Still Doing It Without a Marketing Plan?

11/15/2012 11:44pm
Many of my new clients tell me they either don't do any marketing, or do 'some', but nothing consistently. This is especially surprising to me for businesses that have been around for more than five years. But then I still run into prospects who don't have a website and wonder why they aren't more successful Online.There are some great resources available to help you establish a marketing plan. Find something that resonates with you and will help you to spread the word about your business to reach your target market.And do it consistently. The plan is what helps you stay accountable...

Let's Talk Turkey

11/09/2012 11:35pm
Turkey is almost the protein of the month as we head into the end of the year holidays. Long associated with American history, it is one of the most popular protein choices. In addition to whole bird options, folks are now gobbling up turkey as burgers, bacon, hot dogs, luncheon meats and sausage. The boom in turkey products is linked to greater interest in healthy eating.Overall turkey is a good source of protein-the nutrient needed to build new cells, maintain healthy tissues, organs and hormones. Additionally turkey is a good source of selenium and zinc which help maintain a healthy immune...

10 Income Streams You Can Add to Your Business (And Increase Your Bottom Line)

11/09/2012 12:07pm
In a nutshell, multiple streams of income means your business has more than one way to make money. For instance, you sell products and you sell services. Those are different streams of incomes. But that's just the beginning. Below are 10 ideas of different income sources you can use to increase your business's bottom line:1. Sell a variety of services. Or you can bundle your services into packages depending on what your typical client is looking for. But be careful about this one. Don't spread yourself too thin. You want to offer a few different services or a choice of packages...

Don't Gain Weight This Holiday Season

11/02/2012 10:11pm
It's that time of year again when eating can easily get out of control. The holiday celebrations start with goodies for Halloween and continue on for weeks. Food is everywhere! Parties and gatherings with co-workers, family, and friends seem to be never ending. As hard as you try, you can't get away from all the holiday appetizers, entrees, beverages, and endless supply of baked goods. Weight gain may seem inevitable. But is it? I say NO.With the right strategies, you CAN make it through the holidays without packing on the pounds. Read on and get answers to a few key questions...

Beyond Banners - Other Marketing Options for Your Farmers Market Display

11/02/2012 01:52am
Signage and other marketing materials play an important role at your farmers market display. They communicate key information such as what the produce is, its price, as well as your farm/business name, website address and where you are from. Marketing materials also reinforce your brand image - the 'personality' of your business.Banners - First a word about banners. (The type hung by ropes and usually from the frame of your tent.) These are generally the most popular and practical way to promote your items at the market. Not only are they very durable - able to survive wind and rain -...

What every successful business should have....

11/01/2012 11:58am
We all have seen the monopoly man and we all know what he looks like. So if you try to print the monopoly man on anything, you cant. Why? Hasbro wont let you and their lawyers are so aggressive that they have notified every person who prints something, that if you send them the monopoly man printed on an item, they will send you back a notarized official letter saying we will not print the monopoly man and neither can you.What that means is that they have a monopoly on monopoly! And if you want the monopoly man, you got to...

Why Surveys Are a Great Tool to Help Your Spa Business Grow

10/31/2012 01:33am
Great salons and spas give their clients exactly what they need. To find out what your clients need, you have to get the inside scoop on them.How do great spas and salons get the insider info? They use surveys! Survey clientele to collect feedback on your staff, your services and what else you can do to wow the client. Follow these do's and don'ts to make your surveys a success. Don't bombard your client list with surveys all of the time. Quarterly is enough. Try mixing up which clients are surveyed. Send to them your regulars one quarter and clients you...

3 Ways to Put Fresh Spins on Old Marketing Concepts

10/25/2012 06:19pm
Are you struggling to find a new twist for your advertising or marketing campaigns? Tired of sounding like everyone else and want something new and fresh? Never fear. Here are 3 ways to get those creative juices (and new ideas) flowing.But before I get to those, there are a few things you should do to prime the pump, so to speak. What this does is clear your "conscious" mind so your muse will have an easier time sending messages to it.First, review all the information about your product or service. Then, write down all the benefits (why customers would buy those...

How to Find Great Partners for Webinars and Teleseminars

10/21/2012 05:40pm
Webinars are a great way to build your audience - they give you an opportunity to "show and tell", which builds trust and credibility for your business. With webinars, you also have the opportunity to partner with another business offering complementary products and services, which can build your following even faster by getting exposure to their audience.Whether you're just starting out or have been in business for a number of years, additional profits for your business await you when you partner with another professional. Follow these simple tips to make it happen:Connect with Related - but Non-Competing ProvidersYou have a lot...

Good Health at Any Age

10/19/2012 06:23pm
I get a lot of questions on food choices... "How can I avoid wrinkles, belly fat, loss of skin elasticity and reading glasses?" In short, folks want to know my anti-aging secrets. My first response is look at the up side----did you think about the alternative to aging? OK now that I've helped them get life in focus, here are a few of my anti-aging guidelines for good health at any age.You'll need to eat well to look and be well. What you eat is essential to keeping a youthful glow. There is no magic food, just make sure you choose...

Pulling Your Fashion Act Together

10/12/2012 05:36pm
You're an intelligent, funny woman with a fabulous personality - but...Does the ability to check out the newest fashion trends and adopt them into your own closet and style preferences seem beyond you? You CAN evaluate the latest trends and styles with a discerning eye and help you pull together just the right look that speaks to not only your personality, but supports the image development plan you've put together - here's how! Your personal style - literally from nose to toes and including everything from your shoes and stockings to the jewelry you wear and the hat on your head...

Business Clothing - Basic Rules, Part 1

10/12/2012 05:30pm
Do you ever wonder where all the rules of dressing for business and professional activities have gone? Depending on when and where you are on any given business day, the words "distant past" might come to mind. It's difficult to decide if people just don't know what to wear to work, or for their entrepreneurial and professional pursuits, or if they have lost sight of the relevance and importance of their visual appearance to their level of professional success.The Queen of England is reported to have told Prince Charles, "Dress gives one the outward sign from which people can judge...

Are You Creative?

10/08/2012 05:00pm
Quiz: Are you Creative?Worried you may not be creative, or you may not be creative enough? Take this quiz and find out just how creative you are.Get a piece of paper and number it one to seven. For each question, write down the corresponding letter of your answer.1. When you come across a rose, you immediately:A. Smell it.B. Quote every rose poem you can remember.C. Write your own poem.D. Sketch the rose.E. Step on the rose.2. One of your dreams in life is to:A. Write a novel.B. Become a painter.C. Travel the world.D. Climb all the famous mountains.E. Just once, get...

When It Comes to Weight Loss, Giving Up Is Not an Option

10/07/2012 01:26am
Working your way towards a healthier weight is not a simple task. Most people who are trying to lose weight need to break years - maybe decades - of unhealthy habits. As you may well know, this is not an easy undertaking. It requires an unwavering commitment to your diet and exercise plan even when life gets stressful - which is every day for most of us. There may be times when you feel like throwing in the towel, but if you are truly committed to losing weight giving up is not an option. Use these tips to stay motivated and...

Make The Most of The Day Get Started With Breakfast

10/06/2012 10:08pm
You can build the foundation for a winning day by simply starting the day with breakfast. I know you've heard it before, it's true, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you are grabbing your house keys and heading out in the mornings without eating trying to save time, or calories you are squandering the savings. By skipping breakfast, the fuel that your body and brain need to get started and help you focus on high performance--or simply focus is missing. The effort to save calories by skipping a meal cancels out because by midday you're pretty hungry...