What We Believe Creates Our Reality!

02/10/2013 06:02pm
Never form attachments to your beliefs that are unbreakable in the face of a higher, more sensible truth... (Read on a social networking site - don't know who to credit)The theme that I've been requested to write about this time is BELIEVE. I've spent a lot of time thinking about what to write for this article. At first I thought it was going to be about "believing" in a higher power - or maybe "believing in yourself" and then I went down the path of thinking about beliefs and how they shape us and our world.What we believe truly does shape...

3 Tips to Get You Moving and Losing

02/08/2013 11:10pm
One of the most widely accepted assumptions in our culture is that if you push yourself to exercise more, you will lose weight. And yet, often this is not the case. Obesity research shows that the role of exercise in weight loss has been wildly overstated. In fact, exercise can actually contribute to weight gain; or at least not result in the body fat loss you might expect. Surprised? Let me explain.It turns out that many people who engage in vigorous exercise are often more sedentary during the rest of the day. They frequently feel hungrier and end up eating more....

How Stressful Thinking Impacts You

02/08/2013 09:34pm
Most of us experience tension daily, often it's hour by hour or worse minute to minute. How we cope with stress and worry determines whether we move forward or allow it to hold us back. Habitual negative thinking is often frenzied, inaccurate, and undependable, yet you can go through your entire life with negative thoughts that cause unproductive behavior and a more difficult life. Most people dealing with stress especially chronic stress assume that there's no getting around it, and its just the way life has to be. But this is certainly not the case!Silencing the habitually negative mind is easier...

Living Your Spirited Life - Making Peace With MONergy

02/03/2013 08:43pm
What is money really? For most of us in the Western world it's pieces of paper or plastic with numbers on it. The use of money to facilitate exchange of services evolved out of the barter system - it's much easier to carry around some greenbacks or a credit card to get what you need than it is to bring your cow downtown to the grocery and ask to exchange some milk for whatever else is on your shopping list now isn't it?The thing about money though is that we attach all kinds of other "energy" ties to it and so...

Improve Digestion and Lose Weight in 5 Easy Steps

02/02/2013 08:36pm
I'm sure you are familiar with the saying, "You are what you eat." In other words, to be fit and healthy, you need to eat good food. And yet, even the healthiest of food won't be properly processed by a poorly functioning intestinal tract; and this can lead to chronic health problems. In fact, more than 60 million Americans suffer from digestive disorders including heartburn, indigestion, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. Poor digestion can result in fatigue, headaches, and depression - all of which can lead to weight gain.Making a few simple changes in the way you eat can make a...

Last-Minute Fiscal Cliff Tax Deal Reached - Highlights of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

02/02/2013 11:01am
January 7, 2013The United States plunged off the theoretical cliff New Year's Day, but the U.S. House of Representatives pulled us back by passing the U.S. Senate's version of the budget bill on New Year's Day, and lo and behold, we now have clarity on tax rates and tax provisions for 2013 and beyond. While vacationing with his family in Hawaii, President Obama's signature was put on the legislation officially known as the "American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012" (the Act) on January 2, 2013, by an autopen signing machine in Washington. In the most simplest terms, the legislation: Averts the...

Facebook Graph Search Great Marketing for Writers

01/31/2013 07:03pm
Any author who is published on Amazon has learned that the all powerful, all known secret of tagging and agreed tags to get your book up in ranking keeps disappearing... then reappearing.Will it continue?Will it go away forever?Hell if I know? I havent talked to Amazon. And frankly my mind doesnt sit around whining about what I cant control. I have looked at what has stayed and whats to come.LIKES!You should be asking, Why do I care if Facebook Likes are still on my book page on Amazon?Good question. And I have an answer. In fact Im in the middle of...

Freedom Through Forgiveness

01/31/2013 01:55am
Forgiveness is such a misunderstood term and subject. For many who have been traumatized, hurt, injured emotionally, mentally or physically the idea of forgiveness is difficult to grasp especially in the initial moments of the wounding. The most important idea that I wish to convey here is that forgiveness has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other person or their actions or behaviors. Forgiveness doesn't condone violence, bad behavior or abuse. Nor does it absolve the perpetrator from responsibility for his or her actions. Forgiveness is about releasing the story, the pain, the drama and the trauma from your world. Forgiveness...

