Waist-Watching? Add Soup, Whole Grains and Citrus

01/17/2015 01:35am
As we start the New Year, I've had a ton of questions from my clients focusing on their interest in giving a jumpstart to their healthy lifestyle goals. I've had questions on the Green cleanse, shapely shakes, citrus cleanse, green tea diet, food lovers cleanse, and more. My response to those inquiries is consistent with my mantra- "for better health all things in moderation; there is not one food that is all good or all bad for you." Now there are some food choices that can aid you in moving forward on the path to a healthier you. Take soup for...

The Hidden Healthcare Secret Everyone Is Ignoring

01/15/2015 09:45pm
In the past year, many companies have felt the squeeze of rising healthcare costs due to new laws.Providing healthcare for employees has always been expensive, but in light of recent changes, employers are scrambling for ways to reduce rising healthcare costs while keeping their employees healthy and happy.There's a big, fat secret floating around that many companies continue to overlook: it's the secret to slashing healthcare costs without jumping through hoops or compromising employee care. What's the secret? It's simple: in order to reduce the cost of healthcare for your employees, you must keep it a priority to keep people...

Excerpt From The 'Sacred Buffalo Vision', A Blackfeet History Book

01/15/2015 04:38pm
Chapter on 'Blackfeet Soldiers "Doughboys" Starved", P. 133 Hart Schultz, son of James Willard Schultz had a Blackfeet mother, Natahki, and was an eyewitness to the genocides of many Blackfeet Indians, as he was in Glacier Park at the time, and wrote his father on the condition of the Indians in letters dated August 17 and 27th, 1921: "Well, the Blackfeet are about finished. Excepting a few old people, they get no rations and the rations that are given out last only three or four days instead of the fourteen days they are supposed to cover. They have no...

Is Instant Oatmeal Evil?

01/14/2015 11:48pm
As I was pouring myself a packet of instant oats a few months back, topping it with scalding water and then other condiments, I got to thinking of a headline I'd read somewhere online about how seriously unhealthy instant oats were for you. I didn't actually read the article, but the message stuck with me: somehow instant oats are bad. Bad like doughnuts? Bad like high fructose corn syrup? Bad like TV dinners? I wasn't sure. I just knew that someone (and in fact many) had deemed it unhealthy. I bookmarked it in my brain to loop back around to that...

Luxury Hacks to Transform Normal Goods

01/06/2015 06:10am
Luxury goods command higher prices than their competitor goods. As soon as a good or a brand decides to portray itself as a luxury brand, there must be certain basic features and applications that will make a luxury brand stand out. Usually, these basic features cut across a lot of luxury products and services for sale on the market. Here are simple hacks and i use the word 'hack' advisedly not as in trying to sell an obviously sub-standard or a shitty product for a higher price. No! But a good that is well made and maybe has lots...

Don't Sell Yourself Short: The Art of Follow-Through

12/25/2014 08:10pm
Katherine is a consultant. She can be quiet, but she is good at making connections. At meetings and events, she has learned to approach people. She listens. She's warm and friendly. She sincerely wants to help, so she offers all kinds of information and mutual introductions.Katherine is also a busy woman. At the end of a meeting or event, she is already on to the next thing.Do you think Katherine gets a lot of business because of her warmth and ability to make connections?The answer is, well, yes, but not nearly as much as she could.Katherine has yet to master the...

Bubble wrap- Keeping kids safe from sexual abuse

12/22/2014 05:38pm
www.kimberlykingbooks.com December 22, 2014 BUBBLEWRAP By Kimberly King Author of I SAID NO! a kid-to-kid guide to keeping private parts private As I picked my 5- year -old up at the neighbors house I realized that something terribly wrong had happened. My son was exhausted, teary eyed, and literally collapsed in my arms. My son shared with me the story of his night. His friend tried to get him to do things , and do things to...

Beating the Year-End Blues

12/19/2014 02:35pm
"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation." Brian Tracy Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. William Arthur Ward It is that time of year again time for hors doeuvres eating, eggnog drinking and overall holiday cheer. However, many people feel that something...

