Spring Clean Your Diet

03/28/2014 08:14pm
From the Fruit Flush to Beyonce's Lemon Detox Diet to Dr. Oz's Weekend Cleanse, there's a variety of special diets claiming to cleanse your body of toxins, send energy levels soaring, drop pounds quickly, or flush out unwanted fat. But do they live up to the hype? And are they safe?These extreme approaches can be potentially dangerous and usually leave people feeling frustrated and returning to old eating habits before completing the diet program. Our bodies can benefit from eliminating processed foods, sugar, white flour, and taking a break from alcohol, caffeine, saturated fats, and artificial sweeteners but a more practical...

How To Host a Profitable Event - Even If You Have ZERO Experience In Event Planning

03/23/2014 02:24am
You don't have to be a professional event planner to host a workshop or seminar that gets you clients and generates new streams of revenue.However, you do need to pay close attention to the details! Put your attendees' needs first Dates, times, locations and dress codes, these are things your attendees will need to know.It only takes one uninformed (or worse, misinformed) attendee to turn a perfect night into a ruined relationship or a missed opportunity for your organization.Fortunately, online tools have made it easier than ever before to plan, market and monetize a stellar event!Here are five tips to make...

Dish Up Good Taste and Flavor for Healthy Eating

03/22/2014 04:30am
March is National Nutrition Month and one of the keys in making nutritious choices is taste. Does it taste good? According to the dictionary taste is the ability to identify sweet, sour, bitter, or salty qualities of a dissolved substance through the taste buds, on the tongue. In addition to the four, a fifth savory quality, called umami is also recognized. Although each of these qualities is a factor of "taste," smell is a significant part of how we perceive what we taste, or the flavor of foods. Taste and flavor are often thought to be the same, but the specific...

5 Areas That Help Expand Your Business Branding Online

03/21/2014 07:15pm
Promoting your business branding online is somewhat different from typical marketing strategies. You need to take a unique approach to this method of promoting your business brand. And yet, the benefits of using Web tools in making your brand distinct includes the ability to maximize your business efforts and expanding your business' reach. After all, it only makes sense to extend your branding efforts to the Internet given the fact that most people nowadays use the Internet as their source of daily information and research tool before a purchase is made.There are five (5) major areas that you need to address...

Key Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe in the Water

03/19/2014 10:44am
Key Tips On How to Keep Your Kids Safe In the Water Outdoor Water Safety:Now that summer is here, it's hot outside, and the water looks oh so cool and inviting, . . . it is a great time to take a plunge.Whether you and your kids venture into the ocean, a pool, lake, or pond, there are certain guidelines you should follow to keep your children safe. Much of this may seem like common sense, but almost 1,000 children drown each year, which suggests that at least some parents do not practice water safety.GENERAL:Remember that you are responsible...

How To Reach, Teach and Profit By Hosting Educational Events

03/16/2014 08:28pm
You might think that only large organizations host educational events.But according to a recent study I read, more than 40 percent of small businesses hold events. Of those small business that hold events, seminars and classes account for the highest percentage of events held.What's the appeal?From florists hosting floral arrangement classes to accountants holding tax preparation seminars, educational events give your small business the opportunity to highlight your expertise. More importantly, it gives you the chance to meet customers or potential customers face-to-face, and make new connections to help grow your business.Here are 5 tips to consider as you prepare to...

How to Say No When Someone Wants to Pick Your Brain

03/16/2014 05:16am
Melinda and I were chatting after a group class at the gym. I congratulated her on finishing an e-book for her website, and she started to tell me about a new initiative she was working on. She said, "I'm planning on working with a coach on this. I've pretty much decided on someone. He's local." I nodded politely, thinking, okay, thanks for sharing... Then she said, "Oh, you're a coach, right? Maybe we could have lunch sometime and I could pick your brain."Even after all the times I've been asked to 'just let me pick your brain', this one was particularly,...

