Are You Suffering From Awesomitis?

04/27/2014 01:28am
Awesomitis affects thousands of coaches every day, and most don't even realize it. They go about their business creating awesome programs, sharing awesome content, and helping awesome people.What they don't realize is - they have too much awesome and it's causing a problem in their business.You see, awesomitis is one of the leading causes of confusion for prospects and loss of sales. As a coach, you bring a lot to the table. All of your experience, talents, skills, and training. That's a lot of awesome. There are so many things you can help your prospects with, and in fact many coach...

Why You Should Eliminate This Popular Food From Your Breakfast Repertoire

04/26/2014 05:33am
Why is it that for breakfast in America, we always need to start off with something sweet? Now, by no means am I bashing this trend in its entirety but take a trip down the breakfast aisle these days and it seems you might as well be in the dessert section. Frosted Mini Wheats, Pop Tarts, packaged muffins, fruit-centered cereal bars ... oh my! Do any of these NOT contain loads of added sugar? The answer is no.While there are many unhealthful options in the breakfast aisle, I am going to pick on Mr. Cereal. If there is one thing I...

Shedding Light on Vitamin D

04/26/2014 03:56am
I'm a native Floridian and I'm able to exercise regularly outdoors---most often you'll find me counting my steps as I power walk. Now I know many of you are not in a perennially sunny region where bright sunlight is a bonus several months of the year. And this year the big chill made the thought of outdoor activity or exercise even more daunting. If you're in a sun-less part of the country not only do you miss out on the warm and relaxing touch of streaming sun rays, you also miss out on Vitamin D.Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin,...

Start Business Blogging Consistently NOW

04/19/2014 12:04am
Many people across the world are each day taking to blogging. Blogging has grown from a part time engagement as a hobby, to a more powerful resource, used by millions across the globe for various reasons. Because of this, there is a lot of competition out there and small business owners need to start business blogging now and do it consistently.Have you ever wondered why your blog is not doing as well as your competitors? Ever wondered why your website traffic does not increase, despite all the SEO and so forth? Well, the answer may be as simple as consistency.There are...

3 Ways To Give Yourself A Raise (While Working Less)

04/18/2014 10:20pm
As an online entrepreneur we're always looking for new ways to innovate and create businesses we love. We don't settle for the status quo, if we wanted to do the same thing day in and day out, and make the same salary ever year we'd get "real jobs". But that would be lame.A big problem entrepreneurs run into is that there are only so many hours in a day and we didn't start our businesses because we're workaholics (OK well, not all of us). You need to organize your business in a way that allows you to make the money you...

4 Ways to Grab the Attention of Your Audience

04/18/2014 04:48am
Gaining your audience's attention at the beginning of your presentation is crucial for two reasons: your audience will remember the first things you say (primacy effect), and they will decide to stay engaged with you. Here are 4 ways to start your presentation on the right path for engagement.1. Pause . There is immense power in a pause, and the beginning of your presentation is the only time when you will have your audience's undivided attention. Take advantage of this the opportunity and don't rush to make your first remarks. Pause for couple of seconds before uttering your first words....

Do You Want to Do Great Work?

04/18/2014 03:50am
"More than anything, I want to do mediocre work." Said no one, ever! Part of valuing yourself and what you offer in your work is that you want to do high quality, and even great, work.And why not do great work? It's the most fulfilling, most meaningful, and usually the most productive in terms of your income and your contribution in the world. Great work is not only a good idea. It's an accessible reality for you in your business.So how do you do great work? Skipping down the road to great work has its challenges, so here are 7 convergent...

Is Living In The Past Holding You Back From An Amazing Future?

04/18/2014 01:47am
Do you find yourself dwelling upon past failed attempts at exercise routines and diets? Do thoughts like "Why should I even try? I won't be able to keep it up" float through your mind? Does this keep you from getting started or prevent you from reaching for a new goal?Most people aren't successful the first time around, whether it be with getting fit or becoming self-made millionaires. We all hit bumps in the road. The difference between achieving long-term success and continuing to fail is to learn from mistakes and try a different approach the next time around. Follow this 3-step...

