A Guide to Food "Allergy" Etiquette

02/26/2015 01:19am
Likely you've noticed, but there are a growing number of people with food "issues." It might be a food intolerance, a food sensitivity, or even a very serious, life threatening food allergy. I'm one of them. Maybe you are too.But maybe you are not. And maybe you are now daily exposed to people talking about their food avoidances in the work place to stores promoting the latest in allergy-free products, and are even told not to bring your favorite foods to schools or potlucks for the sake of a small minority that might have an adverse reaction to such foods. SO...

5 Foods to Stop Your Food Cravings

02/25/2015 10:52pm
You may have experienced it - the ice cream calling you from the freezer, or the bag of chips in the cupboard. Food cravings - they can quickly drive you from whatever you were doing to staring into the fridge looking for a snack. What can we do about it? Well, first minimizing the extreme challenges in your environment can help. If there is no ice cream, potato chips or whatever you crave easily to be had - it helps. But sometimes in an extremely weak moment, even a trip to the store may happen to satisfy that craving. What...

Food Additive Watch: Azodicarbonamide

02/18/2015 08:21pm
If you are like me, the only reason you might recognize this lengthy word is because of Food Babe, the online food sleuth, who popularized it last year by calling it the "yoga mat" chemical. Subway was the main target, being called out for having this compound in their breads. While they took most of the heat, the truth is a number of other companies in the food industry have been using this chemical as well and likely they are breathing a deep sigh of relief that no one came after them first. Many of them, in fact, have quietly removed...

How Does Transformational Coaching (Tcm) Differ From Traditional Therapy

02/15/2015 08:03pm
Traditional therapy is about working with a patient to overcome the past. Transformational Coaching Method (TCM) Life Coaching is about co-creating a working plan with a client in their present state to look towards a greater and more desirable future. While traditional therapy asks the question why, TCM asks the question HOW, WHAT AND WHAT IF.In Therapy, WHY questions gets reasons and is not results driven. Therapy discussions talk about content rather than the process to improve on their present situations. While in therapy, the therapist works with a person's PAST and traumatic events therein, and seeks healing of those events....

Get Motivated to Move

02/13/2015 02:31am
Physical activity and exercise routines are vital for people to reach their health and fitness goals. You are never too old or too unfit to benefit from exercise. On the contrary, studies show that the more frail and unfit you are, the more you will benefit from exercise.If you want to add length and quality to your life, follow these six steps to build adequate physical activity into your life: 1. Set short- and long- term health and fitness goals Think about what you want to achieve in both the short and long term. Whether you want to improve your stamina...

Juicing - Helpful or Harmful?

02/13/2015 01:10am
I get asked this question all the time. What do you think of juicing? The short answer - it can play a beneficial role in any wellness program if used properly. Drinking a nutritious juice every once in a while (even everyday) can be healthy, but it can also do more harm than good when it's taken to the extreme. Consuming only juice for weeks is not the magic bullet proponents are claiming it to be; and it can be downright dangerous. So what is juicing exactly? Juicing is a process which extracts water and nutrients from produce and discards the...

Vitamin D – Do you get enough in the winter?

02/12/2015 11:17pm
In the heart of winter in Minnesota, I am keenly aware of the lack of vitamin D we are getting from the sun. Vitamin D is an important nutrient that isnt found naturally in many foods. The body can synthesize vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, but in the winter months our exposure to the outdoors and sunlight decrease (depending on your climate). Supplementation with Vitamin D may be recommended for many whose diet is deficient and exposure to sunlight is minimal. What are functions of vitamin D in the body? Some of the important functions of vitamin D in the...

The People You’re Talking about Fifty Shades of Gray Don't Know a Flogger from a Blindfold

02/12/2015 07:09pm
With Fifty Shades coming in theaters theres a lot of talk about BDSM! You can't go anywhere without hearing or seeing the word kink. The problem? Most of the information available is incomplete, inaccurate, and comes from those who have little or no knowledge on BDSM. Kinky Cassie (Cassie Fuller) is kink and intimacy expert and educator who has been teaching and presenting on various sex and kink-related subjects, such as non-monogamy, sexual techniques, and how to keep your sex life healthy after children since 2008. She is the co-founder of ...

