Adopting to Change... How the Post Office Is Surviving

04/05/2013 10:54pm
When was the last time you actually wrote a letter to someone? I must admit I can't remember. With email ingrained into our everyday lives, letter writing has become something we did in the olden days. A few years ago, everyone thought post offices would be a thing of the past too. My younger sister used to own a post office on the UK and I know in 2006 they closed down around 3000 post offices across the UK. She was lucky and kept hers, but a lot or people thought the post office would be a thing of the past...

Alpharetta Arts Streetfest Brings Energy to Alpharetta

04/05/2013 03:26pm
Alpharetta, Ga.April 4, 2012 Artists from all over the U.S. will fill the historic downtown streets of Alpharetta on April 13 and 14 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to show off their masterpieces at Alpharettas annual Arts Streetfest. Admission and parking are free to the public. The streets will be closed off so festival-lovers and art enthusiasts can enjoy two full days of strolling through outdoor galleries filled with fine paintings, mixed media, photography, pottery and jewelry and textile, glass, wood, metal and paper art. This colorful festival also features live jazz and acoustical music, cultural arts performances, childrens...

How Do I Decide Which Live Events to Attend?

04/04/2013 10:09pm
As an entrepreneur, you know that there's no shortage of events out there that you can attend to help you grow your business. There are local networking events, conferences, workshops, national expos and more. And while you certainly should be getting yourself and your business out there in a big way, you simply can't attend everything. So you need to be strategic when you're making decisions about where you are going to spend your limited time-and dollars.As I see it, there are really five reasons why you would want to attend a live event.1. To find potential clients: You want to...

Think Like an Entrepreneur and Love Being a Lawyer with a New Law Business Model

03/29/2013 09:53pm
Remember when graduating law school was a golden ticket to a great-paying, fulfilling job making a difference for people, companies or the planet? Young lawyers today know thats simply no longer the case. If you want the trifecta of happiness wealth, and fulfillment in your legal career, you need to shift from lawyer think to entrepreneur think. Whether youre working for a big firm, hoping to make partner or going it on your own, three shifts in thinking will result in guaranteed internal and external success as we transition into the new economy. By the time youre done reading this article,...

Be a Solution to Your Customers' Needs

03/29/2013 05:41pm
When times are tough at home, at work, or in business we as customers, business people, and as consumers become much fussier. We want more, but we don't want to part with the cash unless we are absolutely satisfied. Higher customer expectations can be frustrating for us as salespeople, and we need to learn how to deal with them.I know I have been in the situation when you think you have the sale but it is 1% not right for the customer and you end up losing it. When you have instances like this, I suggest that you do the following...

5 Powerful Strategies for Creating a Powerful Mindset

03/28/2013 01:06am
Building a business is a fantastic and challenging experience. You can wake up exhilarated to begin your day and go to bed feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. The key to success is to maintain a positive "yes, I can do it" mindset.Easier said than done, right? Here are 5 keys to help you create and sustain a positive mindset so you attain the success you desire:1. Surround yourself with successful and positive people. The influence people have over our own personal energy is amazing. Moods and attitudes are so imitated - think about how much of a difference a simple smile from...

Risking It All

03/22/2013 10:05pm
Ever sat there and thought 'I wish I had had a go at that' or 'I wish I could try that'?Do you have some great ideas and you get 50% down the path of implementing them. Then the alarm bells start to ring and the little voices in your head start to chatter: 'But can I really take the risk?'... 'What will I lose'?' Before you know it, you've lost your initial burst of enthusiasm, and you back off, returning to what you know is safe and comfortable.There is nothing wrong with that. Unless you are an adrenaline junkie, being cautious...

Tips to Help You Get the Website You Need

03/22/2013 08:26pm
Your website is the foundation of your online presence. It's also a significant investment of time and money. Here are some tips to help ensure you get the website you want.Before you hire a web developer, put together a "creative brief." Generally, website developers are not mind readers so it is important to think through your requirements. Absolutely your developer should have suggestions for you; but if you are well prepared the developer will be able to provide a more realistic quote and it will also make the process more efficient.Map out what you need. Think about the information you want...

Don’t Waste Your Money On Legal Marketing

03/21/2013 11:35pm
Far too many lawyers think legal marketing will be the answer to their prayers I get it, I once thought that, too but what I discovered (and you will, too, if you dont heed this warning) is that legal marketing is just a teeny piece of the law business puzzle.Youd think it was the whole enchilada if you pay attention to what every online marketer in the legal space is trying to sell you, but theyve never built and run a successful law practice before.I have. In fact, I left a big corporate law firm and built my own...

Who's the Boss? 7 Ways to Take Control of Your Mind

03/21/2013 09:34pm
At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and time management have nothing to do with one another. But many of us who are natural born clutters develop negative thinking patterns because we become exasperated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative attitude then makes it more difficult to control our feelings and move forward.Practicing positive thinking allows you to focus on your accomplishments, which increases happiness and improves motivation. This, allows you to spend more time getting things done, and less time feeling stuck. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to...

If I Were a New VA, I'd Start Here

03/20/2013 08:55pm
After being in business for 7 years, we have learned what it takes to grow a successful business. We had no idea when we started our first Virtual Assistance business that friends, family and associates would constantly ask the same question: "How did you do it?"Every single day of the week, we have new members join our community and ask a sought-after question. That question is, "How do I get clients?" Follow along as I share some foundational work that you can copy and start to implement today.If I were a new Virtual Assistant trying to grow a business, I would...

Where Everyone Knows Your Name

03/15/2013 11:16pm
Do you remember an 80s classic TV program "Cheers", with Ted Danson and Kirstie Alley? The theme tune had a line in it "where everyone knows your name". OK. Now keep that line in mind as you read on.Awhile back I watched the news with Sandra Sully. In it, she reported that David Jones, Myers and Harvey Norman department stores were complaining that profits for the quarter are down, that there is no consumer confidence out there, and that retail is suffering.Now normally I wouldn't bat an eyelid at the big boys complaining about sales, but they then went on to...

22 Ways to Create Conscious Wealth

03/15/2013 09:33pm
I believe that we were all here in the world at this very important time for a very special reason. Everyone has significance in the world. I genuinely feel that we are all blessed with unique talents, gifts and a very specific life purpose. The expression of our gifts contributes to the greater good. As the transformation of humanity accelerates we are witnessing the breakdown of the old ways of being and the emergence of a new higher vibration of consciousness. This stirring is being felt worldwide. If you are reading this, you are no doubt feeling it. There is an...

Start Your Virtual Assistant Business Part-Time

03/10/2013 12:32am
If you are currently employed with a company working as an Administrative Professional and are wondering how you are going to transition into your own home-based Virtual Assistant practice, the thought may have crossed your mind to start your business part-time. This likely led to a number of other questions, such as "How do I get started," "How will I balance my job, family and business?" and "Can I really do this and be successful?"The good news is that you can create a profitable business that you work in part-time. You and I both know of many individuals who have been...

Shape Up Your Plate With Your Personal Dietary Style

03/09/2013 08:54pm
One of the great things about food is the diversity and the options available. Folks can choose their favorite foods and their dietary preferences. People may make changes in their eating styles for a number of reasons-some may affect change to be consistent with the fad of the day, budget concerns, or to improve health. Research shows that most often dietary changes are made in the quest to improve health.If you're considering a change to an all vegetable diet, the first step is to learn and understand the pros and cons of making the change. Read up on what it means...