Food Gifts for a Healthy Lifestyle

12/08/2012 02:35am
When selecting gifts savvy shoppers have mastered the art of choosing the perfect gift-that's the one the recipients will feel were chosen expressly for them. Anyone can upgrade their gifting skills---it is simply a matter of tapping into our senses, and using your eyes and ears to learn what folks are most interested in, and pairing an edible gift with those interests. It is also important to listen carefully or do a little research to make sure the food you choose is not something they may have an aversion or allergy to.With good nutrition and living well as goals, there is...

Have You Ever... ?

12/07/2012 07:54pm
Have you ever received a BIG VISION? An inspiration from Spirit that you felt compelled to bring into fruition? Have you ever worked really hard to create something beautiful? Have you ever poured your heart and soul into something that you were really deeply passionate about? Have you ever failed?What happens when you fail? What happens when you feel like you are quite literally at the end of your rope? When you feel like you've risked it all and you are about to lose it? What do you think this does to your soul, to your Spirit, to your capacity for...

Do Super Fruits Really Have Super Powers?

12/07/2012 03:16am
Eating plenty of fruit has always been an easy and delicious way to remain in good health but with an increase in the number of exotic super fruits becoming commercially available, it seems that the traditional apple and banana no longer excites the vast majority of Western consumers.The term super fruit was first used in 2005 and refers to any fruit with a significantly high nutritional value, rich anti-oxidant and vitamin content, stimulating health benefits and mouth-watering flavour.As well as offering a wide range of diverse and exciting taste experiences, many super fruits are also used in food supplements for their...

Boomer Success Strategy - Positive Mental Attitude

12/02/2012 01:23am
What do you spend most of your time thinking about? I bet you don't even know, or maybe you've never given it much thought. Big Mistake. You have about 60,000 thought per day and 95% of your thoughts are repeated, and what's worse is 4 out of 5 of those thoughts are negative.Your thoughts are influenced by peers, world views, culture, the media religion and social expectation. They determine 95% of the emotions you experience every day. Most of our thoughts are automatic and habitual and control your pain, pleasure belief and values.Just as gravity makes no distinction or judgments as...

Behaviors That Irritate - My Child Doesn't Listen!

11/30/2012 11:11pm
All parents, regardless of the label their child has been given - anxiety disorder, PDD-NOS, overweight, learning disorder, lactose intolerant, Autism, OCD, near sighted, gifted, etc - struggle when it comes to dealing with negative behaviors. I have never met a parent who wasn't open to learning new skills that are guaranteed to help them manage annoying behavior better.We all know the behaviors that irritate parents."He won't do his chores.""She has a tantrum when I ask her to... ""My kids never listen!"Wouldn't life be more pleasant if kids just listened? Listening is a big part of communication. Without it communication breaks...

3 Mistakes Spa Owners Make With Referrals

11/30/2012 08:05pm
Referrals are the best source for new business for your salon or spa. People trust recommendations they get from friends or family over advertising hands down. Even better, referrals feed on themselves: your happy clients refer their friends building your base of happy clients who refer their friends.Even though a word-of-mouth campaign is the least expensive, most profitable sales tool you have, most spa owners aren't taking advantage of this lucrative source for leads. Don't make these common mistakes. Right this minute, they are literally costing you thousands in new business.Letting feelings of shyness stand in your wayMany spa and salon...

Practice, Persistence and Patience

11/29/2012 08:00pm
Oh MY! (Lions Tigers Bears! OH MY!) - Here's what happens - when you are willing - to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE and PRACTICE some more - (this is called persistence) you begin to develop the magical quality of PATIENCE - allowing things to unfold in their OWN time - including YOU and your business. Part of the work of a Passion-preneur is the deep development of this patience muscle. You have been STRUCK THROUGH THE HEART and you have deep burning desire to serve the world in the highest ways possible to bring your gifts to the table, to...

