Why Is Behavior Change Towards Healthy Diet and Lifestyle So Hard?

04/13/2016 06:21pm
I've been pondering this question ever since reading an article that public health officials in the UK want to start labeling foods with "activity equivalents."(1) While only a proposal at this stage, these depictions would let consumers know approximately the time and types of activity required to burn off the calories in the product being purchased. A box of biscuits might, for example, have a picture of a person walking for 60 minutes or swimming for 30 minutes to demonstrate the type of activity and length of time it would take to burn off the calories in one serving. With more...

Duality - The internal struggle can we ever win?

04/13/2016 03:23pm
What is duality? Duality in this context is the idea that there are two contrasting aspects working together to create something, in this instance the self. It seems that over much of time we have been programmed to fear duality and its inevitable conflicts, the fight between good and evil, the fight between light and dark, the fight between heaven and hell. But duality should not be something we fear it should be something we embrace.There is a constant battle going on within us, for some imperceptibly, an internal monologue we are either in direct contact with or not. An internal...

WADA - Fixing doping in Sport

04/12/2016 04:17pm
Is the World Anti Doping Agency fit for purpose, it appears to be broken so how can we fix it without tinkering around the edges rather lets go in with a clean sheet of paper and design a system that allows athletes to compete in a clean environment. The World Anti-Doping Authority (WADA) is tasked with monitoring sport around the world to ensure that sportsmen and women are not gaining unfair advantage by using substances and techniques know to provide performance enhancement. However we know of recent instances where this has failed, Lance Armstrong and members of his team where systematically...

How to Stop Being The Best Kept Secret

04/07/2016 03:10pm
You've decided to start a small business. You ignored your friends and family and stepped out on faith. Then you realized that having an online business means you have to show up. You created a Facebook business page and posts in several Facebook groups about your amazing services and/or products, but even the crickets are quiet. You hear of all the great new platforms like Periscope, Blab, Facebook Live and SnapChat, but instead of creating a strategy for your business to get on board you sign up only to watch in the background. Does this sound like you? You are...

Dysphagia: Diagnosis, Treatment and Controversies

03/30/2016 03:42pm
Have you ever swallowed and had food "go down the wrong way"? For an estimated 15-40% of adults over the age of 60 this is a constant concern. Dysphagia is simply defined as any difficulty or inability to swallow. It is not a disease, but a disruption of a normal process. Problems at any point during the swallow can result in difficulty swallowing. A person with dysphagia may have a delayed, incomplete or absent swallowing response. Potential causes include obstruction, nerve and muscle problems and miscellaneous issues such as trauma, medications, poor dentition and poor mouth care. Dysphagia can have a...

Three Messages for National Nutrition Month

03/23/2016 06:03pm
Happy National Nutrition Month! Yes, that time of the year is here again. Naturally it seems appropriate to write on the topic, so earlier this week I sat down and thought about what National Nutrition Month means to me.There are many nutrition themes that will be discussed this month, but I narrowed it down to three main messages that I think are important and worth re-educating yourself on. These might seem common sense, but they are lessons that most of us so often forget with the constant feed of new nutrition information bombarding us every time we get on the web...

Savor the Flavor With Healthy Options

03/16/2016 06:10pm
Most of us enjoy eating. We have a list of favorites and are fond of sampling new dishes and foods that we can add to our list. Suddenly advice from the doctor to make lifestyle and daily diet changes can be jarring. The meal routines that we have on auto pilot now need to stop. I hear all types of excuses from my clients when they are faced with this challenge. " But I can't," "it is not the same", "it doesn't taste good ." I totally get it, change is challenging. However you can continue to savor eating experiences by...

A Healthy Gut Is Essential to a Healthy Weight

03/09/2016 06:02pm
Okay, I'm about to throw you a curve ball. Ready? It's possible that the reason you are having such a hard time losing weight is because the bacteria living inside your gut are out of balance.Until recently, it was assumed that these bacteria (our microbiome) didn't do much. But now there is a growing body of research suggesting that the 100 trillion bacteria - about three pounds - living inside our gut play a huge role in our health and disease. Researchers believe that this is especially true for the metabolic diseases that plague us today such as Type 2 diabetes...

