Trends in Social Media Marketing, Present and Future

09/09/2014 06:40am
Trends in Social Media Marketing in 2014 and 2015 What are the most relevant platforms to Marketing through Social Media? What are the present and future trends in Social Marketing? Any expert in Online Marketing knows that he has to define and focus his efforts, based on a choice that seemed simple and was apparently trying to choose the most appropriate social media for a company to do marketing. To this end, I will try to elucidate some Marketing Trends that are very important for this year 2014. ...

Should You Add Videos to Your Business Blog?

09/04/2014 10:23pm
A picture, the old saw relates, is worth a thousand words. Well, then where do videos rank? Back when this clich was originally coined in 1911, still pictures were the primary medium; video had not come into common use. It was in its infancy. But now, video is everywhere and is easily accessible to the most inexperienced and novice user of the camera. Per Business 2 Community, "In a Forrester study, Dr. James McQuivey said, 'A video is worth 1.8 million words,' and he wasn't just being cheeky. If a picture is worth a thousand words, and video shoots at 30...

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Email Stats

09/04/2014 04:07am
You craft an awesome email blast. Your subject line couldn't be better. You click send. And then you check your email stats. With all of those numbers and percentages, where should you even begin?If you log in to the back end of your email program, whether it's Aweber or Constant Contact or Infusionsoft, you're faced with a variety of different numbers and statistics.When selecting your most recently-sent email blast, you'll be able to see your Open rates Bounces Clicks Opt-out's ComplaintsOnce you have this information, what are you supposed to do with it? Open rates Open rates indicate how successful your...

Let’s Talk the Talk

09/03/2014 11:27pm
Americans were crying out for change in 2008 when President Obamas campaign was offering precisely that. For the first time in history a presidential campaign relied heavily on social media where the words of change were taken down to the people on the street, who accessed it with relish.Citizens understood what was on offer. They got excited and were enthusiastic about becoming part of the vehicle that mobilized or at least promised this change.Today more and more of us are venturing into that space with the hope of getting our numerous messages out to the world. It is the difference that...

Dear Spouse, (A Letter to the Life Partner of an Entrepreneur)

09/02/2014 11:32am
Dear spouse/partner Welcome to the crazy, adventurous and the roller coaster startup life. When someone starts a business, it means she feels strongly that she can make a difference and create something of value because that's what businesses do, they solve problems. And great entrepreneurs are the ones who solve great societal problems therefore your partner is on the way to solve a societal problem. If he succeeds, society will greatly reward his effort. But remember nothing good comes easy. Therefore in the course to solve problems and affect society in a good way, your dear partner (entrepreneur) may seem concerned...

Anatomy of an Email: How to Craft Emails That Get Opened and Clicked

08/29/2014 03:59am
Why do some of your emails get high open rates, while others sit in people's inboxes collecting dust? If your open rates and click-through rates are inconsistent, it could be because you're not following a strategic email blueprint.This article will outline the specific elements that should be included each and every time you email your list. The more consistent you are in including these items, the more consistent your open rates will be! Email Body Write the body of your email first. Once you know what your email is going to be about, you can create a strong subject line, headline,...

Personal Power in Your Business: The ABCs (and Ds)

08/29/2014 01:12am
The words, personal power, always make me think of Tony Robbins (I obviously have watched way too much late-night infomercial TV!). Don't worry, this is not a hype-fest, exhorting you to (punching fist in the air) take control of your life. It is, though, a gentle call to action . More about that in a minute.As a business owner, you have lots of opportunities to use your power . You are the one who gets to decide not just the WHAT of your business: your offerings, systems, and so on, but also the HOW. And it's the HOW that...

Does Eating Healthy Have to Be Expensive? The Costs of Feeding a Family of Four.

08/28/2014 11:41pm
"It costs too much money to eat healthy!" This is commonly what I hear about nutrition and healthy eating.Yes, it is not hard to spend big bucks when going to the grocery store, but it doesn't have to be that way with a bit of planning. According to the most recent data from the USDA, the cost of feeding a family of four a healthy diet can range from 146 to 289/week. These numbers are based on preparing all meals and snacks at home for 2 adults and 2 school-aged kidsSome of the more expensive items at the...

The Ultimate Forerunner

08/28/2014 09:09pm
As the plot thickens in Game of Thrones season after season I wonder who the eventual victor will be. While there seemed to be obvious winners when I first started watching the series, they didn't turn out to be the victors. If anything they were unexpectedly slain never to return to the series again. That is part of the intrigue as it keeps me wondering what unexpected thing will happen again.Back in the workplace it is just as interesting to watch what makes the ultimate winner stand ahead of the rest? We have the high flyers who move fast and the...

The Lost Book of the Seventy-two Commandments

11/08/2014 01:07pm
The Ten Commandments have shaped and guided our civilzation for centuries. No other canon or law has exerted similar influence and power on western mind. But these Commandments, as discussed in this introduction, were not the only ones that Moses received from God. There were others too, 72 in total. Why only Ten Commandments came into currency while the rest of them were lost in the Testament is a mystery. Now, since the times are more troubled and things are more complicated, God has revealed all the Commandments in dreams and visions to respond to present crisis.My first knowledge about the...

Why Every Great Email Includes These 5 Things

08/22/2014 06:56am
Great email marketing isn't a mystery. While we may never know why some YouTube videos go viral and others don't, it's easy to tell why some emails succeed and others get sent straight to the trash folder.Great emails - the kind that get opened, clicked, shared and saved to read again - always contain these 5 crucial elements. Do yours? 5. A subject line that stands out It's tempting to write subject lines that simply reveal what's inside your email. For example, if your email contains your monthly newsletter, you might write "September Newsletter" as the email subject line.The problem with...

Creating Effective People

08/22/2014 04:26am
As I read about the global war for talent I wonder about the employees who are not considered talent. While we are in great need of talent to drive leadership and fill pipelines for succession planning, we most often look outside of the organization to find these employees.Baby boomers are leaving the workforce taking wisdom and experience with them. Generation X are next in line ready to take charge. So what does it take to push this lot of employees to become talent?When I think of talent I think of a competent, passionate employee who is aligned in personal values to...

Sales & Marketing Alignment from an Insider

02/01/2016 11:40am
Yes - lead definition, digital scoring, marketing automation, qualification, recycling, service level agreements, closed-loop reporting, and dashboards foster sales and marketing alignment to a point. Do you want to know how to take alignment to the next level? With either dedicated in-house, or outsourced lead generation (market development, sales development) people, did you know you can: Accelerate demand Nurture and convert more leads Increase brand awareness Know more about your market Build a stable bridge between sales and marketing Lead Generation Representatives (LGRs) should attend both sales and marketing department weekly...

Take Action That Matters

08/16/2014 04:16am
Take Action! Just Do It! Action is the Key to All Success! I was once part of a corporate training group. We were leaders in the organization, real action-takers who were rewarded in that setting because of our ability to 'git 'er done'. We had just spent the first morning of a 2-day retreat completing one exercise after another, and we were energized, almost drunk on our ability to complete and excel in what was put before us.The facilitator started to explain the next exercise, and we just tore into it. Before she had even finished the outline, we were organizing...

Early to Bed Adds Up to Good Health

08/16/2014 01:12am
Now when I started this article the other day it was late---too late to chat about sleep deprivation. I just couldn't give advice when I was absolutely doing the opposite. I went to bed. In what seemed like a few minutes I was awakened. It was not the alarm but a phone call at 4 a.m. from a family member locked out of their house!! How ironic is that? I go to bed to get some sleep and end up awake and on the road to take a set of house keys to someone. It was probably sleep deprivation that caused...