Surround Yourself With Success

11/27/2012 09:37pm
Successful people do one thing - they COMMIT. To themselves, to their dream, to the people they are here to serve and to the Universe.When you are called into your greatness - there is an overwhelming desire to move into the work - you are passionate, excited, enthusiastic and filled with juice - you've got your goals in sight - your engines are revving and you are caught in the throes of a LOVE AFFAIR with your work!Then like in all good relationships - the high-octane fuel of new love recedes and the time comes for you to settle in and...

The Dinner Table

11/24/2012 11:07pm
At the end of a good dinner body and soul both enjoy a remarkable sense of well-being.--Jean-Anthelme Brillat-SavarinThough written in the 19th century, this quote from a leading food essayist holds true today. Although we are all balancing a full plate of activities and tasks, dinner is important for our well-being. These days dinner can fall into several categories ranging from home-cooked, semi-homemade, carry-out or dine-in at a local fast-food site-the act of sharing a meal with family has tremendous benefits.Between work, day care, and after school activities, parents and in some case grandparents are juggling to squeeze in daily tasks...

Looking To Create Profitable Partnership? Don't Make These Mistakes!

11/24/2012 09:38pm
Partnerships are a powerful tool to grow your business. The right partnership will give your business a shot in the arm. You'll get fresh ideas, a new audience and maybe, depending on the type of partnership, a new product.However, there are some right ways and wrong ways to find a partner for your small business goals. These are the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when looking for partners. Learn how to avoid them and take advantage of this powerful opportunity to partner with others.1. Thinking about your own needs first.Too many entrepreneurs think about what they need rather than what they...

How to Find a Steady Stream of New Clients for Your Salon or Spa

11/24/2012 08:22pm
Have you ever heard a marketing consultant tell you that you need to identify your ideal client profile? Most folks start thinking about demographics: age, education, income level, marital status and occupation. But defining your ideal client goes beyond what the census bureau measures.In order to really fill your books with ideal clients, you need to think about the personality traits, hobbies and interests of your clients. The more you know about the people you serve the better you can targeted your marketing efforts for your salon or spa.Follow these steps to define your ideal client and use that information to...

Need a New Idea? Try Changing Your Perspective

11/23/2012 11:36am
One definition of creativity states that creative people look at the same thing everyone else does, yet they see something no one else does.But even creative people (which includes all of you, of course) can run into roadblocks every now and then. Sometimes it's not possible to see something different. Sometimes you've just been staring at a problem for so long it's now impossible to look at it in any other way.So what do you do in these situations?Why not try changing your perspective?Consider this: A friend of mind who does needlepoint has a design that's mostly black. Rather than simply...

3 Ways to Encourage Referrals to Your Spa or Salon

11/21/2012 05:07pm
A solid referral campaign is the most powerful - and least expensive - marketing tool you have at your disposal. An analysis of 500 salons showed that less than 3% have a defined referral program yet 80% of salon owners say they get most of their clients by referral.Join the minority! Use the power of word-of-mouth to bring new clients into your salon. These three tips will help you encourage your clients to spread the word.1. Ask every new client how they heard about your business. Train your reception staff to ask every new client as they enter your establishment. If...

Successful Thinking for Virtual Assistants

11/16/2012 11:11pm
Do you find it hard to believe that you can create or accomplish anything that you want? I used to have that problem. When growing up, I was very shy. My shyness stemmed from feelings of inadequacy. I always thought, "I'm not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, fast enough... " etc.What needed to change? Just a few things needed to change. The most important was the way that I viewed myself and what was possible in life. The same goes for you if you think that you cannot accomplish whatever you so desire. Therefore, I invite you to ask this...

Results! 7 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Get Creative With Your Marketing RIGHT NOW

11/16/2012 08:53am
1. It's not your grandfather's communications model. Communications has drastically changed since, say, the 1970s when advertising was in its heyday (actually most of the 1900s, but the 1970s is a good representative year).Target markets are fragmented, customers have more demands on their time and they've learned to shut out the majority of advertising messages out there. The old ways of marketing based on advertising don't work the way they used to. To succeed in the new communications model, you need every advantage you can find. And that includes harnessing your creativity.2. Break through the information/products overload. The Internet has been...