Bloating - 60+ Million People Live With It, What Can Be Done?

03/03/2016 07:55pm
Do you live with chronic bloating? Would you guess that 1 in 5 of your friends and family may as well? It is one of the most prevalent symptoms that we endure - when you wake up, after each meal, and getting worse and worse throughout the day. Statistics show that about 20% of the U.S. population has bloating. I would think that is a low estimate. The digestive system isn't the sexiest of systems in the body, and people are embarrassed to talk about it. But the chronic symptoms that so many people are living with can be changed!I...

Opt For Heart Health Everyday

02/24/2016 06:56pm
We've turned the page on the calendar -the chocolate roses, truffles, heart-shaped foods and all that jazz are behind us. I'm not trying to dismiss February 14 as insignificant, but I do want to remind you that the heart is bigger than one day.I want you to give equal attention to keeping your heart healthy and adopting a lifestyle that will help keep it that way. My goal is to motivate you to go beyond slipping into something red and looking good on the outside, to considering what you need to do to have a strong healthy heart inside. EXERCISE...

The Pain Pill Epidemic Continues

02/19/2016 02:49pm
The Center for Disease Control has stated that pain pill addiction is now an epidemic in the United States. Should this epidemic continue on its current course, by 2020 more deaths in the U.S. will be caused from substance abuse than any other disease. Even now, more Americans die every year from drug overdoses than they do in motor vehicle crashes. The majority of those overdoses involve prescription medications.The United States makes up less than five percent of the world's population but consumes 80 percent of the global opioid supply and approximately 99 percent of all hydrocodone the most commonly...

What the Cam Newton Controversy Can Teach Us

02/13/2016 04:18pm
What the Cam Newton Controversy Can Teach You Just in case you weren't one of the 119 million Americans who watched the Super Bowl or you missed all of the media coverage chronicling the mini temper tantrum Carolina Panther's star QB , Cam Newton showed that collection of Americans, we will take this time to explore what we can take from his mini meltdown at the press conference following the game. I'm here not to condemn his attitude, that's already been done to death, but to highlight what we in the business community can learn from it. Not too many...

Tips to Stress Eating (+ Stress Busting Foods!)

02/10/2016 08:29pm
Stress is one of the most common causes of overeating and weight gain.Can you relate? Your day gets busy, life feels overwhelming, and you find yourself (without much thought) inhaling a sugary fatty "treat" because you think it's going to make you feel better - and it does for about a minute. Maybe you turn to junk food to "boost energy" or to help you deal with your feelings of anxiety, frustration, anger, or sadness. All the while you're gaining weight and feeling worse instead of better.As much as you want to stop stress eating, it's hard to control because (ironically)...

Eat Your Way to Heart Health

02/10/2016 07:21pm
It's February, and that means it's American Heart month! Despite all the talk about heart health, I think we honestly forget what a big deal Heart Disease is in this country. It is the number one cause of death in the United States. Numero Uno. That is not something to take lightly. Certainly we've taken steps to try and combat this epidemic, but yet heart disease remains the most likely cause of death of an individual in this country. According to the Heart Foundation, a person suffers a heart attack every 34 seconds. The heart-healthy message isn't getting across.The frustrating thing...

Importance of designing an online website for your business

02/03/2016 04:34am
Well the last few years been great evolution for the ecommerce industry, which lets most of the people to own their online store. Even that trend elevates to design a website for the people who have popular brick and mortar system too. This distinctly proves the strength of an online business . Implicit to design an online ecommerce store is to build their brand, reach towards people. Is all this just an easy go task to establish a successful online business? Not really, thats actually a big deal. The input behind a powerful websites are dedication, right choice of web...