All This Talk About The Fold – Good Content STILL King

12/18/2014 06:19am
Last week, a bit of a Twitter storm erupted over one persons insistence that the fold is meaningless for modern web design. And it got me to thinking. Does the fold mean anything? No. And here is why. Ive read a lot of articles about conversion rates and how it relates to keeping your content above the fold and it comes down to one thing:Is the content GOOD ENOUGH to make the reader do what you want them to do sign up, etc. which is your call to action.Came across a great post that goes into greater...

Dish Up Nuts, Seeds and Legumes for Good Health

12/18/2014 05:11am
In looking at food trends for the coming year, Nielsen research indicates that ninety-one percent of people say they snack daily and snacking is on the rise among all age groups and genders. And I am encouraged that folks are focusing more on snacks that are rich in nutrients like nuts, seeds and legumes--choices that earn high marks from me. These three foods are readily available nutrition powerhouses. They are excellent sources of protein, low in saturated fat and sodium; they are cholesterol free and good sources of fiber.In lining up resolutions for the coming year, during this season of good...

Having Fun and Good Health Through the Holidays - Sleep and Stress

12/18/2014 03:56am
Did you know that stress creates inflammation that will make it harder to maintain a healthy weight? Did you know that sleep deprivation alters hormones that make you want to eat more? You hopefully are continuing to pay attention to your eating and exercise habits during this holiday season. Remember exercise does not have to mean going to the gym and eating well does certainly not mean going on a "diet." Finding ways to incorporate movement each day and choosing to nourish yourself with real, delicious food can definitely be continued throughout the holiday season.But also remember,...

Book Review: Attract Your Ideal Weight: 8 Secrets of People Who Lose Weight and Keep It Off

12/11/2014 06:13am
Attract Your Ideal Weight: 8 Secrets of People Who Lose Weight and Keep it Off By Zaheen NanjiHave you ever wondered how some people manage to lose weight successfully and maintain it while others never succeed despite repeated attempts? I ponder these questions myself, frequently in fact. Well this book seeks to uncover why. The author, a health coach and motivational speaker who has clearly worked with hundreds of clients in the area of weight loss, wrote out what she has seen as the 8 reasons people are successful at permanent weight loss.Her theory is simple. If, for example, we look...

The Number 1 Trait Most Crazy-Successful Coaches Have in Common

12/10/2014 09:15am
Do you remember dances in high school? Brings back some pretty awkward memories right?Well let's not focus on your sweet dance moves (or lack there of). What I want you to think about were the people on the dance floor vs. the wallflowers hanging out on the side watching the action.Which group are the ones more likely to be noticed when someone walks into the gym? Obviously the peeps out there shaking their booties. It doesn't even matter if they're a good dancer or not.What matters is that they are out there being seen, expressing themselves, and taking action.That's the thing,...

How Heat Resistant Cooking Gloves Different From Other Cooking Gloves?

12/07/2014 01:09am
How Heat Resistant Cooking Gloves Different From Other Cooking Gloves? The amazing features of the Silicone Glove undoubtedly set it apart from the other cooking gloves available. Chefs, caterers and homemakers alike will particularly find its heat resistant capabilities very appealing in providing the ultimate heat and flame protection up to an incredible 480 degrees. This is attributed to the fiber properties Kelvar and Dupont that are commonly used in aerospace and military applications, which is testimony of the success of this feature.Unlike the other Kitchen Ezentials oven gloves with fingers with the basic two compartments with...

Beat the heat with Silicone Gloves

12/07/2014 01:05am
The kitchen is a place where you can bake your latest creations and experiment with new recipes and flavors. The possibilities are endless with a wide variety of dishes from casseroles and pastas to pies and other sweet treats. Even though your kitchen can be a place of delicious smells, you also need to take precautions when you are baking to maintain safety. When you are making your timeless family recipes or heating your next meal for dinner, it is essential that you protect your hands against heat. When you are cooking, microwaving or baking, the temperatures that your bare skin...