Focus Now - 3 Tips to Channel Your Energy and Get Your Work Done!

01/26/2013 11:48pm
Can you relate to this: "How do I train myself to be able to focus like a laser and do things in a step-by-step process that makes sense?"This is an excellent question because left un-checked; this habit will create a never-ending cycle of wasted time, wasted effort and unfinished projects that lead to an unprofitable business.If you're struggling with this challenge, here's what you need to do:1. Identify what exactly is distracting you. Are you addicted to social media? Do you find yourself getting distracted when you hit a roadblock? Could it be you're not requiring other people (your spouse, children,...

Dreaming YOUR World Into Being

01/25/2013 10:28pm
What did you dream of when you were a little girl? Did you dream you'd grow up to be a teacher, a nurse, a mom, a pilot and astronaut? I remember when I was 9 years old - I loved to read - I read everything I could get my hands on - and one of the things I read every month - almost as soon as it arrived at the house was the Reader's Digest. At that time - back in the early 70's - they used to run a monthly article about the human body - specifically about the...

Who's Holding You Accountable, Entrepreneur

01/25/2013 09:12am
Who's Holding You Accountable, "Entrepreneur"?By DeKesha Williams How is Entrepreneurship a Profitable Method?When you own your own business then you own the keys to your own destiny. You make the decisions in regards to how much money you will make in a year. You decide what work schedule you shall partake and whether anyone will work with you. This role as a small business owner carries a lot of weight however it consists of wearing several hats. The hats that most business owners wear consist of: marketing manager, payroll manager, human resource manager, loss prevention manager, IT department manager and...

Trending Toward Health and Well-Being in 2013, Part II

01/24/2013 08:12pm
Heading into the New Year there are resolutions, goals, trends and lists forecasting activities and interests for the next 12 months. Trends viewed through the prism of annual predictions include:1. Health2. Sustainability3. Increasing Use and Consumption of Greens4. Snacking Mini Meals5. Wise Buy Proteins6. Meatless Meals7. Food Transparency8. Cooking Your Own aka CYO9. Guilty Pleasures10. Local, Local, LocalEach of the ten has qualities to aid in achieving well-being. I've divided this list in half. I covered the first five trends in "Trending Toward Health and Well-Being in 2013, Part I." This post continues the conversation with detailed info on the...

Article Marketing Advantages For Business

01/24/2013 06:55pm
Article marketing on the Internet harnesses the power of the Web and the hunger for written content. Article marketing allows writers to promote themselves, their websites, products or literally anything, by writing about them and making the content freely available for reproduction on other Internet sites and electronic mediums.To use it as a marketing tool you first need to create the article on the topic you want to promote. Once created, the article can be uploaded to any of hundreds of article directories allowing others to 'reprint' your article, usually for free, in exchange for posting your article bio,...

Bring On The Blessings!

01/20/2013 08:15pm
One of the most wonderful and amazing things that we can do for ourselves is to let ourselves receive. More often than not we are eager, willing and ready to give, give, give. We sometimes give SO much that we run out of energy and we end up depleted. How and why does this happen? Well it's quite interesting how the Universe works - in the Universe there is always a balanced and natural flow. Currency, circulation, electromagnetism, are all good examples of how this flow works - there are always two sides in a duality based Universe. When we keep...

The Value of Being "Second" -- 3 Reasons Why Your Biz Might be Better Off Not Being First

01/16/2013 09:13am
There's a lot of value around being first in your business. The first person to come up with a hot product or service tends to reap a huge amount of rewards in the process.However, being first isn't always all that and a bag of chips. In fact, there are times when being second to the party puts you in a better position than being first. Below are 3 reasons to celebrate being second:1. You know there is a market for what you're selling. The one thing no one talks about in the "quest to be first" is the fact that lots...