and pick up your food. Restaurants like these are known for serving 'fast' food - and yet - often they are not fast at all. Think about it. The last time you went to a fast-food restaurant, how much time did you spend walking to your car, driving to the restaurant, waiting in line, and then driving back to your home or office? It probably...

Take a Walk, Step Out For Fitness

06/30/2013 11:20pm
If you're spending this time of year rooting for sports teams as they finish their seasons, it's important to take a page from their playbook to work out regularly. Now don't get nervous. You can start exercising at your own pace, gradually building up to a more intense workout. Now that the days are longer, with more daylight after work, vow to step up your fitness plan. One of the easiest options is walking, something we're all familiar with. If you've included exercise in your lifestyle, walking can be one more option for staying fit. And if your fitness goals are...

How I Engaged A Huge Group Of Ideal Clients

06/29/2013 10:57pm
I'm often asked, "Sydni, how do you find so many great opportunities to grow your business?" So I want to share a behind the scenes story of how we walk our talk and open new doors for ourselves to attract the perfect clients for our business:We decided a few months ago that we wanted to diversify our client base by securing ongoing contracts with larger B2B companies. In doing some research, I came across a business matchmaking event that introduces small business with large business. The goal is to create opportunities for the small business to land large contracts and the...