Are You Afraid of Change?

04/12/2014 02:00am
Do you like to keep the status quo? Do you get nervous when people change things on you? Have you made any real changes on your farm lately?I want to speak with you about a big fear that many people have that could be the biggest thing holding them back from success. The fear of change!I know I am a victim of this myself. I mean why change something if it isn't broke? But I learned that that doesn't always work. By not changing you could be missing out on some amazing opportunities.I am one that is used to doing everything...

Top 5 Starter Strategies to Rid Your Home of "Junk Foods"

04/04/2014 11:45pm
This is the never-ending question, and in the "old days" ( before we un-junked our home), we'd come in, grab a Krispy Creme donut, a bag of Oreos, some Lucky Charms, chips, crackers and a soda..the typical anti-nutrients in a lot of American homes.Now, the dynamics have changed. We came in to have fresh cut watermelon, the boys always now opt for a glass of icy cold water as their go-to drink, and then they'll break out the apples and sunflower seed butter (kind of like peanut butter, just made with sunflower seeds:-). It feels so good to see them eating...

15 Fresh Ingredients to Cook Up A Profitable Email List From Scratch

04/04/2014 11:29pm
Whether your business "recipe for success" is focused on a few key milestones or you have a big, hearty vision you're working to achieve, you're going to get the best results when you use high-quality "ingredients." By that I mean you can "cook up" a profitable email list that is highly responsive, builds connections with your current and potential clients, and allows you to market your brand over time just by using the "ingredients" you probably already have.What ingredients? Here are 15 you can put together to build a high quality list: 1. Your Website Offer visitors a FREE gift in...

Why Video Is Your Company's Best Friend

04/04/2014 12:46am
Unless you're not keeping up with the latest craze on the Internet, you know that Video is HOT for both business and personal use. Wouldn't it be great if your company became the next YouTube sensation? The one thing everyone couldn't stop talking about at the water cooler? You never know, it could happen. YouTube is now ranked as the 2nd highest search engine online.Video has changed the world in countless different ways, and web video has only made the revolution stronger. Sites like YouTube can transform an individual, or a company, from an unknown entity to the biggest star in...

10 Mindset Secrets & wisdoms of the Most Successful Entrepreneur's

05/06/2014 01:24am
Mindset Secrets of Successful Entrepreneur's Being an entrepreneur can be challenging, lonely and risky. It can also be fun, friendly and financially fabulous! Butthere is 90% chance you will fail at some stage as an entrepreneur! I can almost guarantee it? Unless... you wise-up fast. The REAL difference between success and failure is MINDSET. I have been an entrepreneur for most of my life. From the age of 11, I sold kites, marbles, spinning tops, dingbats, yoyo's, bicycle playing-card engines and cold drinks to my buddies and street neighbors. I have had...

What's Cooking for Multigenerational Meals?

03/30/2014 05:43am
Pulling together the household menu can be challenging especially if the household includes helicopter parents, boomerang kids, doting grandparents and other folks on occasion. Everyone wants their fav foods, seasoned to their liking and cooked a certain way.One of the first things is to try to make sure everyone has a seat at the table. Gather the group together giving them the opportunity to voice their likes and dislikes, encouraging each of them to respect the preferences and dietary needs of others. Important factors in filling the shopping cart for a diverse group are age, activity level, nutrition and personal favorites.Age...

Are You Looking For Smoothie Ideas?

03/29/2014 08:11pm
A fruit and vegetable smoothie can be a delicious breakfast or a healthy snack. It is a great way to boost the nutrition in your diet, but be cautious because a high calorie smoothie may make it difficult to lose weight.It is best to make your own as with any restaurant options, you don't always know what you are getting and it definitely could be higher in calories than you would make at home. Why can a smoothie be a great part of your diet? It's an easy meal or snack for you or your family. It's full...