CASE STUDY: Designing a unified employee wellness program for multiple office locations.

02/08/2015 01:08am
Sometimes everything just falls into place.That's how it has felt working with our current client, a large government agency with a multi-faceted workforce spread out across three states and five different locations.But the warm and fuzzy feeling that comes from a wildly successful partnership doesn't just happen by chance - it takes hard work, dedication, and the willingness of both parties to embrace innovation. Here is how we worked together to exceed set goals, increase ROI, and revamp their employee wellness programs across the board. THE CHALLENGE Our challenge with this client was to help them streamline and synthesize their...

Divorce Well

02/02/2015 03:08pm
Recently, in an initial consultation with a couple, the husband lamented that his divorce had happened to him. When I asked him what he meant by that statement, he said that he felt powerless that his wife had made the decision to leave and he could not change her mind. He expressed that he was fearful of being disenfranchised by his children and that, through the process of divorce, he would lose control over the issues of importance to him, namely, decisions regarding the parenting of this children and important economic decisions. His wife voiced the same concerns. Their question...

Should We Eat Greens High in Oxalic Acid?

01/29/2015 01:12am
One question I often get asked is whether we should avoid leafy green vegetables, and other natural foods, which are high in oxalic acid.Problems with oxalates in the body are two-fold: The restriction of mineral availability, hence depriving the body of essential mineralsThe potential to form kidney stones in susceptible individuals.In this article I'm going to elucidate what oxalic acid is, what foods contain oxalic acid, whether we should eat foods high in oxalates if health issues occur from consuming greens high in oxalic acid, and what quantities are optimum for health. What is oxalic acid? Oxalic acid is a...

Bolster Your Immune System Naturally

01/28/2015 10:48pm
Happy New Year! I hope all of you enjoyed a happy and healthy holiday season. My family had a wonderful time, with no sickness (knock on wood), but I must admit, getting ill in December is always a worry, especially since we were sick as dogs just a few Christmases ago. Since then I've been much more proactive in warding off illness every opportunity I get. I've been reading, consulting the advice of naturopaths and other dietitians, and looking for any way I can to keep things sanitized without becoming a germaphobe.Given that this is the time of year when some...

10 Best Things About Being an Entrepreneur

01/28/2015 07:54pm
I don't often write articles with lists, but this one just begged to be written. This past week, I've been thinking a lot about why I do what I do. It can feel elusive. What's so fun, energizing, and amazing about it, that I just keep being called back to it?It's the starting point for everything, that Big Why. To keep returning to it is a great practice. It grounds you, and helps you stay aligned with your Big Why as you make decisions every day.Being an entrepreneur is a big part of my Big Why. And it's not just me....

Why Eat Organic?

01/23/2015 02:42am
Are you trying to decide if eating organic is really worth the extra expense? The truth is, not eating organic can actually be a whole lot more expensive when you consider the long-term and wide-range health care costs. Adopting an organic lifestyle helps to enhance the health of ecosystems and organisms. Growing foods organically excludes, when possible, the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, and additives to livestock feed. Organic farmers usually rely on crop rotation and animal manures to maintain soil productivity, to supply plant nutrients, and to control weeds, insects, and other pests. As a...

How To Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick

01/17/2015 03:58am
There's something about the New Year that evokes a renewed optimism when it comes to losing weight and improving health. Our desire and enthusiasm takes over and we are certain that our New Year's resolutions will totally work out this time. Never mind the fact that we abandoned last year's resolution by Valentine's Day. And the year before that (and the year before that) was no different. Sound familiar?But what if this year really could be different? It can; and you have the power to make it different.Start out by doing some real soul searching and figure out why losing weight...