Fact or Myth: Do Parabens Contribute to Breast Cancer?

04/01/2015 08:44pm
The link between parabens (parahydroxybenzoic acid) and cancer can no longer be ignored. Widely used as a preservative, parabens are absorbed through your skin, blood and intestines. When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declared parabens "generally safe for use," the FDA based their findings on oral consumption of parabens; it did not take into account how much exposure you truly have to these compounds through your skin.Parabens are known to have estrogenic properties and they mimic the natural estrogen in our bodies. Estrogen is a known component in the development and progression of breast cancer. Manufacturers use parabens to increase...

Bananas. What Are They Good for?

03/26/2015 11:36pm
Bananas sure get a bad rap, don't they? I can't even tell you how many clients have looked at me and said, "I heard bananas are bad for you, so I don't eat them," and then proceed to fill me in on all the high carb, processed foods they do eat which somehow are much healthier or more acceptable than a banana. Why no love for the banana?Believe it or not, bananas are GREAT for you! Yes they can be a bit high in carbs, but so are half the other foods you eat, right? It's all about factoring it in....

How to Reach Out to a Bigger Audience

03/26/2015 10:27pm
Creating a platform to reach out to your audience takes time and effort. Your website, a blog, gift content - all play a role in creating your brand and establishing you as the go-to person for your area of expertise. And you can do it!But you can also leverage other platforms to accomplish the same thing. It's a good strategy at any time, but especially in the early phases of your business, it can give your reach a real boost.Is your message important? Do you have something valuable to offer? Of course you do! And the world needs to hear about...

Confessions of A Young Author

03/25/2015 10:42am
I have always loved to write from an early age; it always been art. Some people become writers as a source of income. Some write to seek fame and fortune. While the rest focus on writing fiction books with great story characters. Anyone can agree with me that we live in a world filled up with places and stories that enrich life every single day. It is the main reason, I became so passionate about writing. My goal as I started to write was to inspire people who going through tough times in life. From...

How Merchant Cash Advance Can Help Your restaurant Business?

03/25/2015 01:35am
To run a successful restaurant business, you have to face various challenges. A large number of restaurateurs in the US face financial shortage for running their food businesses. One of the best funding options for your restaurant business is merchant cash advance. It can help you in starting as well as expanding your food business. Merchant cash advances are quite different from the traditional bank funding programs. These are a purchase of future credit card sales. Unlike traditional bank loans, merchant cash advances are comparatively easy to obtain. Besides, you do not have to wait for a longer period of time...

10 Ways Tame Your Sweet Tooth

03/19/2015 10:04pm
Consciously or not, the average American consumes 28 teaspoons of added sugars a day - that's more than 90 pounds of sugar per year. The American Heart Association recommends women limit their added sugar to just 100 calories per day (6 teaspoons) and men to 150 calories a day (9 teaspoons). So, the bottom line is that most of us eat way too much. Read on to learn why this can be a problem and what you can do about it. What's the problem with added sugar? If you eat or drink too much added sugar it can...

The Number 1 Weight Loss Tool That I Give ALL My Clients

03/19/2015 01:41am
If you have worked with me one-on-one or even in one of my group programs you are probably going to chuckle when you hear me say this. Not just because I have already told you that this is your most powerful tool for weight management but because of the excessive number of times we have revisited it. That which I'm referring to as: The #1 Most Important Weight Loss Tool That I Give ALL My Clients is... THE HUNGER SCALE! So, what is a hunger scale? Simply put, it is a measurement tool to assess how hungry or full...

Why I Love Florida

03/19/2015 12:17am
I am very excited to share real estate information as it relates to the Palm Beaches and activities and events further south to Fort Lauderdale and Miami and north to Tequesta. The health of the real estate market in Florida is essential to an improving economy.My goal is to keep you informed of current interest rates, financing trends, area and community sales statistics, important real estate news affecting Palm Beach County, and many suggestions for increasing the market value of your home.Today, I want to share with you what I love about living full time in Palm Beach County.Number 1, of...

Making Life Lighter for Lightworkers

03/21/2015 12:07am
It was only a week after finishing my first book What is Third Eye Chakra Orgasm? Opening and Awakening Human Potential , that I received guidance from Spirit that my second book would be about healing. Healing? I thought, bemused. Although I had just started to be introduced to energy healing (Id seen one man take a womans wound from her) I really had no knowledge of my own.So, being the person that I am (that is, willing to take a risk for something worthwhile) I asked: What would it be like for it to be possible for...

National Nutrition Month: New Changes Ahead for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

03/13/2015 09:11pm
It's National Nutrition month, and what better way to celebrate than to get excited about the upcoming changes to the Dietary Guidelines? I know, it might sound a little dry, but there really is reason to take an interest. Some BIG and much needed revisions are on the horizon.As you know, the various food industries fight tooth and nail to make sure any new recommendations continue to posit them in a positive light. Any reduction in intake is a reduction in sales, and despite the effect on the health of Americans, companies want those dollars to keep rolling in. That is...

5 Tips to Overcome Your Resistance to Change

03/12/2015 02:33am
Change is hard! Whether it is an organizational change that needs to occur in your work, a change in your personal or family life or a change in your behavior to achieve a healthier you - you may face resistance. Resistance is defined as "anything that slows or stops movement or keeps movement from happening." When it comes to changing your behavior to live a healthier life - there will be people, places, things, feelings and emotions that will slow or stop movement from happening. Can you do anything about it? Absolutely! Acknowledging the reasons for resistance and...

How Wearable Technologies are Shaping Our Future

03/06/2015 02:05am
Your family's wellbeing is made up of many different facets, from physical health and nutrition to financial literacy and emotional intelligence.But, have you considered including technology in your healthy living toolkit?Technology has become an integral part of our lives, but it is even more prominent in the lives of our children and youth.I recently read a statistic that estimated the average kid sends and receives 5,000 text messages per day. No, I didn't accidentally add an extra zero to that figure!Technology is everywhere and isn't going away anytime soon. The good news is that we can use technology to create happier,...

There Is No Substitute for Hard Work

03/04/2015 09:01pm
I've met a fair number of successful, self-made people in my life. They all work in different industries, and came from different backgrounds and walks of life. The one thing they all have in common? They all work hard. And they all work a LOT.In my opinion success has always been about doing work. The old 'right place, right time' is what jealous people say about successful people - I know this because I'm guilty of using this excuse in the past.Yes, many successful people did catch an awesome 'once in a life time' break at one point in their lives,...

The Ancestors -The Book of Revelation

11/25/2015 09:47pm
People may wonder where did I received my knowledge. I was taught by the Holy Spirit, and attended religious schools in my visions and dreams. In a vision Jesus took a tremendous black book called " The Book of Revelation," opened the book in half and place it on my head. it was so heavy that I fell on my knees. He tore the book in half, and he said, "eat this! for this is your knowledge, and study the other half." The book contained one thousand, one hundred and forty-four pages. Jesus said, " tell the people they are calling...

Should You Hire a Holistic Health Practitioner?

02/26/2015 08:02pm
Holistic Health Practitioners or Holistic Health Coaches are garnering an increasing amount of attention. In a society where physicians often must limit the time they spend with their patients, where there exists an ever-stronger connection between our diets and our health.There are too few medical professionals who have adequate education in nutrition (specifically whole foods nutrition); health coaches fill in the gaps between what the healthcare industry traditionally provides and what many people need.Consider a recent HumanKind radio documentary, "The Search for Well-being: Treating the Whole Person in the New Healthcare Era." In a discussion with medical students about their lack...