Are You A Mindless Eater? Tips For Mindful Eating To Easily Eat Less

03/16/2014 01:58am
Do you eat only when you are hungry, or do you find yourself mindlessly eating throughout your day? Do you struggle to lose weight and keep it off? Being mindful is not only good for your overall health, it is good for a healthy diet and for weight loss. What is Mindless Eating? The phrase "mindless eating" refers to the finding that people make on average 250 decisions each day about food. As you would expect that is remarkably more than we are aware of. Why do we eat mindlessly? Mindless eating will occur for many reasons. It is common today...

How To Know Exactly What Your Audience Wants To Buy From You

03/09/2014 04:01am
Have you ever presented a product or service offer to your audience that you were beyond excited about? But then quickly found out you were the only person excited about it because very few (or no one) expressed an interest? (This has happened to us a few times. You live and learn, right!)Not only can this be an expensive waste of time and money, it can deflate your confidence. You can significantly improve your sales by focusing on developing the exact solutions your audience is looking for, instead of a particular idea that happens to be exciting to you . In...

4 Ways Speaking Helps to Grow Your Business

03/09/2014 12:12am
Why Speak? Most people don't know that speaking is one of the best marketing strategies for growing your business. As an active marketing strategy, speaking to an audience by offering solutions to a particular problem they are facing can lead to an increase in business if approached in the right way. Here are 4 reasons why speaking can be an advantage in your marketing mix. Leadership - When you speak to an audience, you are viewed as a subject matter expert and an authority in your area of practice. Speaking enables you to be seen as someone with credibility. As...

5 Things To Consider When Publishing An Electronic Newsletter

03/08/2014 10:51pm
Providing an electronic newsletter for your opt-in list subscribers provides many benefits in terms of driving traffic to your site as well as boosting the sales and profits of your company. This is a marketing ploy that will not put a big dent in your marketing budget and will not require a lot of hours in development.With an electronic newsletter, you can inform prospects about your company and its products and services. You can keep them posted and updated about what's going-on with your company as well as many of your promotions and offerings. This will keep you and your company...

Germ Warfare – A Battle Right in the Palm of Your Hand

03/05/2014 03:57am
The Bum Gun Company has been doing our bit in reducing the germs on peoples hands with the effortless bidet sprayer taking homes by storm. But have you ever taken a good, long, hard look at your hands? Chances are they look pretty clean to you, especially if you just washed them, right? But the truth is that your hands are probably a lot dirtier than you think they are. Lets take a look at the different things that your hands do during the day and see how dirty they REALLY are. Germs in the Home: ...

Menstruation and The Bum Gun Bidet Sprayer

03/05/2014 03:52am
The Female Monthly Period Every woman knows the dreaded time of the month when her period comes the cramps, the period pains, the bloating, and not to mention the mess that is associated with having your period. If your flow is really heavy, well, you could have a real mess on your hands literally. However, that is only the problem when you are using toilet paper to wipe yourself after you have gone to the bathroom. Its a whole different story when you are using a bidet sprayer to clean yourself. I promise you that. There...

The LEAP Diet: The Ultimate Food Sensitivity Diet Plan

03/01/2014 06:00am
Food sensitivities seem to be on the rise. Whether the symptoms are finally being recognized or the incidence in truly on the rise, more and more people are determining they have one or more food sensitivities. I deal with food sensitivities every week in my practice. It's impossible to ignore as a dietitian. It was out of frustration with the standard elimination diet and its ineffectiveness for some of my clients that I stumbled upon MRT, Mediator Release Test. Many of you already know about MRT. For those of you who don't, it's the most accurate food sensitivity test on the...

Is Busywork Killing Your Business?

03/01/2014 12:01am
How often have you gotten to the end of your day and thought, "I have no idea what I accomplished today. I worked hard all day, but have little to show for it?" We've all done it, me included. That's the power of busywork. You work all day, and nothing significant moves. If you let it, busywork can creep in and, over time, destroy your business. At the very least, it's a barrier to the success you are working to achieve. Busywork can kill your motivation . It keeps you from focusing on what's important, and feeling a sense of accomplishment...